Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 896 Wants To Use The Flower Factory To Pressure Gao Tong

"At the end of the day.

“To make iron, you need to be strong yourself!”

"Blue Star Electronics has been established for too short a time."

“Although Director Lu has foresight, he spares no effort in research and development in many aspects and strives to make up for his own shortcomings.

"But for things like baseband chips, it's not something that can only be achieved by investing a large amount of R&D funds."

"Gaotong can become the absolute king in the field of baseband chips because Gaotong has profound technical accumulation in this area and has invested in research continuously for decades, which has finally led to quality changes and the group has today's leading position in the industry. status within."

"In terms of technical background, we are far from Gaotong."

"Without technological accumulation, it would be difficult to achieve a breakthrough in a short period of time."

Liu Hong said with emotion.

Zhao Tang nodded and said: "At the very beginning, Director Lu proposed to invest more than 20% of the revenue in the research and development of "837".

"I was very confused at the time."

"Because we can definitely buy it."

"But looking back now, I see that Director Lu still had the foresight."

"If it weren't for Director Lu who ignored all opinions and spared no effort in investing in research and development."

"I'm afraid that when Fruit United and Sanxing attacked us last year, we would have suffered a huge fall on the display screen."

Lu Yi glared at Liu Hong and Zhao Tang angrily and said, "You two, please stop flattering me."

"I definitely don't mean to flatter you, just tell the truth." Zhao Tang said.

For Lu Yi.

Zhao Tang is very grateful to Lu Yi for his kindness.

I still remember those days.

Not long after she graduated, she joined Future Technology and became Lu Yi's assistant.

She watched Future Technology step by step become Future Group.


Lu Yi cashed in 500 million yuan and founded Blue Star Electronics. She was fired from Future Group and transferred to Blue Star Electronics, where she was still placed in the position of vice president.


Blue Star Electronics, a small and transparent company that was ridiculed by the outside world, has become a leader in the field of smartphones.

Although it is not listed, the outside world has never stopped valuing Blue Star Electronics.

The current market value of Blue Star Electronics definitely exceeds 150 billion meters.

And she, Zhao Tang.

A few years ago, I was a small assistant with tens of thousands of yuan, and now I am the vice president of Blue Star Electronics. However, there are only a few rich women in the country who have a net worth of hundreds of millions at the age of 30. ?

It can be said.

It was Lu Yi who gave her a fortune.

At this time.

Jia Weiping said: Because I am responsible for the supply chain, I am relatively well-informed in terms of information. "

"As far as I know, flower factories are currently working hard on baseband chips, and they have already achieved results."

"Can we contact the flower factory and put pressure on the management?"

Liu Hong was shocked and said: "Old Jia, are your words true or false?"

Jia Weiping said: "I can't guarantee 100%, but I am more than 70% certain."

"Director Lu, what do you think?" Liu Hong looked at Lu Yi.

Lu Yi said nothing.

As for what Jia Weiping said about the flower factory being obsessed with baseband chips, he was naturally very clear about it.

If there are no accidents.

Huachang’s first baseband chip, Balong 210, will be commercially available this year.


Although in terms of baseband chips, domestic flower factories have stood up.

But now there is still a big gap between Huachang's Barong baseband chip and Gaotong's baseband chip.

Wait until 10 years later, Huachang's Balong 5000 will be able to compete with Gao in terms of baseband chips.

"Let's talk about this later."

"I will contact Mr. Ren and let him know. I have to get Mr. Ren's approval before I can do this.

"Now the outside world knows very little about the flower factory's Barong chip, which is enough to show how strict the flower factory's confidentiality work is."

Lu Yi said.

These words made Jia Weiping's eyes twitch.

Just now he only said that the flower factory is working hard on the baseband chip, but he did not mention the specific code name.

As a result, Lu Yi said it directly.

It seems that the big boss from home knows as much information as he does, and even knows more details than he does.


The group of people chatted for another ten minutes and then left Lu Yi's office to go to work.

After Liu Hong and the others left, Lu Yi thought for a while, took out his cell phone and called Mr. Ren.

If you want Gao Tong to bow his head, you must have chips in your hands.


The call went through.

"Hey, Director Lu, why did you remember to call me, an old man?"

On the phone, Mr. Ren's hearty voice came.

"Mr. Ren, I'm sorry to bother you. Just call me Lu Yi or Xiao Lu. I can't bear the title of Director Lu in front of you, an old senior."

"Haha, you don't have to be modest! If you can't even be called Director Lu, then we may not even be qualified to be called President."

An old man and a young man, after exchanging a few words.

Lu Yi told him his intention.

"Mr. Ren, I heard that your company is currently working hard on baseband chips and has achieved significant results?"

"Who did you hear that from?"

"Ha, Mr. Ren, your baseband chip confidentiality work is indeed in place, but it should be commercialized this year. Some news has spread, which is normal."

Mr. Ren did not struggle with this issue and said: "Yes, our two companies can be considered a cooperative relationship. To tell you the truth, Yilong Chip will indeed be announced in the near future.

Commercial. "

Although Blue Star Electronics and Huachang jointly established Pangu Semiconductor, they only used money and people to fight in the chip semiconductor field.

But mobile phone chips can be roughly divided into five categories: mobile phone SoC, connection chips (baseband chips, base station chips, etc.), server chips, AI chips and other chips

Pangu Semiconductor's main focus is mobile phone SoC chips, conducting research on design architecture, instruction sets, underlying logic, and process processes.

As for the baseband chip at the flower factory, it is something at the bottom of the box at the flower factory, so naturally it will not be taken out.

"Boss Ren, it's like this."

"Recently, I, Blue Star Electronics, are negotiating with Gao Tong on baseband chips. Although we are the fathers of Party A, we have no choice. The technology is in the hands of others, and we can only be like grandchildren..."

5.4 "Haha, Director Lu, do you want to use the power of our flower factory to put pressure on Gao Tong?"

Being exposed by Boss Ren's words, Lu Yi was also a little embarrassed.

"That's right.

"I made this call to Mr. Ren today because I actually wanted to ask Mr. Ren Zhou what he meant.

Lu Yi immediately admitted generously.


On the other end of the phone came Mr. Ren's thoughtful voice.


"Anyway, our Barong will announce the news to the outside world soon."

"It would also be a good thing if it can help Blue Star Electronics put pressure on Gao Tong and reach an agreement."

Boss Ren agreed.

Anyway, it was only a month or two before Barong was made public.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Ren."


Lu Yi said some more words of thanks and said that he would remember this favor before hanging up the phone. .

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