Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 897 Split The Semiconductor Department And Establish A Subsidiary

With Boss Ren's approval, Lu Yi has more confidence.

Although it's not that serious, Gao Tong will regress all of a sudden.

But at least I have one more card to play.

Of course.

To strike iron, you need to be strong yourself.

This time, we can play the flower factory card.

But the specific effect is still unknown.

It remains to be seen whether Gao Tong will buy it.

And next time.

What should I do if there are no extra cards to play?

after all.

You still need to rely on yourself.

Think of this.

Lu Yi stood by the bed, overlooking the busy traffic below, thinking in his mind whether Blue Star Electronics' semiconductor department should be spun off and established as a subsidiary.

The current semiconductor department of Blue Star Electronics is like the ASIC design center, the predecessor of Huachang Hiashi Semiconductor Co., Ltd.

If the semiconductor department is separated, it may be able to develop better.

Even direct listing in the future.

For this idea, Lu Yi didn't just suddenly think of it when his forehead got hot.

In fact, he had such an idea before.

In terms of the layout of the semiconductor chip, Blue Star Electronics still seems a bit chaotic internally.

Coupled with the pressure from Gao Tong this time.

Lu Yi became more determined about this idea.

Made up my mind.

Lu Yi asked his assistant Du Yu to inform Liu Hong, Zhao Tang, Jia Weiping and others that the meeting would begin in five minutes.

five minutes later.

In the conference room.

Liu Hong and Zhao Tang, who were called to the meeting urgently, were a little confused.

They had just come out of Lu Yi's office, and before they even sat down in their chairs to warm up, they received the notice of the meeting.

Seeing Lu Yi walking in, Liu Hong asked, "Did something happen to Gao Tong?"

Lu Yi shook his head and said: "It has nothing to do with Gao Tong's negotiation. There is something I want to discuss with you.

These words made Liu Hong and others even more confused.

"Is such that."

"After you left the office, I had a phone call with the owner of the flower factory, Ren."

"Boss Ren agreed that we should use the opportunity to put pressure on Gao Tong."

Lu Yi said.

"This is a good thing." Liu Hong hurriedly said with a smile, "We have an extra card in our hands. If necessary, we can play it to force Gaotong to make concessions."

Everyone else nodded.

"It's indeed a good thing."

Lu Yi nodded.

"However, in the end, you have to be strong to strike with iron."

"This time we can play the flower factory card, but what about next time?"

"We also have a semiconductor chip department internally, and we have achieved some results in recent years.


“When we negotiate with companies such as Gao Gao in the future, we still need to stand up and take the initiative.

"So I was wondering if we could spin off the semiconductor department and make it an independent subsidiary."

"We can even go public in the future to raise funds needed for development."

As soon as Lu Yi said these words.

The entire conference room fell silent at first.

Everyone present's eyes lit up.

Lu Yi continued: "In 1991, Huachang established its own ASIC design center, which is responsible for the design of application-specific integrated circuits."

*In October 2004, the flower factory was no longer what it used to be, with sales reaching 46.2 billion yuan and the number of employees reaching tens of thousands. "

"So, with a certain confidence, the flower factory established Pengcheng Hiashi Semiconductor Co., Ltd. based on the ASIC design center."

"At present, our semiconductor department is similar to the ASIC design center of Hiace's predecessor."

"At present, we have also established a firm foothold in the smartphone field, with revenue exceeding 20 billion yuan."

"It is also time to separate the semiconductor department."

"To expand our layout in the field of semiconductor chips."

Lu Yi finished speaking.

No one said anything at the scene.

After a while.

Liu Hong was the first to speak.

He said: "I think it's feasible!"

"To be honest, the research and development expenses of the semiconductor department have seriously dragged down the company's profits."

"Because in this area, we can only get out but not get in, which is not good."

"The research and development of chip semiconductors is too expensive. If we always rely on the money from selling top mobile phones to maintain research and development, it is not a long-term solution."

"Separate the semiconductor department and establish a subsidiary, so that we can carry out export business and conduct self-production, so that more funds can be invested in technology research and development.


A vice president named Lin Zhenhe spoke.

"is this necessary?"

"We have cooperated with the flower factory to establish Pangu Semiconductor."

“Currently, we have a very happy cooperation with the flower factory in this regard, and it can bring us a certain amount of profit dividends every year.

"Is it unnecessary to split the semiconductor department into a subsidiary company and compete with yourself for business?"


"The most important thing is to set up a subsidiary to conduct export business."

"Currently, what our semiconductor department is good at is Kunlun core."

"Are we going to sell the Kunlun core?"

Kunlun core is undoubtedly very important to Blue Star Electronics.

Because it is the brain of the pinnacle mobile phone.

The CPU installed on the Pinnacle mobile phone is the Kunlun core designed by Blue Star Electronics.

It is also the only result that can be achieved so far.

Established a subsidiary company to carry out export sales.

There is no doubt that the products are to be sold to the outside world.

But apart from Kunlun core, there are no other products.

453 But obviously.

Kunlun core is currently absolutely impossible for Blue Star Electronics to export.

Then this way.

The newly established subsidiary is just an empty shell.

Not only will it not reduce the burden on Blue Star Electronics.


Because of the need to recruit a large number of manpower, the labor cost will increase exponentially.

These will all require blood transfusions from Blue Star Electronics.


With no hematopoietic ability, and thousands of mouths waiting for food and drink, there is no other way but to go bankrupt.


As soon as these words came out.

This made many senior officials frown.

Because what the other party said is indeed very reasonable.

Zhao Tang said at this time: "I raise my hands and agree to make the semiconductor department independent.

"What Mr. Lin just said makes sense."

"But those are short-term difficulties and they can be solved completely.

"As far as I know, in the first three years since its establishment, Hiace Semiconductor's export sales were almost zero."

"But the flower factory didn't give up. What's the result?"

"Hiace has now become a first-tier semiconductor company in China and the most solid backing for flower factories."

“What sea lions can do, can’t we?”

"As long as we overcome the early difficulties, when the harvest season comes, the garden will be full of fragrance."

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