Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 898 Helios Semiconductor Co., Ltd.


The high-level officials present were divided into two groups and started a debate on this.

"The reason why Sea Lion is successful is because of its accumulation of technology, which started in 1991. After more than ten years of technology accumulation, it is only now showing a slight nod. In this regard, can we compare with Sea Lion?"

"Yes! The ASIC design center was established in 1991, and Hiace was established in 2004 based on this. After 13 years of technology accumulation, we failed to get a penny of export orders in the first three years. Do we have this technology and technology? In terms of products, are they better than Hiace?"

"A newly established subsidiary will inevitably recruit a large number of human resources, which will be a large expense. If there are no export orders, it must be maintained by the parent company. We don't know how long it will take. We can afford it in one or two years. , it’s okay to bite the bullet in three to five years, but what if it takes ten or twenty years?”

“We are afraid of this and afraid of that, so we might as well put our necks under the butcher’s knife of others.

"We have even produced the Kunlun core, so why can't we produce some other chips for export?"

"We can completely castrate the Kunlun core in terms of performance parameters and launch a new CPU for export."

"There are always more solutions than difficulties. If we retreat when we encounter difficulties, how can we move forward?"

"Only if we have a semiconductor subsidiary like Hiace, can we stand upright in front of companies like Gaotong and Intel and say no to some unfair treatment!


The two sides argued fiercely, and their faces were red and their necks were thick.

Regardless of whether they agree or disagree, they all express their views from different points, and everything they say makes sense.

But overall.

Most of the executives attending the meeting agreed to spin off the semiconductor unit.

Except that they could see that Lu Yi was determined, and several presidents and vice presidents Liu Hong, Zhao Tang, Jia Weiping and others supported him.

It is still recognized that splitting out the semiconductor department will be more conducive to the company's development.

Wait until both parties are almost done arguing.

Lu Yi said: "Okay, let's vote. The minority obeys the majority. Those who agree raise their hands." "

Before he could even speak, Lu Yi raised his hand.


Liu Hong, Zhao Tang, Jia Weiping and others also raised their hands immediately.

Lu Yi glanced at everyone and said randomly: "11 to 6, the minority obeys the majority, the semiconductor department will be split off to establish a subsidiary!"

The opponents could only sigh when they saw this scene.

"Next, let's pick a name." Lu Yi said again.

"How about Nuwa Semiconductor Co., Ltd.?"

"I think the name Jingwei Semiconductor sounds better, and it means that we will work tirelessly to develop the semiconductor chip business.

"I think spread sounds better. Spread your wings and fly across the sky. What a good meaning."

"It's better to call it Dapeng. Dapeng rises in one day and skyrockets to 90,000 miles. Isn't it our semiconductor subsidiary?"

For a while.

Everyone talked about the names they had chosen.

"Sun God!"

After a while.

Lu Yi spoke.

He directly said with a final word: "Let's call him Sun God! I hope that in the future our semiconductor company can shine everywhere like the sun, be a god-like existence in the field of semiconductor chips, and completely break the blockade imposed by the West on us!"

"Okay! Let's call him Sun God. This has a good meaning!" Liu Hong immediately slapped his thigh and agreed.

"The Sun God... is too domineering! But I like it, it fits the temperament of our Blue Star Electronics!"

"If you want to be a god in the industry, well, let's call him the Sun God!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

“Next, let me talk about personnel arrangements.

Speaking of this, Lu Shi glanced at everyone.


Many people straightened their backs.


Everyone can see how much Lu Yi attaches importance to semiconductor chips.

Now that the semiconductor department is independent and established as Helios Semiconductor Co., Ltd., there are a lot of vacant positions in it.

If you can transfer the Sun God and become a prince, you will definitely have more power than managing a department at the headquarters.

Lu Yi naturally knows what these straight-backed executives have in mind.

He looked around and finally landed on Zhao Tang, saying: "Zhao Tang, you will be the CEO of Helios Semiconductor Company and be responsible for daily administrative affairs.

"Xu Lijiang, as the vice president and chief technical engineer, you handle technical matters."

"As for the personnel appointments in the following departments... Zhao Tang, put down what you are currently doing as soon as possible, set up the framework of Helios Semiconductor Company as soon as possible, and then discuss with Xu Lijiang the personnel responsible for each department. Send me a report."

Zhao Tang was stunned for a moment when he heard that Lu Yi directly asked him to be the CEO of Sun God.

It took a while before he came back to his senses.


She did not refuse, and nodded with a serious expression, saying: "Please rest assured, Director Lu, and promise to complete the task."

Xu Lijiang, head of the semiconductor department, now the vice president of Sun God, also stood up and said: "Don't worry, Director Lu, I will fully cooperate with Mr. Zhao's work.

Although he failed to become the CEO of Sun God, Xu Lijiang felt a little disappointed.


He also understands.

He is good at technology, not administrative matters.

If you really want him to sit in the CEO position, he will not be able to do his job well.

And Lu Yi also said it.

Zhao Tang, the CEO, is responsible for daily work.

As for the technical aspect, he, as the vice president, is responsible for it.


Lu Yi sent Zhao Tang there so that he could bring the technical staff and focus on technology research and development without any worries.

As for other people whose names were not called, they showed disappointment.


Thinking that Zhao Tang was transferred to the Sun God, that would free up the position of executive vice president...


Lu Yi then swept his gaze across the crowd, finally settling on Lin Zhenhe.

In the discussion just now, Lin Zhenhe was the one who opposed the most fiercely.

"`Lin Zhenhe, come and take over the part of the work that Zhao Tang was responsible for before! (Okay)"

When Lin Zhenhe heard Lu Yi call his name, he was stunned for a moment and then became ecstatic.

He didn't expect that.

Lu Yi will promote him as an 'opposition' to executive vice president.

Although he is already at the level of vice president, the two words "executive" and "executive" in front of him are very different in terms of status and power.

at this point.

It’s pretty much the same as within the system.


He has to report to Zhao Tang.


He took Zhao Tang's position and accepted reports from other vice presidents.

The entire Blue Star Electronics.

Except for the second-in-commands Lu Yi and Liu Hong.

There are only two executive vice presidents, Zhao Xue and Jia Weiping.

Zhao Tang is responsible for finance, administration, and laboratory work.

Jia Weiping is responsible for the supply chain and Dingfeng mobile phone sales.


He took over Zhao Tang's position as executive vice president, and it can be said that he suddenly became the fourth person in charge of Blue Star Electronics. .

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