Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 899 Negotiations Gradually Reach A Dead End

Wednesday, August 5th.

Paul Jacobs once again came to Blue Star Electronics headquarters.

This will be the second negotiation between the two parties.

In the conference room.

Lu Yi smiled and asked: "Mr. Jacob, did you sleep well these two days?"

"Not bad." Paul Jacob nodded and said, "Sioux City is a beautiful city, and I kind of like it here."

"Haha, if that's the case, then Mr. Jacob can stay in Su City for a while and taste Su City's special delicacies. You will definitely not be disappointed." Lu Yi said.

Paul Jacob nodded heavily and said with a smile: "Indeed, the delicacies of the Dragon Kingdom can always easily capture people's stomachs, but the names of some delicacies are scary.

"Oh? How do you say that?" Lu Yi raised his eyebrows.

Paul Jacobs had a look of horror on his face and said: "For example, couple's lung slices, cut the lungs of a couple into slices, I bought it, it's really terrible, it's illegal in our country ."


When Lu Yi heard this, he couldn't help but burst out laughing, almost crying.

He explained: "Mr. Jacobs, you misunderstood."

"Husband and wife's lung slices are usually made with beef scalp, beef heart, beef tongue, tripe, and beef as the main ingredients. They are braised and then sliced ​​into slices. They are then topped with chili oil, pepper noodles and other auxiliary ingredients to make red oil."

“It’s not slicing up a couple’s lungs.

"The reason why it is called Husband and Wife Feipian is because the people who invented this 303 dish are a couple.

Hearing Lu Yi's explanation, Paul Jacobs showed an awkward but polite smile and said: "So that's it, then I will definitely try it later. Yesterday, I was so frightened by the name of the dish that I ran away Out of the restaurant."

After the two of them chatted for a few minutes.

Immediately, they both became serious and entered into negotiations.

"Mr. Lu, after our company's discussion, we have decided that 5% of the patent licensing fee is the lowest rate. We will not give in even one step." Paul Jacobs said very forcefully.

Lu Yi said without any sign of weakness: "No, you are taking advantage of your monopoly position to open your mouth to us lions, which is immoral!"

"No, no, no, we do not have a monopoly. We follow every customer's choice."

"5% is a very reasonable ratio."

"After all, we have invested huge human, material and financial resources in this area, and we must respect the crystallization of knowledge.

Paul Jacobs shook his head like a rattle and refused to admit that he had a monopoly.

Lu Yi directly and mercilessly exposed: "If Gaotong did not use its monopoly power, then why was Gaotong complained to the EU by six companies including Nokia and Ericsson in 2005? It was also complained to the United States by Fair Trade This year the Commission issued approximately 200 million gold in fines.

"Mr. Jacob, stop making excuses, you fellow students are monopolizing it!"

Paul Jacobs' expression did not change at all, and he said with an upright face: "Those are all misunderstandings."

Lu Yi almost rolled his eyes when he heard this.

God, that's all a misunderstanding.

Lu Yi rolled his eyes and said, "Mr. Jacob, please both of us be sincere."

"Gaotong is a very important partner of Blue Star Electronics. Our cooperation has been very pleasant in the past years. I hope our cooperation can continue."

"In order to show sincerity, on behalf of Blue Star Electronics, I am willing to take another step back and grant a patent authorization ratio of 3.75%!"

Paul Jacobs shook his head and refused, and said firmly: "5%, no less, and it is charged based on the selling price of the entire machine!"

These words directly brought this negotiation into a dead end.

Sent away Paul Jacobs.

Liu Hong and the others also came to the office immediately to inquire about the situation.

"Paul Jacobs's attitude is very firm. He will charge 5% of the selling price of the whole machine without giving in at all!" Lu Yi pinched his eyebrows and said with a look of pain on his face.

Liu Hong frowned and said: "Why is he so tough? Is he trying to defeat us?"

"Maybe." Lu Yi said lightly.

When Lu Yi and others had a headache with Gao Tong's resolute attitude.

Related news also appeared on the Internet.

There are paparazzi who have been stationed all year round and took photos of Paul Jacobs entering and exiting the Blue Star Electronics headquarters.


On the Internet, news emerged that the negotiations between Blue Star Electronics and Gaotong were not going well.

For a while.

Many people's eyes are looking at Blue Star Electronics.

Thursday, August 6th.

This time it’s not Paul Jacobs visiting Lu Yi.

Instead, Lu Yi came to the hotel where Paul Jacobs was staying.

The third negotiation between the two parties took place in the presidential suite where Paul Jacobs lived.

The outcome has already been determined.

Lu Yi returned without success.

The way he walked out of the hotel with a gloomy face was also photographed by the paparazzi.

all of a sudden.

News about the possible collapse of talks between Blue Star Electronics and Gao Tong spread around the world.

There is also a lot of discussion on the Internet.

"If the negotiation between Blue Star Electronics and Gaotong breaks down, wouldn't it mean that Bluestar Electronics will not be able to use Gaotong's baseband chips in the future? Will the Pinnacle mobile phone without the support of Gaotong's baseband chip still be a Pinnacle mobile phone?"

"Please explain to me why Gao Tong is so tough when it comes to Lu Yi, Party A's father? Isn't Gao Tong afraid that Blue Star Electronics will break up with him?"

"You didn't know this! Gao Tong is the undisputed king in the field of baseband chips! To put it bluntly, other manufacturers capable of manufacturing baseband chips are just younger brothers in front of Gao Tong . But the baseband chip is an indispensable hardware for mobile phones. Otherwise, the signal quality and Internet speed will be greatly affected. It is precisely because of Gaotong’s position in the field of baseband chips that Gaotong is collecting related patents. After the fee is charged, an additional high tax of 3% to 10% will be charged, which is a good way to slip the company into the street. 11

"That's right! There is no other way. Who allowed us to dominate the entire baseband chip field? Who allowed our technology to be powerful and the quality of our products to be far superior to those of our peers?"

"In 2004, not long after Blue Star Electronics was founded, the richest man Lu flew to America to negotiate with Gao Tong and set up a business bet. As a result, the richest man Lu won a big victory. According to the bet agreement, Gao Tong only We can collect a high tax of 0.2% from Blue Star Electronics! Let me calculate with you, the revenue of Blue Star Electronics’ peak mobile phone last year was about 21 billion gold. According to the high tax of 0.2%, that is 42 million gold. But If charged at the normal 5% rate, Gao Tong was able to take away 1.05 billion meters of gold from Blue Star Electronics last year. This comparison can clearly see how big a mistake Gao Tong made on Blue Star Electronics. Oh! This time Gaotong will definitely not play any more bets with Blue Star Electronics, and will even double the losses in previous years."

"Thinking about it now, those people who mocked the richest man Lu for betting against Qualcomm because his head was caught in the door, their faces were already swollen beyond recognition. This time Gao Tong finally waited until the contract was about to expire, so naturally he will spare no effort He tore a piece of flesh from Blue Star Electronics."

"Hey~ after all, our own technical strength is not strong enough! If there is a company like Gaotong in our country, why should Blue Star Electronics be like this!"

"That's what they say, but it's the fact! So, boys, let's experience it!".

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