Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 900: I Won’T Accept The Retreat Again And Again, The Talks Have Collapsed!

Monday, August 10th.

It has been nearly a month since Future Group released its Q2 performance forecast.

July 13th.

Future Group released its second quarter performance forecast.

Because the performance far exceeded outside expectations, Pawo's stock price immediately rose sharply.

In 5 days, the price increased by more than 27% and reached the early intensive pressure level, where it fluctuated sideways.

After a week of turbulence, the main force, who traveled lightly, once again pushed the stock price of Future Group to rise, reaching the 400-meter gold mark for the first time.

After stepping back and oscillating, the support strength was confirmed.

The stock price of Future Group is charging towards 450 meters gold.

Because most of the people on the bus are very profitable and already have a fear of heights.

So the selling pressure has been quite heavy recently.

It has been trading sideways at the 420~440 meter gold position to digest profits.

Many technical retail investors feel that after dawdling here for so long, they have created a shock platform, and the capacity has been reduced. The main force has high aspirations, and an upward breakthrough is a high probability event.


In the past few days, I chased him in and laid an ambush in advance.


Suddenly there was news that Blue Star Electronics and Gao Tong might break up.

The stock price of Future Group, which was originally trending upward, turned directly downward and moved towards the lower edge of the platform.

This frightened some retail investors who were chasing after them, and they all left the market and waited and watched for the time being.

They were all pissed off.

Negotiations between Blue Star Electronics and Gao Tong may collapse. What the hell is going on with Future Group?

Just because the boss behind the two companies is Lu Yi, so they are jointly involved?

Blue Star Electronics is not a listed company, so there is no way to digest this bad news. Can Blue Star Electronics help digest it?

Stock investors said this is fucked up!

Just when these retail investors thought that the group's stock price would fall below the lower edge of the platform in the future, they stabilized at this place and started a red and green trend.

Moreover, the trend of red, fat and green is still real.

The technical school who studied various K-line tactics immediately broke his thigh when he saw this trend of red, fat, green and thin.


This is a market-washing trend!

That is to say.

Before the main force, they were using the news to wash the market.

Just wash them out.

Although I didn't lose a few points, I was very annoyed when I thought about being washed out.

After understanding that this was the main force's way of washing the market, the technical factions admitted their mistakes and used S-B tactics to take over again.

With this trend, they have determined that the group's stock price will inevitably exceed 450 meters in the future.

And at the same time.

There have also been four negotiations between Lu Yi and Paul Jacobs.

On the fourth occasion.

Lu Yi also had to use the ultimate move of Flower Factory.

I thought I could get Paul Jacobs to take a step back.



Paul Jacobs made it clear.

Huachang's baseband chip is nothing compared to my Gaotong baseband chip.

You, Lu Yi, brought out the flower factory to put pressure, which shows that you agree with this point of view.

These words immediately caused Lu Yi to become autistic.


The fourth negotiation broke up unhappily.


This is the fifth negotiation.

The negotiation took place at the Blue Star Electronics headquarters.

The two met.

Lu Yi no longer welcomed him as before, but with a cold face, he said directly: "Mr. Jacobs, we can take another step back, 4%, but it must be based on the 65% price of the whole machine. % to collect.”

"This is our final bottom line. If you don't accept it, then there is no need for us to continue talking!"

Faced with Lu Yi's tough stance, Paul Jacobs crossed his legs and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, Mr. Lu, we insist on the 5% charging ratio proposed, and we will charge it according to the selling price of the whole machine."

"There's no room for negotiation, is there?" Lu Yu said seriously.

Paul Jacobs nodded unambiguously: "This is our bottom line."

"Okay, then I can only express my regret." Lu Yi said expressionlessly.


When Louis said this, it meant that the negotiation had completely collapsed.


When Paul Jacobs came out of Blue Star Electronics headquarters with his people.

The media reporters who were already waiting below immediately ran up in a swarm.

What everyone is most concerned about is the outcome of this negotiation.

Facing the long-range attack, Paul Jacobs shrugged his shoulders and said expressionlessly: "I express my regret."

After saying that, he squeezed through the crowd and left here.


The media reporters at the scene also exploded at this time.

What does it mean to express regret?

The talks are completely broken?!

Big news!

Absolutely big news!

If the negotiation between the two parties really breaks down, what will happen to Blue Star Electronics' top mobile phones in the future?

Without Gaotong's baseband chip support, will the performance of Pinnacle mobile phones be greatly affected?

0……Please give me flowers………………

same day.

Paul Jacobs, who had stayed in Sioux City for 10 days, showed up at Sioux City International Airport with his people, boarded his private plane, and returned to America.

They were also photographed by media reporters stationed at the airport.

This further solidifies the fact that talks between Gao Tong and Blue Star Electronics have collapsed.


If the two sides had not broken down, how could Paul Jacobs lead the team back to America that day?


The news about the collapse of talks between Blue Star Electronics and Gao Tong directly dominated the domestic Internet.

Domestic mainstream media rushed to report on this.

Most media commentators have said that the collapse of talks between Blue Star Electronics and Gaotong will have a major impact on Blue Star Electronics' top mobile phones.

no way.

Gaotong is the king in the field of baseband chips.

Without the support of high-end baseband chips, the signal quality and Internet speed of Blue Star Electronics' top mobile phones will be greatly affected.

This will have a greater impact on Blue Star Electronics' brand reputation, leading to a sharp decline in Blue Star Electronics' sales.

Domestic melon-eating people are talking a lot under these reports.

The news was directly posted on the Weibo hot search list.

"Damn it! There were rumors before that the talks between the two parties might collapse, but I didn't expect that they would actually collapse."

"Blue Star Electronics has suffered too many disasters! Last year, Sanxing Display staged a self-directed fire and cut off the supply of screens. This year, the talks with Gao Tong collapsed, and we will once again face the situation of no baseband chips available."

"Hey! In the final analysis, my own strength is still not enough."

"In last year's display screen incident, Huaxing Optoelectronics finally stood up and resolved the crisis faced by Blue Star Electronics. This time, which corporate culture in our country can stand up?"

"I heard that flower factories have been working hard on baseband chips in recent years and have achieved great results. The first baseband chip is about to be commercialized."

"Real or false? Is this destiny? This time Blue Star Electronics is in crisis again, and this time the flower factory steps up?"

"Don't be too happy! Even if Huachang can really stand up, the performance of Huachang's baseband chip will definitely be much worse than that of Gaoyin. Even if there is a baseband chip available, I am afraid that in terms of signal quality and Internet speed, the performance will be poor. It will also have a big impact.”

"Yes! I just went to the encyclopedia and looked at Gao Tong, and I have to admit that he is very good at this technology! He has too many core patents in his hands, and it is not easy to get around this patent wall."

"I hope Blue Star Electronics can turn the corner this time. Pray.jpg."

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