Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 901 There Is An Uproar At Home And Abroad! Who Can Stand Up? Me, The Flower Factory!

[Talk collapse! Blue Star Electronics will face a situation where no baseband chips are available!] -

[The cooperation talks between Blue Star Electronics and Gao Tong collapsed, casting a shadow over the subsequent development of Blue Star Electronics. 】——China Business Network

[This time, who can stand up and save Blue Star Electronics from the fire and water?]——Daily News Network

[Without the support of Gaotong baseband chips, will the development of Blue Star Electronics fall into a quagmire?] - Longguo Economic Network

[Details the development history of Gaotong, the king of baseband field. 】——Financial Associated Press

[Paul Jacobs: I’m sorry!] - Interface News

[Dingfeng mobile phones are facing a situation where no baseband chip is available, and they may face huge troubles. 】——Old Beijing News

[The vitality of Blue Star Electronics is controlled by foreign companies! Forging iron requires one’s own hard work. How big is the gap between my country’s science and technology and the West?]——

[Shocked! Gao Tong actually asked for...] - Squirrel Shocked Part 2

[Blue Star Electronics rejects Gao Tongliu's big opening, and the cooperation between the two parties may end in "two, three, three". 】——

[The leader in the field of smartphones may suffer a big loss in baseband chips. ——Titanium Media

[The experience of Blue Star Electronics reminds us that technology must be self-reliant!]——

same day.

Major domestic media organizations reported the matter immediately.

no way.

The protagonists of this matter are Blue Star Electronics and Gao Tong.

One is the current king of the global smartphone field and a benchmark enterprise in the domestic technology field.

The other is the absolute overlord in the field of wireless communications.

No matter which one it is, it has considerable influence on a global scale.

Blue Star Electronics has completely opened the door to smartphones, bringing the development of smartphones into the fast lane.

Gao Tong, the world's leading wireless technology innovator, has revolutionized the way the world connects, computes and communicates. Gao Tong's invention that connects mobile phones to the Internet ushered in the era of mobile Internet.


Talks broke down between the two parties.

This is a big deal!

It is not only being discussed in China.

The mainstream media in the West also reprinted the aid reports immediately.

on Reddit.

The most popular post currently is the news about the collapse of talks between Blue Star Electronics and Gao Tong.

in the post.

Thousands of netizens expressed their opinions.

"The talks have collapsed? Great, Turing's opportunity has come!"

"It's unbelievable that the two giants have broken down."

"Is there any specific news?"

"Gaotong is a Liumang company, and the price must be too high."

"Great, now we can finally defeat Blue Star Electronics."

"If Blue Star Electronics faces a situation where no baseband chips are available, it will be a huge loss for us consumers. We must admit. Blue Star Electronics' products


"Yes! I like Blue Star Electronics' products. The Pinnacle mobile phone is really smart."

no doubt.

As the matter spread, the focus of global attention was on this.

It didn't take long.

The differences between the two sides were circulated on the Internet.

The intensity of the incident has also reached a higher level.

When domestic netizens saw Gao Tong’s asking price, they were so angry that their noses became crooked.

This is clearly a money grab!

Gao Tong does nothing and just relies on Blue Star Electronics, which can be regarded as a profit of more than one billion meters of gold every year.

No wonder Blue Star Electronics cannot accept it.

It would be strange if I accepted it!

There are also some people who directly posted about Gao Tong’s antitrust investigation by the European Union and China.

This time.

Domestic melon-eating people are even more angry.

turn out to be.

Not only Blue Star Electronics cannot accept it, but also foreign mobile phone manufacturers such as Nokia, Ericsson, and Sanxing cannot accept the additional high tax imposed by Gaotong.

at the same time.

Some other domestic mobile phone manufacturers have also stepped forward to speak out.

Tell me how many points of high tax you were asked to pay by Gao Tong, etc.

These manufacturers have low profits.

After a year, I was basically working for Gao Tong!

Although the Chinese people madly condemned Gao Tong for eating and looking ugly.

But it is also sad to find that the reason why Gao Tong is so confident is entirely because he has a large number of core patented technologies in his hands.

If you want to use other people's technology, you have to pay the money obediently and do things according to their requirements.

After all.

Or his own strength is not strong enough.

Even Blue Star Electronics is tightly controlled by Gao Tong, let alone these small factories.

at this time.

The Chinese people all hope that a company can stand up at this critical moment and suppress Gao Tong's arrogance.

How come the workers in our country, who have worked so hard for a whole year, have all the profits taken away by Gao colleagues who have done nothing?

Just when everyone's emotions were running high.

Pengcheng, flower factory headquarters.

At this moment, Boss Ren is holding a high-level meeting.

"Have you seen all the fishing boats on the Internet now?" Boss Ren said.

Everyone in the meeting nodded...

At present, fishing boats at home and abroad are dominating the screen because of the collapse of the negotiation between Blue Star Electronics and Gaotong.

Especially the domestic melon-eating people, after learning about Gao Tong's ugly eating appearance, became even more furious and denounced him frantically.

While condemning Gao Tong, we are also looking forward to relevant domestic companies to come forward.

"I won't say any more nonsense."

“Currently, domestic fishing boats are in high demand, and the citizens are eager for a company to step forward.

"This is a great opportunity!"

“It was originally scheduled to officially release the news of the commercial use of Barong 210 next month, but now it seems that it can be made one month earlier.

"Just in time to take advantage of the rising sentiment of the domestic people, we launched the Barong 210 chip, which became famous instantly!"

Boss Ren said quickly.

None of the people present at the meeting had any objections and nodded.

In the field of baseband chips, Huachang is a newcomer after all.

If you want to get famous, you have to spend a lot of money on advertising, and you have to encounter emergencies like now.

The launch of the Barong 210 chip at this moment can save a lot of marketing expenses and also make the flower factory's reputation reach a higher level in the hearts of the people.


Who can you rely on at this time?

You have to rely on my flower factory!

Not long after the meeting ended.

The flower factory made an announcement stating that it will officially release the first commercial baseband chip - Balong 210 in three days.

As soon as this news came out.

Suddenly, the melon-eating people in the country were shocked.

When they all felt unhappy about what happened to Blue Star Electronics, they longed for the 1.2 moment when a domestic company could stand up.

did not expect.

Someone actually stood up.

It’s none other than the flower factory that everyone has always admired!

"Wang Defa? The flower factory actually developed a commercial baseband chip?"

"Sure enough, we have to visit the flower factory at the critical moment!"

"Stand up! Someone really stands up!"

"The flower factory stepped forward at this time, which was unexpected and reasonable."

"Not bad! If any domestic company can stand up at this time, I am afraid that only the Hua family has this strength."

"Without saying anything, I just hope that the flower factory will not let up at this critical moment. I decided to buy a Petal Mate 3 to support it!"

"I can't do anything else. The only thing I can do is buy a flower factory smartphone to support me!"

"Flower Factory, well done!"

For a while.

On the Internet, there are all voices praising the flower factory. .

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