Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 926 Knowing The Reason Behind Gao Tong’S Difficulty

Nan Xuanyuan’s video went viral.

The popularity is no less than that of Bei Sima's video.

The number of views exceeded one million in one day!



There are voices everywhere discussing Mr. Liu’s traitorous nature.

Everyone was angered by Master Liu's operation.

In the face of American companies such as IBM and Disney, they were obedient and used their influence to crazily suppress Longguo Company.

When facing Longguo Company, they directly attacked Longguo Company, causing Longguo Company to lose its patented technology.

have to say.

Mr. Liu's operation is really embarrassing.


Everyone unceremoniously put the traitor hat on Mr. Liu's head.

the other side.

Liu Yuanwai was anxious in the office.

I was scrolling through Weibo and looking at the news on the hot searches on Weibo, and my veins bulged with anger.

In particular, netizens labeled the Liu family as "loyal to the whole family," "serving the country wholeheartedly," "traitor," "traitor," etc., and put it on the head of the Liu family. Out.

These labels are really ugly.

These people are digging the ancestral graves of their Liu family!



He knows it very well.

As things got worse and worse, the Liu family's reputation was completely ruined.

Even if this matter finally calms down, he, Yuan Liu, is safe and sound and still in charge of the Lianxiang Group.

But in the future, when people talk about Lian Xiang, they will also say something like "Mi Di's conscience", "The Liu family is full of loyalty" and so on.

Even thinking about the slightest disturbance here will be magnified infinitely and fall into the center of the whirlpool of the fishing wheel.

But, what can be done?

There is nothing he can do.

With a mouth on someone's head, he can't help but let people talk.

Although he is the godfather of business and has a high status in the domestic business community, he cannot shut up everyone.

Who let...

The things Bei Sima and Nan Xuanyuan dug up are all true.


How to quibble?


It’s not just Lianxiang’s sign that smells bad.

The Liu family will be infamy for thousands of years!

Think of this.

Liu Yuanwai's heart was pounding.

Fortunately, his father Mr. Liu passed away in 2003.


If Mr. Liu saw the scolding of the Liu family on the Internet, he would probably be so angry that he would belch.

Facing the increasingly fierce fishing storm from the outside world, Lianxiang was asked by major media organizations to respond and explain.

In addition to being a tortoise, Liu Yuan can only be a tortoise with little head.

Blue Star Electronics.

CEO office.

Lu Yi took a break from her busy schedule to browse the fishing boat trends online.

have to say.

Netizens are really very knowledgeable.

As the video from Bei Sima set off a storm on the fishing boat, Lian Xiang was pulled into the whirlpool of the fishing boat.

Many UP owners were like sharks that smelled blood. They swarmed up and dug up Lian Xiang.

The things that people like Liu Yuanwai and Boss Yang have done over the years have been dug up by netizens.

Not to mention that Nan Xuanyuan dug up all the eighteen generations of Liu family's ancestors and pointed the finger at Liu Yuanwai's father, Mr. Liu.

To this.

Lu Yi felt very happy.

What will happen to these people except Yuan Daoliu? Will the superiors send someone to investigate thoroughly?

But one thing is for sure.

It is absolutely impossible for people like Liu Yuanwai and Boss Yang to plan to empty out their connections and completely turn state-owned enterprises into their own private property as they did in their previous lives.

To know.

In the previous life, the Long Academy of Science and Technology finally went from controlling 100% of Lianxiang Group to only 29% of the equity, completely losing control of Lianxiang Group.


In the early stage of Lianxiang Holdings, except for members Liu, these people only had 35% dividend rights and no control rights.

Then as Liu Yuanwai and these people operated step by step and hollowed out step by step, control was finally transferred from Long Academy to the hands of Liu Yuanwai and Boss Yang.

On the contrary, Longke Academy, the former owner of Lianxiang, was reduced to a small shareholder with only dividend rights but no decision-making power.

It is true that people like Liu Yuanwai and Boss Yang worked hard and thought, and gradually enriched themselves, and each of them became a capital tycoon with a net worth of billions or tens of billions.

Of course.

Even thinking about the incident, Lu Yi only took the time to occasionally pay attention to the direction of the fishing boat. He did not have the time and energy to pay attention all the time.

The main purpose is to destroy the behavior of people like Liu Yuanwai and Boss Yang who are constantly trying to swallow state-owned assets, and to avoid the loss of state-owned assets.

His main focus is still on solving the issue of baseband chips.

It's already mid-September.

There is less than a month left before the launch of the fourth-generation pinnacle mobile phone.

Now the outside world is not optimistic about the upcoming fourth-generation pinnacle mobile phone conference, and the voices of badmouthing are endless.

The negotiation with Gao Tong collapsed, which had a huge impact on Pinnacle Mobile.

during this time.

Blue Star Electronics is operating at full strength, working hard to think of various ways to solve the problem.

The Pinnacle mobile phone team has already carried out experiments using baseband chips from Texas Instruments, Infineon, NXP and other manufacturers as substitutes, and is working overtime to modify the internal equipment of the mobile phone.


The negotiation team sent to America has now returned home.

Although according to Lu Yi's instructions, Blue Star Electronics took a step back and agreed to a 5% royalty rate.

However, when faced with the proposal to charge 65% of the selling price of the complete machine, [the senior reviewer showed a strong refusal.

To this.

Lu Yi was not used to it and asked the negotiation team to still insist on the 65% ratio.

Even if the use of baseband chips from manufacturers such as Texas Instruments and NXP will have a certain impact on the overall quality of the fourth-generation pinnacle mobile phones, he will never get used to Gao Tong's bad habits.

Because he has received a message from the negotiating team.

That's why Gao Tong insisted on not relenting and set such harsh conditions.

It was because Steve Jobs was instigating him behind the scenes.

Currently, Gao Tong is secretly in contact with Guoguo and Sanxing, and is preparing to invest in Turing Company.

All of a sudden.

Lu Yi also understood.

Gao Tong never negotiated with sincerity from the beginning.

Paul Jacobs wants to eat both sides.

Not only do they want to invest in Turing Company and help Turing suppress Pinnacle Mobile, but they also want to tear off a big piece of meat from Blue Star Electronics.

If it fails to tear off a big piece of meat from Blue Star Electronics, it will not have a big impact on Gao Tong.

Because as long as we help Turing Company suppress Pinnacle Mobile Phones, Turing Mobile Phones can replace Pinnacle Mobile Phones and become the most high-end brand in the field of smartphones.

As one of the major shareholders of Turing Company, Gao Tong was obviously able to make a lot of money at that time.

It is not said that 5.9 suffered heavy losses due to the loss of Blue Star Electronics, a major customer.

After figuring this out.

Lu Yi also understood.

It is unrealistic to get Gaotong to relent and agree to charge patent fees based on 65% of the selling price of the whole machine.

So he made a prompt decision and asked the negotiation team to terminate contact with Gao Tong, pack up his things and return home.

Because he knows it very well.

If the negotiation team continues to negotiate with America and Gao Tong, it will be in vain and a waste of time and energy.

It would be better to let the negotiation team return to China to prepare for the negotiations to acquire Infineon.

Without Gao Tong as the butcher, would Blue Star Electronics have to eat pigs with hair on them?

It is better to rely on yourself than to seek help from others.

Knowing that people like Jobs and Paul Jacobs were working together to cause trouble this time, Lu Yi also asked Zhao Tang to speed up the construction of the Sun God.

Lin Qingya also asked Lin Qingya to invest 1 billion meters in gold into the Sun God in the name of Azure Venture Capital Fund. .

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