Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 927: Take Four Steps Without Even Thinking

The purpose of the establishment of Blue Venture Capital Fund is to invest in domestic high-precision technology companies such as semiconductors and new energy.

Helios Semiconductor Co., Ltd. obviously belongs to the investable category.

One billion meters of gold is nearly 7 billion yuan.

This investment is definitely not small.

It can be said.

Currently, Helios Semiconductor Co., Ltd. does not lack funds, but lacks a large number of technical talent R&D teams.

To this.

The wealthy Sun God also directly mobilizes his money-making ability to poach people frantically from major chip and semiconductor companies at home and abroad.

no way.

It started much later than others.

If you want to catch up with Gao Tong, you can only spend money.


Relying on its own technical accumulation, how many years and months will it take to surpass Gaotong?

Because of the background of the Sun God, his crazy poaching behavior is destined to be noticed by people in the industry.

In the past, it would definitely be news that would make the headlines.


At present, the news focus at home and abroad is occupied by the Lianxiang incident.

Although it has been more than ten days and nearly half a month since I even wanted to be stripped off by Bei Sima.

But the heat hasn't abated at all.

Even because there is a steady stream of new information being dug out by netizens with powerful skills, the popularity is getting higher and higher.

Now if you haven’t heard of it, you can’t even think about 06 things or chat with others and you can’t sleep together.

Facing the overwhelming questions from people across the country, Lian Xiang was like an ostrich, burying his head in the sand, as if he hadn't heard anything.

But the more Lian Xiang behaves like this, the more guilty he seems to everyone.

This is to handle the event coldly.

However, the anger of the broad masses of the people has been completely ignited. Lian Xiang wants to rely on cold treatment to cool down the incident, but the possibility is slim.

Of course.

This is just the opinion of ordinary people.

In fact, Lianxiang’s internal strategy is to stop with silence.

He is also using his brain to think of ways to break the situation.

Even Liu Yuanwai and Boss Yang are frantically using their accumulated contacts, hoping to connect the world and have a heavyweight boss come forward to speak for Lian Wan and set the tone.

But it's obvious.

At this time, even those upper-level bosses did not dare to leave Wei Lian to speak easily.

Because there is so much black material dug up by everyone outside Yuan Liu.

Although Liu Yuanwai restructured Lian Xiang back then, he received support from his superiors.

But during the restructuring process, there is almost no need to think about whether Liu Yuanwai took state-owned assets into his own pocket.

People like Liu Yuan can never stand the incense.

Now the public opinion across the country is surging, demanding that the government send an investigation team to conduct a thorough investigation.

At this time, it is said that these people except Yuan Liu have not broken any laws or regulations. Do they really think that ordinary people are fools?

Do you still think about your own political future?


The boss above is not a fool.

Why are the people so angry?

It’s not like these people outside Yuan Liu are too greedy and have taken too much!

If these people, including Yuan Liu, had taken less, they would never have caused such a storm.

Just because they took too much, even ordinary people like Bei Sima were able to find the tail, thus tearing apart layer by layer the illegal and criminal behavior of Liu Yuan and other people who devoured state-owned assets.

The boss is also a bit anxious now.

after all.

Even thinking about it, the implications are a bit too deep.

If a thorough investigation is ordered, it will definitely be a carrot and a trap.

after all.

Before that.

How can the attention of the superiors be focused on a small reform of Lian Xiang?

That is why people like Liu Yuan and others took advantage of this loophole.

Now that it has been exposed, it has a wide range of implications. In addition, Lianxiang is still a star company in China, and the PC market ranks among the top three in the world.

If we really want to take big action against Lian Xiang, the impact will be too wide.


The superiors haven't decided to pay attention yet.


Even the big bosses who had interests in Lian Xiang could only stand on the sidelines at this time and did not dare to give up easily to Lian Xiang.

after all.

If the country makes up its mind, it will conduct a thorough investigation.

Then he will be implicated in it.

I even think about the silence here.

The angrier everyone becomes.

The angrier you are, the stronger the power will be.

Therefore, more and more pieces of black material have been unearthed, and the popularity remains high.

The celebrities who originally planned to hold concerts during this period are really distressed.

Because they can't grab the heat at all.

If you can't make headlines and have no exposure, how can you attract fans and make money by monetizing traffic?


The only option is to postpone the concert and hope that Lianxiang’s popularity will drop quickly.

Being in such a high position, they are all going to feel cold.

Bei Sima side.

Still continuing to edit the video based on the content of the mysterious attachment.


His fourth video is online.

In this video, Bei Sima directly questioned whether Lianxiang was still a Longguo company and whether there were information security issues in government procurement.

in the video.

Beisima said that among the 27 senior executives of Lianxiang Group, 14 are foreigners, 4 of the 7 core technical personnel are foreigners, and the chief technology executive is an American.

Foreign executives account for more than half.


Is Lian Xiang still the Lian Xiang of the Dragon Kingdom?

As soon as this fourth video was released, it immediately aroused widespread response from people across the country.

After experiencing the baptism of the first three videos.

The majority of netizens are already accustomed to this.

He said he was not surprised that more than half of the senior executives of Lianxiang Group were foreigners.

after all.

The first three videos of Beisima have already popularized the fact that Lianxiang, under the operation of people like Liu Yuanwai, has been reduced from a 100% state-owned enterprise to an enterprise controlled by private capital.

The Liu family is full of loyal people who serve America wholeheartedly.

Since Liu Yuanwai has control of Lenovo, it is not surprising for foreigners to join Lenovo as senior executives.

Except for Liu Yuan, I have a red heart towards Lao Mi. If this doesn’t dispel all my thoughts, how can I deal with my master 380?

And how can we quickly empty out our thoughts?

The first step is to control your thoughts.

The second step is to move the headquarters to America to please the American master.

The third step is to let foreigners become Lianxiang executives, and more than half of them should be included, so that the prince of Caiwang will be happier.

The fourth step is to erode Longke Academy's shares step by step, kick Longke Academy out step by step, and completely privatize Lianxiang Group.

"It's real! It's completely real! Lianxiang is no longer a Dragon Kingdom company, but an American company!"

"Liu Yuan is so evil! The country should pay attention. American enemy agents have completely penetrated us!"

"Shudder! I shudder! Lianxiang has been controlled by America, and our country's government agencies are purchasing Lianxiang computers on a large scale. If America leaves a backdoor in Lianxiang's computer, and can enter and exit at any time, then everything in our country will The secrets are all placed on America's desk, and it's like visiting her own back garden."

"I'm so angry! Why hasn't the country sent an investigation team to even start a thorough investigation? The identities of the enemy agents outside Yuan Liu have been exposed!"

"This shows how much energy Liu Yuanwai has. Do you think the title of Godfather of Business is for nothing?"

"Fortunately, the richest man in Lu came out of the Dragon Kingdom. If the richest man in Lu hadn't stood up to support Bei Sima, I'm afraid we wouldn't have seen Bei Sima dig out the details of Liu Yuanwai!

"The Liu family should be sent to the execution ground to eat peanuts!".

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