Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 936 Lu Yi: Don’T Look At Gao Tong Dancing Happily Now, He Will Just Make A List Later


Lu Yi's words made Liu Hong frown suddenly.

He even wondered if he heard it wrong!

"Look at Gao Tong's attitude?"

"Isn't this...too much of a fantasy about Gao Tong?"

Liu Hong said in confusion.

"In this matter, Jobs was behind Gao Tong's back."

"Use the equity of Turing Company to lure Gao Tong to join Turing's camp."

"Using baseband chips to choke our necks will pull our top mobile phones from the throne of smartphones."

"Gao Tong has already made up his mind to stand with Turing. How can he change his mind and position just because of the launch of our fourth-generation peak mobile phone?"

Lu Yi explained: "I do still have some illusions about Gao Tong."

"The source of this trace of fantasy lies in our fourth-generation peak mobile phone."

"The fourth generation of top smartphones will redefine peak mobile phones, just like the first generation of peak smartphones redefined mobile phones. It is an epoch-making "533" product."

"Therefore, I am very confident about the fourth generation of pinnacle mobile phones."

"Businessmen pursue profit, not to mention America's capitalist society, which puts profit first."

“The reason why Gao Tong invested in Turing was simply because he believed that Turing mobile phones could shake up our position.

“If the fourth-generation Pinnacle mobile phones are still the same as the second- and third-generation Pinnacle mobile phones, without any major innovations, Turing will indeed be able to shake our foundation with the help of our baseband chip.

"But in front of the fourth generation of peak mobile phones, I would not have such worries at all."

"Even if we are choked by Gao Tong."

"And once Gao Tong sees that Turing is unable to challenge the fourth generation of peak mobile phones, guess what choice Gao Tong, who puts interests first, will make?"

Hear the words.

Liu Hong pondered for a moment, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

He said: "If Gaotong sees that Turing poses no threat to us, then their benefits from joining the Turing camp will be much less than expected.

"The Turing brand cannot rise under our pressure. If Gaotong loses our big order, the loss must be greater than the gain."


“As long as I’m not stupid, I will come back and ask for continued cooperation.

Lu Yi smiled and nodded: "Not bad!"

"For those guys in America, their own interests are above all else."

"In the face of absolute interests, you don't have to worry about face or anything else."


"At that time, they will definitely come back to us to continue cooperation, because only in this way can their benefits be maximized."

“Without us as a customer, Gaotong will suffer heavy losses, and it will also create strong competitors, which is not worth the loss.

"Based on this, we first placed a small order of 5 million pieces with Marvell to be prepared."

"In this way, Gao Tong comes back to ask for cooperation, and we can minimize the losses.

"Of course."

"This is all my speculation. As for whether Gao Tong will follow the plan, it is not certain.

"But no matter what, the initiative is on our side."

"It doesn't matter even if Gao Tong chooses to be the leader in the end. We can continue to place large orders with Marvell, which will not have a big impact on the production and sales of the fourth-generation Peak mobile phones."

Liu Hong said with a smile: "I hope Gao Tong will turn around. Then the initiative will be with us, and the ratio will no longer be 5 points!"

Lu Yi showed a cold smile on his face and said: "That's right! Gao Tong is very good at planning, but it is up to us to decide how the good show will be performed later!"

"Then I will make arrangements immediately." Liu Hong said.

no doubt.

Marvell's baseband chip came forward, which can be regarded as easing the current difficulties faced by Blue Star Electronics.


After optimization, Marvell’s baseband chip performance is about 15% worse than Gaotong.

But at least.

The fourth generation of pinnacle mobile phones can hold new film conferences as scheduled.


We are not yet in the era of mobile Internet. When people are surfing the Internet, their requirements for smartphones are not very high.


Even though the performance difference is 15%, it is quite big.

But it is also acceptable to consumers.

Of course.

It can also be seen from this point how strong Gaotong is in baseband chips.

Marvell's baseband chip is the best among several, but there is still such a big gap.

It can be seen from this.

Gaotong is trying to outdo all global companies in the field of baseband chips, and that’s really because its own strength is too strong.

So strong that you can do whatever you want.

Come out of Blue Star Electronics headquarters.

Lu Yi came to Taiji Galaxy headquarters and was going to Helios Semiconductor Company to see how Zhao Tang was doing.

"Director Lu."

"Director Lu."

When Zhao Tang and others saw Lu Yi arriving, they all stepped forward to say hello.

Today's Helios Semiconductor is still an empty shell. After all, it has just been established, various tasks have just begun, and personnel are still being recruited.

Zhao Tang, the person in charge, also had a very busy day.

no way.

Helios Semiconductor is so important to Blue Star Electronics that it is not an exaggeration to say that it provides logistical support.

Lu Yi asked her to be in charge of Helios Semiconductor, which seemed to be a demotion.

after all.

She was previously the executive vice president of Blue Star Electronics and the third most important person in Blue Star Electronics.


From the position of executive vice president of Blue Star Electronics to the position of CEO of a subsidiary of Blue Star Electronics.

It seems that he has changed from vice president to CEO.

But one is the executive vice president of the parent company, and the other is the CEO of the subsidiary.

You can see who is higher and who is lower.

But obviously.

This set does not apply to Helios Semiconductor Company.

Because Zhao Dang reports directly to Lu Yi, not the executive vice presidents of Blue Star Electronics.

Not only that.

The Sun God side had just been established, and Lu Yi asked Lin Qingya to directly invest 1 billion meters in the name of Azure Venture Capital Fund.

It can be seen from this that Lu Yi attaches great importance to Helios Semiconductor.


The executive vice presidents of Blue Star Electronics, even Liu Hong, did not dare to reach out to the Sun God at will.

"Zhao Tang, what's going on now?" Lu Yi asked.

Zhao Tang has long since lost his youthfulness and has become more capable and dignified.

She said: "Basically, the framework has been set up, and the auxiliary department personnel are basically in place. Now the human resources department is working overtime to recruit technical personnel."

"Director Lu, you know that senior technicians with technical experience can only be poached from other companies, and this takes time.

Lu Yi nodded and said: "I understand, your work is making good progress."

"As for poaching senior technical personnel, just throw money at them until their legs become weak. Don't be afraid of spending money.

Zhao Chang laughed when he heard this and said teasingly: "Director Lu, you sound too much like a nouveau riche"

Lu Yi glanced at Zhao Tang and said angrily: "What's wrong with the nouveau riche? Although nouveau riche is a derogatory term, many people sneer at it, but these people may think that they are also nouveau riche."

Zhao Tang did not refute, but nodded in agreement.


When the outside world talks about the nouveau riche, many people sneer at them. One looks down on the nouveau riche, the other looks down on the nouveau riche.

But in reality.

The more you look down on the nouveau riche, the more you want to become a nouveau riche in your heart.

after all.

Jealousy always changes people beyond recognition!.

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