Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 937 The First Battle Of The Sun God, The Acquisition Of Infineon’S Wireless Business

For senior technical personnel, the Sun God can only dig.

If you want to cultivate it yourself, it will take time.


The Sun God doesn't have that much time.

Blue Star Electronics urgently needs Helios Semiconductor Company to establish and rise in the shortest time and become the most solid backing for Pinnacle mobile phones.


The research and development of baseband chips is really difficult.

If you develop one step at a time, you may be thrown away by Gao Tong so much that you can't even see the taillights of your car.


We need to recruit people!

Crazy poaching!

These highly paid technical personnel are equivalent to star players in the NBA and have immediate combat effectiveness.

Just dig it out and use it right away!

As for what Chang Chang said, it is very difficult to poach those technical experts.

Lu Yi agrees with this.


Money can make the world go round.

Teacher Ma is right to say that there are only two reasons for an excellent employee to leave his job. One is that he was not paid enough, and the other was that he was wronged in the company.

Now the Sun God is poaching people.

There is no such thing as being wronged by Sun God 06.

If you can't dig it out, it can only be because you don't have enough money.

Throw money.

Spend money like crazy.

Hit the opponent's leg directly.

The money spent now can be earned back from these people in the future.

There is no way you can lose money on this deal!

"Now, you have set up the Sun God's frame."

"The next step is to continuously improve and expand personnel."

"Helios' position with Blue Star Electronics is at a strategic level. It is very important to protect the development of Pinnacle mobile phones from external threats."

"There are many difficulties in researching baseband chips. If we want to catch up with companies like Gaotong, it is unrealistic to catch up step by step.


“If Sun God wants to develop and grow in a short period of time, it can only do so through mergers and acquisitions.

Lu Yi said.

Hearing this, Zhao Tang was stunned.

She has a clear understanding of the importance of the Sun God.

if not.

It is impossible for Lu Yi to transfer her to take full responsibility.

What surprised her was what Lu Yi said about mergers and acquisitions.


Zhao Tang sounded a little confused and looked at Fu in confusion.

"Yes, M&A!"

Lu Yi nodded.

"Baseband is so important to the mobile phone industry."

"It is no exaggeration to say that it is the lifeblood of mobile phone companies."

"But due to the high technical threshold, patents have returned."


"So far, only a few companies in the world have mastered relevant patented technologies."

"Among them, Gao Tong is undoubtedly the king!"

"It is precisely because of Gaotong's dominant position in the baseband field that it can impose extra taxes on all companies that buy Gaotong baseband chips.

Zhao Tang nodded.

Gao Tong is indeed known as a leader in the industry.

The reason is high tax rates.

Although everyone dislikes Gaotong's high taxes, there is nothing they can do about Gaotong. They can only play according to Gaotong's game rules.

If you don’t pay Gaotong tax, you won’t be able to use Gaotong’s technology patents.

Without Gaotong's patented technology, mobile phones can only be used as bricks.

But by accident.

Gaotong holds the most technology patents in 2G and 3G.

There is no way around it.


Everyone was disgusted by Gao Tong's high taxes, but they could only hold their noses and admit it.

"In the current 3G era, there are roughly seven companies that can make baseband chips. I call it the seven heroes competing for hegemony."

"Gaotong, Infineon, Freescale, STMicroelectronics-NXP, Broadcom, Marvell and Texas Instruments, or you can add a treasure island of Lianfa Technology.

"Among the Eight Heroes, Gao Tong is the undisputed industry leader, overwhelming other competitors."

Lu Yi said with emotion.

Although I am very unhappy with Gao Tong's blackmail behavior, I have to admit a cruel fact.

That means Gao Tong’s technology is really awesome!

Zhao Tang's eyes flickered and he said tentatively: "What Director Lu means is that he wants to acquire a certain hero from the other seven heroes? This is a good idea."

"If we can acquire the wireless baseband business of one of the above-mentioned companies, then Sunshine, which is just starting out, will be able to gain a firm foothold in the industry and get on the poker table."

"But there is a question. Are these companies willing to sell their wireless baseband business?"

Acquisition does not mean that you can acquire something if you want to.

First, it depends on whether the other party is willing to sell.

It also depends on whether the government authorities in the host country will approve the acquisition.

after all.

Baseband chips are high-tech technologies, and European and American countries have very strict blockades on Longguo in this area.

Lu Yi smiled and said: "There is still hope."

“As far as I know, companies like Texas Instruments, Broadcom, and Infineon all have the idea of ​​selling their baseband business.

"after all."

"Their baseband business is in a state of serious loss due to Gao Tong's suppression."

"The research and development and update of baseband technology is relatively difficult and requires a lot of investment in manpower, material and financial resources."

"But the road ahead has already been turned into a wall by fellow practitioner Gao. If you want to go around it, there is basically no hope.

"In this case, no company is willing to keep carrying a hopeless bottle of oil. Selling it while it still has some value is the wisest choice.

"Anyway, whether it's companies like Texas Instruments or Broadcom, their main business is not baseband."

Zhao Tang asked: "Does Director Lu intend to acquire Texas Instruments or Broadcom's baseband business?"

Lu Yi shook his head and said: "Texas Instruments and Broadcom are both America's companies. We come to acquire them. Even if the companies agree, America's government will not agree to 650."

Zhao Tang nodded.


Even if America's official didn't take the initiative to find trouble, Gao Tong would not just watch the actions of the Sun God and remain indifferent.



A sharp light burst out from Lu Yi's eyes, and he said decisively: "Our acquisition target is Infineon's wireless baseband business."


Zhao Tang was surprised.

Some information about Infineon came to mind.

This is a semiconductor company headquartered in Hans-Germany. It was formerly the semiconductor department of Dongmen Group. It became independent in 1999 and went public in 2000.

Lu Yi said: "The relevant negotiation team has been prepared and will report to you in two days. You can arrange follow-up on the specific matters and contact Infineon as soon as possible to convey our intentions."

"If possible, try to complete the acquisition of Infineon's wireless business before the end of the year."

"As for the price, the maximum is no more than 1.5 billion meters of gold!"

Zhao Tang was immediately speechless after hearing this.


It turns out that Lu Yi had already arranged everything.

Even the negotiation team is ready, and they are just waiting to buy a plane ticket to fly to Hans International Muhei.

"The acquisition of Infineon's wireless business is your first battle to control the Sun God. You must fight this battle well!" Lu Yi said.

Zhao Tang nodded heavily and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Lu, I won't let you down!".

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