Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 938 Planning To Retire Before The Age Of 35 Scares Lu Qi

After leaving the Sun God, Lu Yi did not return to Blue Star Electronics immediately.

Since we have come to Tai Chi Galaxy Future Building, since we have come, we naturally have to take a look at the new headquarters of Future Group.

"Director Lu!"

"Director Lu, you are here!"

Tai Chi Galaxy Future Building, when Lu Yi walked into the building, two girls at the front desk quickly arranged their appearance and said hello.

I still felt a little uneasy.

Didn't Director Lu see that he was being lazy just now?

Lu Yi smiled and nodded at the two front desk girls, and was going to sit in Lu Qi's office to ask about the current situation.

Wait until Lu Yi takes the elevator upstairs.

The two girls at the front desk, who were extremely good-looking, breathed a sigh of relief.


The two looked at each other.

One of the girls said: "Zihan, Director Lu just smiled at me!"

The girl named Zihan quickly retorted: "Director Lu obviously smiled at me!"

"Haha~" The girl who spoke first smiled coldly.

Zihan acted like a nymphomaniac and said: "Director Lu is really handsome, and he is even more handsome when he smiles! Hey, I don't know which woman is so lucky that she can become Director Lu's girlfriend. If Director Lu sees Just fall in love with me, even if I am Lu Zhi's lover, I am willing to do it."

"Just daydream here! Can Lu Han like you? He likes me just fine!" another girl said.

"You? Pull me down!" Zihan puffed out his chest, "Men like me like this, are you as big as me?"

"You..." Guan Zihan, the girl who was ridiculed by Xiong Xiao, was very angry, "You promised to hit people but not the face, and laugh at people but not the breasts!"

"Who told you to snatch Director Lu from me?" Zihan retorted not to be outdone.

For a while.

The two girls at the front desk were having a fight, which made the employees who were entering and leaving the Future Building salivate and feast their eyes.

Although the two girls are the front desk, they sound like vases.

But the academic qualifications of the two girls are not low, both have bachelor's degrees.

Although it is not a key university, it is still a second-tier university.

When the two of them were interviewed, they had to fight all the way through and fight their way out of the crowd.

no way.

To be able to work in the Future Group, for domestic migrant workers, it is a dream to squeeze in.

Not to mention those technical positions.

Even for positions such as security and front desk, the competition is quite fierce.

The salary and benefits of Future Group's security and front desk positions are comparable to the white-collar salaries of some large companies.


There are also many beauties within the Future Group.

If you can get together with some single husband-in-law, you will definitely not have to worry about it for the rest of your life.

the other side.

Lu Yi took the elevator and arrived at the 38th floor.

Lu Qi's office is on the 38th floor.

The entire future building has 39 floors above ground and 3 floors underground. The total height of the building is more than 200 meters, the total construction area is 88,180 square meters, and the office area is 69,796 square meters.

The Future Building and the Blue Star Building next to it are the twin buildings of the entire Tai Chi Galaxy.

In the rest area on the 30th floor, the two buildings are connected by a covered bridge to communicate with each other.

With the completion of the two buildings, they directly became new landmark buildings in the entire Sioux City.


Future Building, 38th floor, COO office.

Lu Qi is working on the files.

Seeing Lu Yi arriving, he quickly put down the pen in his hand and said with a smile: "Director Lu, why are you free to come to the factory today?"

Lu Yi said: "I was watching the work progress at the Sun God before. I thought you would move here for half a month, so I came over to see how it goes."

"Most of the important departments have moved here, which can maintain the normal operation of the group."

"But I'm afraid it won't be until the end of the year to move them all over."

Lu Qi thought for a while and said.

Future Group is too big.

Moving is not something that can be done in just a few days.

Lu Yi nodded and said: "Take your time, don't be in a hurry, as long as the company's operations don't go wrong.

"Then let me tell you about my recent work?" Lu Qi said.

"Okay." Lu Yi nodded.

Because the negotiation with Gao Tong collapsed, Lu Yi basically stayed with Blue Star Electronics for the past two months.

In the future, the work of the group will be left to Lu Qi to handle it.

Now that Blue Star Electronics was basically stable, he had a little free time. He was not in a hurry to go back and simply listened to Lu Qi's report.

Half an hour later.


"I feel confident that you will do things the same way."

"In a few years, I will step down from the position of CEO and you will take over. I will just leave the position of chairman."

Lu Yi said with a smile.

Lu Qi was shocked when he heard this and said quickly: "Director Lu, you... don't scare me!"

Lu Yi raised his hand to interrupt and said: "I'm not kidding.

"I will be 30 in two years, and my goal is to retire before the age of 35. 17

"Over the years, under your leadership, Future Group has done a good job and is thriving."

"I feel relieved to leave the Future Group to you."

Lu Qi said with a bitter look on his face: "Director Lu, is it too early for you to retire before the age of 35?


Lu Yi shook his head and said: "I still think it's a bit late! I originally planned to retire before the age of 30."

Lu Qi was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he quickly said: "Director Lu, please, stop talking! Future Group can't do without you.

`There is nothing I cannot do without, and there is no one I cannot live without. "Lu Yi said, "Today's Future Group is very healthy, and everything is moving forward in accordance with our strategic plan. All we need is a little control of the steering wheel. "

"Life, why live so tiringly!"

“The reason why I founded Future Group was that I would not have to worry about money in the future.

"Now, this ultimate goal has been achieved!"

"Okay, no need to say more."

"You just have to make up your mind about this, and I'm not retiring now. I still have several years before I turn 35.

Lu Yi waved his hand and did not continue the question.

Lu Qi felt helpless when he saw this.

The location is even better.

But...he also wants to retire early and enjoy a happy life.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

Regardless of the fact that he is under one person and over ten thousand people in the Future Group, he is really under a lot of pressure.

Haven't you noticed that there are more and more white hairs on his head?

after all.

The Future Group ship is too big. If it deviates even slightly from its course, big problems will occur. (Okay, okay) As the second-in-command of the group, he handles many things.

Now Lu Yi is a hands-off shopkeeper, sitting in charge of Blue Star Electronics.

All matters within the group are handled by him.

When he reached his position, even though he held a high position and had great authority, he realized that this position was really not for ordinary people to sit in. It was too tiring and stressful.

Well done, that's how it should be in the eyes of others.

If you don't do it well, it's a matter of your ability.

Get rid of the clutter in your mind.

Lu Qi looked at Lu Yi, not as if he was testing him.

But I really plan to retire before the age of 35.

This made Lu Qi extremely emotional.

Looking at the business world, people like Lu Yi are probably the only scorpions to succeed.

If it were anyone else who had built such a big business, they would have to keep a tight seal and hold the power tightly in their own hands, for fear that outsiders would kick them out.

But Lu Yi is better.

I plan to retire before the age of 35.

This... what can he say?

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