Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 939 Lu Qi: Director Lu, Are You Embarrassed To Say This To Me?

I heard Lu Yi said that he would retire before the age of 35 and leave the Future Group to him.

Lu Qi was very emotional.

Thinking back to the days when he was the president of Yahulong Country.

On the surface, he is the top leader of Yahu in Longguo District, but the people at Yahu headquarters are as wary of him as they are of thieves.

Faced with the olive branch from Lu Yi, he decided to change the business after thinking for a long time.

It's just that he didn't expect it himself.

Lu Yi has no doubts about him.

He was poached from Yahu and directly parachuted into the position of COO of the Future Group.

This is the second in command of the Future Group.

Would any other company dare to do what Lu Yi did?

Don't dare!

But Lu Yi did just that.

Not only that.

In the past year or so, Lu Yi has been decentralizing more and more power.

Let him, as COO, vaguely have the meaning of CEO.

And now.

Lu Yi directly revealed his cards.

Tell him clearly and let him be prepared to take over as the future CEO of the group.

Lu Qi was filled with emotions.

This was something he had never thought about before switching to Future Group.


But he couldn't feel happy in his heart.


Because the responsibility Lu Yi entrusted to him was too heavy.

Future Group can step by step get to where it is today.

Said without politeness.

You can live without any of them, but you can never live without Lu Yi.

Lu Yi is the captain at the helm of the giant ship of the Future 063 Group, and he is the first mate.

In the future, the group can always lead the Internet trend, which is Lu Yi's decision.

Many projects that everyone had doubts about or even opposed at the time have now bore fruitful results under Lu Yi's "Yiyantang".

Just like the cloud computing business.

At the end of 2006, Lu Yi proposed cloud computing.

There are still many voices of doubt and opposition within the group. They feel that this is old wine in new bottles and cannot achieve anything famous.

But Lu Yi directly suppressed all objections and resolutely took the initiative.

Not only that.

It also laid out the cloud computing field in a stud-like manner and set a strategic plan to invest 500 billion in 10 years.

Watching it now.

Cloud computing has become the current mainstream.

Future Group, with its massive investment in the early years, has directly become the undisputed overlord in the field of cloud computing, occupying more than half of the global cloud computing market.

For Lu Yi.

Lu Qi admired him from the bottom of his heart.

As long as Lu Yi is here in the Future Group, no matter they are the core executives, the ordinary grassroots employees below, or even the investors behind it, they will feel very at ease.

But now.

Lu Yi expressed to him that he would retire before the age of 35 and let him take over the position of CEO of Future Group.

This made Lu Qi feel a little scared.

From first mate to captain, can he, like Lu Yi, continue to lead the giant ship of Future Group forward through all obstacles?

If he leads the aircraft carrier of the Future Group astray, he will really be the sinner of history.


Mountain-like pressure invaded directly at this moment.

In his heart, he also longs to become the CEO of the future group.

But the same thing.

He had a trace of doubt about his own ability at this moment.

after all.

Lu Yi is the gem in front of him, let alone him, anyone else would definitely doubt his ability to lead the Future Group well.


It seemed that he could see the heaviness in Lu Qi's heart.

Lu Yi patted Lu Qi on the shoulder and said comfortingly: "Okay, Lao Lu, don't be stressed. If you are not capable enough, I will not hand over the position of CEO to you. You must have confidence in yourself."

"Besides, it's not like I really resigned from the Future Group and will not participate in the affairs of the Future Group at all. If something goes wrong, I, the chairman, will naturally not stand by and watch."

Lu Qi showed a smile that was uglier than crying, and said: "Director Lu, in the position of COO, I am under a lot of pressure."

"But it's too sudden for you to do this to me now."

"With you as the captain, I, as the first mate, will not feel any pressure at all."

"But you said you would step down in a few years and let me take over. I'm really under a lot of pressure."

"Well done, that's how it should be."

"If I don't do it right, I will become a sinner!"

Lu Yi laughed and said: "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. I have (aged) confidence in you."

Lu Qi looked at Lu Yi resentfully and said: "I'm talking to Mr. Lu, he is 35 years old and in his prime. He is very ambitious and wants to do something big. It's better for you. You should have chosen to retreat bravely at this age when you are making great progress."

"They are them and I am me."

"Besides, if I keep occupying that position, how can I let others take the lead?"

"You have to give the back wavers room to shine."

Lu Yi said with a smile.

This is not arrogance, but the truth.

Lu Yi is not only a national idol in China, but also an idol of the younger generation around the world.

Many families in China like to use Lu Yi as an example when educating their children.

Look at you, you are in your twenties, have no money, no house and no girlfriend. Look at Lu Yi, at your age, he was already the richest man in the world.

Many entrepreneurs of the younger generation also regard Lu Yi as their idol and hope that one day they can replicate the myth created by Lu Yi.


not much hope.

Everyone looked dim under Lu Yi's light.

Lu Qi said helplessly: "Director Lu, I think you are just used to being a shopkeeper."

"Haha, yes, maybe." Lu Yi laughed.

"Director Lu, I also want to retire early." Lu Qi said with a grimace.

Lu Yi said that he would retire before the age of 35, and he had something in mind.

What you want in life is to be at ease.

He has no shortage of money now.

In the whole world, there are only those who are richer than him.

He also has no shortage of names.

Nowadays, who doesn’t know that he is the big steward of Future Group?

Fame and fortune were both gained. After hearing Lu Yi say that he wanted to retire early, Lu Qi suddenly felt sympathy in his heart.

He also wants to retire early and go to the world of games.

If you have nothing to do, go fishing, climb mountains, travel, and take a look at the great rivers and mountains of the motherland. Isn't it better than sitting in the office all day, either in meetings or reading documents?

"Lao Lu, you are still young and in your prime, how could you have such dangerous thoughts? It's so wrong!" Lu Yi said seriously.

If Lu Qi retires, who will take the helm of Future Group?

Then he can't retire early.


Absolutely not!

Only when Lu Qi takes the helm of the Future Group can he enjoy life in peace and contentment.


A day spent either in a meeting or on the way to a meeting would make him exhausted!

Hearing Lu Yi's words, Lu Qi rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Director Lu, are you embarrassed to say this to me?"

Lu Yi directly made a haha ​​and said: "Haha, oops, old road, I almost forgot, there are still a lot of things at Blue Star Electronics waiting for me to go back to deal with. Okay, I won't stay any longer, in the future I can rest assured that the group has you here, I’ll leave first.”


Without giving Lu Qi a chance to pull, he strode out of the office.

Seeing Lu Yi's desperate look, Lu Qi was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter. .

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