Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 963 Breakthrough! Awkward! It’S So Embarrassing!

“Go to TN and support Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.!”

"Go to America on TNN!"

"Count the ball! America is a ball!"

In the box.

Lu Yi and Zhang Rujin were madly cursing TSMC and America.

Maybe it was infected.

He Rongming, Liang Mengsong, and Yin Zhiyao also joined the team of 'swearing people'.

"Go to hell and promote Jiang Shangyi of JD. I will make you regret it!"

"America is just a fool. The Dragon Kingdom has never been afraid of blockades and sanctions. The more blockades and sanctions are imposed, the stronger the Dragon Kingdom will become!"

"Those who cannot defeat me will eventually make me stronger!"

After a while of laughing and scolding.

Everyone present looked at each other, and then burst into laughter, until tears came out of their eyes.

"It's great! It's such a great day today!"

"Yeah, I haven't been this happy for a long time."

"It's so enjoyable! It's so enjoyable! The only thing that makes me unhappy is that I couldn't scold Zhang Zhongmou in front of him!"


If outsiders saw this scene, their jaws would drop in shock.

The people in the private room are not unknown people.

But a famous boss.

Needless to say, Lu Yi.

The world's richest man, with a net worth of one trillion.

That's right.

He is worth a trillion dollars and is as rich as the country.

Those other rich people who say they are worth trillions are somewhat bragging.

But Lu Yi has no moisture at all.

Zhang Rujin, Liang Mengsong, He Rongming, and Yin Zhiyao are not unknown people.

In the semiconductor industry, all four of them are experts and professors.

Even Lin Qingya's reputation is not any weaker than those of the four.

But now.

In the box.

Except for Lin Qingya who was a little reserved and didn't go crazy like Lu Yi and the other five, laughing and cursing.

Lu Yi and the five of them really let go.

All kinds of national curses were spewed out like cannonballs.

It is never an exaggeration to say that your mouth smells fragrant.

The two waitresses who were waiting outside the door, always ready to serve, heard the noise coming from the box, thought something had happened, and nervously opened the door to see if they were willing.


As soon as they opened the door, they saw a scene that stunned the two of them.

In their eyes, he is the unattainable richest man in the world and a well-known expert and professor in the semiconductor industry.


She was actually like a shrew swearing in the street, spitting out sweet things and laughing loudly.

Words like 'f*ck', 'Fake', 'Shet', etc. were spewed out like a barrage of bullets.

Such crazy look.

The two waiters, who thought something had happened in the box, just stood there with expressions of disbelief.

What did they hear?

What did they see?

Are these people really the bosses?

Will the boss really respond to the void like a shrew?

How embarrassing!

The two waiters were so embarrassed that they wanted to find a crack in the floor and crawl in.

The two of us saw this scene today.

Seeing such an embarrassing scene among the bosses, will they be retaliated against?

Will I not be able to see the sun tomorrow?

For a moment.

The two waitresses had a lot of inner drama.

And at the same time.

At the moment of the box door.

Lu Yi and the others, who were scolding vigorously, were also dumbfounded.


You can hear the needle drop in the whole box.

Several people opened their mouths wide, looking at the two waiters who suddenly barged in, completely dumbfounded.


What a shame!

Even though Lu Yi was thick-skinned, he was embarrassed to dig out a villa with his toes at this moment.

The faces of Zhang Rujin, He Rongming and other big guys even trembled.

Only Lin Qingya next to her was smiling hard.

But it could be seen from her trembling shoulders that she really couldn't hold it in.

The air was quiet for five seconds.

The two waitresses were the first to come to their senses.

The two of them lowered their heads and quickly nodded and bowed their heads to apologize.


"I'm really sorry!"

"We heard a bit of noise in the box and thought something had happened, so..."

"Don't worry, we really didn't see or hear anything."

"Please, if you have a lot of money, please don't complain to us."

The two apologized profusely, looking sincere and frightened.

Have no idea.

They couldn't afford to offend anyone in the box.

Not only can they not afford to offend him, even if the manager of the Huangpu Hotel comes, he can't afford to offend him either.

If only because of their recklessness, they offended several big bosses.

If a few big guys casually tell the lobby manager, their jobs will be in jeopardy.

Even though they are waiters, their wages are really high.

after all.

Huangpu Hotel is a five-star hotel.

Those who want to work as waiters at the Huangpu Hotel are waiting in line.

Lin Qingya spoke immediately and said: "You can go out first, I won't complain about you, don't worry.

But the two of them did not withdraw, but looked at Lu Yi.

They don't have to know other people, but they definitely know Lu Yi.

And obviously.

Among the six, Lu Yi is undoubtedly the one with the highest status.

Lu Yi recovered from the embarrassing state of picking his toes, nodded and said: "I don't blame you, you go out first, don't come in unless we greet you from behind.

"thanks, thanks."

"We definitely won't."

The two of them nodded in relief, then carefully closed the door and exited.

Wait until the two of them go out.

Lin Qingya couldn't hold it in any longer and burst into laughter. She didn't look as reserved as before, she looked like a tomboy.

Lu Yi and others were so laughed at by Lin Qingya that their faces turned red.

Lu Yi glared at Lin Qingya fiercely and said angrily: ""Still laughing! What's so funny!"

Lin Qingya quickly stopped smiling and said: "Sorry, sorry, I really can't bear it anymore, I'll punish myself with a drink, pfft~"

Lu Yi was helpless.

Zhang Rujin, He Rongming and others shook their heads helplessly when they saw Lin Qingya's appearance.

The embarrassment just now was really huge.

But in a blink of an eye.

Several people looked at each other and then burst into laughter.


Outside the box.

The waiters, who looked like two door gods, were patting their chests and exhaling, looking like they were surviving the disaster.

The two looked at each other.


One of them, Xiaoli, whispered: "I was scared to death just now!"

"Me too! My heart almost stopped just now." Another person named Xiaohua nodded in agreement.

The two were silent for a moment.

Xiaoli couldn't help but said: "Xiaohua, do you think they really won't complain about us?"

"Probably..." Xiaohua said in a somewhat unsatisfied tone.

"Absolutely! Lu Yi and the others are respectable people after all, and they will definitely not deceive us." Xiaoli encouraged Zi Zhao and Li Haohu.

"I really didn't expect that the richest man Lu and the others would actually...Xiaohua stuck out her tongue and said incredulously.

Xiaoli also nodded and said: "Yes! I didn't expect that the richest man Lu and the others would curse like shrews, and they mixed Chinese and English. It was really unexpected.

Xiaohua smiled and said: "It seems that the rich are no different from us. In addition to being richer than us, they also have one head and two legs. They can also spit out fragrance and be embarrassed."

Xiaoli suppressed her laughter and then said: "Okay, stop talking. We both have to forget what we just saw and let it rot in our stomachs."

"Yeah." Xiaohua nodded repeatedly.


The two of them were silent.

But when they looked at each other, there was a faint feeling that they would be unhappy if they didn't tell everyone about this.

(PS: There are two errors in the previous article. First, the chief engineer on the coast is Liang Mengsong, not Ni Guangnan. Second, after checking a lot of information, I found that Shanghai Microelectronics developed a 90nm lithography machine in 2007. In the article, Xiaopoujie is written as 100nm, there is no way to change it, I can only say it here, sorry!).

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