
In the box.

After a while of embarrassment, Lu Yi and the others looked at each other and laughed.

Although outsiders just saw them yelling and swearing regardless of their image, it was very embarrassing and embarrassing.

But it’s actually nothing at all.

There is no need to carry such heavy idol baggage.

Laughing and cursing are human nature.

This is not a shameful thing.

Lu Yi and others sat down.

After the laughter, curses, and embarrassment just now, several people became more relaxed.

Zhang Rujin was no longer drunk at the moment.

Everyone let go completely.


Liang Mengsong, after Zhang Rujin, also began to complain about Lu Yi and others.

In fact, for many years.

Liang Mengsong has always had a knot in his heart, like a thorn in his throat.

This knot comes from his colleague Sun Yuancheng, who has been in fierce competition with him for many years and is currently the chief technical officer of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

The two are close in age and have been promoted through meritorious service. Both were elected as academicians of the International Institute of Electrical and Electronics (IEEE), and are well-known within Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.

Because Semiconductor Manufacturing Company's R&D organization is becoming increasingly large, it is planned to have two vice presidents of R&D to share the responsibilities of the chief technology officer in a "Two-in-a-Box" manner.

One is held by Luo Weiren, who is from Intel and has a higher seniority.

The other one was between him and Sun Yuancheng.

Relatively speaking.

337 In terms of R&D strength and patent holdings, he can be said to beat Sun Yuancheng.

He holds more than 400 invention patents and plays an important role in improving every technical node of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

It was the efforts of him and his team that defeated the boss IBM in the copper process battle that made Semiconductor Microelectronics famous in the world.

Said without politeness.

Without Liang Mengsong’s best efforts, we don’t know how many years it would have been before Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. wanted to surpass Intel and IBM and take the throne of the foundry king.

Liang Mengsong is also determined to win the position of vice president of R&D.

He thought that between him and Sun Yuancheng, with his hard work, he should be the one to take the top position.

But the final result was that Sun Yuancheng was promoted and he became Luo Weiren's subordinate.

This made Liang Mengsong somewhat unacceptable.

It is precisely this point that has been spotted.

In 2006, Lu Yi went to Baodao and met with Liang Mengsong. This persuaded Liang Mengsong to leave Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and join Blue Star Electronics.


Liang Mengsong is the vice president of R&D of Coastal Semiconductor, and his status is only below that of CEO Jiang Shangzhou.


Jiang Shangzhou only manages administrative affairs, and he, Liang Mengsong (ciff), is responsible for all technical matters.

The position of vice president that was unavailable at the time when he was promoted to Semiconductor is now achieved at Coastal Semiconductor.

Even the position of the vice president is higher than that of the vice president of R&D at Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and has greater power.

It can be regarded as realizing my dream of being the vice president of R&D back then.


No matter how.

There is a thorn in Liang Mengsong's heart.

I worked hard to accumulate electricity, but in the end, for the promotion of key positions, I chose Sun Yuancheng, who had not done as much credit as me, and whose technical research and development capabilities were not as strong as my own.

He was so proud that he couldn't swallow this breath.

"At the beginning, if I hadn't led the team to defeat the industry leader IBM in one fell swoop with its copper manufacturing process and established Semiconductor Manufacturing Company's position in the world, how could I have promoted Semiconductor Manufacturing Company's current success?"

"I'm not obsessed with the position of vice president of R&D. What I'm obsessed with is unfairness. The unfairness of what Zhang Zhongmou, Jiang Shangyi and others do."

"This thorn has been stuck in my throat, like a stuck in my throat."

"In the past few years since I came to Blue Star Electronics, I just wanted to prove one thing. I, Liang Mengsong, am qualified to sit on the position of vice president of R&D."

"I want to make the leader regret and regret the unfair treatment in the past!"

Liang Mengsong frantically vented his dissatisfaction.

Speaking of which.

Liang Mengsong stopped, looked at Lu Yi, raised his glass and said, "Director Lu, let me toast you."

"Thank you for poaching me from Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and giving me a big platform to display my talents.

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know where I am now!"

"Because I know very well that I cannot accept that IMC chose Sun Yuancheng, so I can only leave IMC."

"Back then, I had a golden handcuff agreement with ICMC. If I left ICMC, I couldn't go to another fab. I could only go to a university to be a teacher.

"If it wasn't you, Director Lu, who bought me my freedom with the 45nm process, I wouldn't have been able to continue to take root in the semiconductor chip industry that I love after leaving Semiconductor Manufacturing Company."

"Director Lu, I respect you and thank you for giving me a new life!"

Lu Yi quickly picked up the wine glass and said, "Professor Liang, your words are too strong."

"Although I paid the price for the 45nm process when I poached you from Semiconductor Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., there is no doubt that this was a very correct choice I made."

"Today, we have 32nm and 28nm process technology, in which you play an extremely critical role."

"Really, I won't lose anything by poaching you. On the contrary, I will make a lot of money."

"I think those who raised Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. have already regretted it!"

Liang Mengsong's attitude was very firm and he said seriously: "No matter what, I am very grateful in my heart. It was you who gave me a new path. Obviously, this path did not disappoint me, and I am very satisfied. I did it, Lu understands up to you."


Liang Mengsong drank the wine in one gulp.

Naturally, Lu Yi would not take a sip casually, but drink it all in one gulp.


He smiled and said: "Professor Liang, now we have a photolithography machine. In terms of chip manufacturing process, you must continue to work hard and strive to break through 22nm and 14nm as soon as possible."

Even 7nm. '

"My ambition is very big. I want to surpass Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and make Coastal Semiconductor a leader in the industry. This all depends on you!"

Liang Mengsong nodded heavily.

He had infinite confidence in himself and said: "Director Lu, believe me, and I will not let you down, Director Lu, just take it easy.

"Today's meal is the most enjoyable meal I have ever had in my life."

"Today, the thorn in my heart has completely disappeared."

"This feeling of relief is so good!"

He Rongming, Yin Zhiyao and others also nodded and said: "Yes! We have moved away the most important one of the several mountains that are pressing on domestic chip semiconductors."

"The technological advancement of our steady-state micro-bunching technology is enough to ensure that we will not fall behind in the competition with ASML in the future."

"I am really becoming more and more confident about domestic chip semiconductors."

"And you are the one who changed all this, Director Lu, and you can be said to have contributed the most."

“Without the theoretical technology of steady-state micro-bunching provided by you, we don’t know when domestic lithography machines will be able to make breakthroughs in the light source area.

"We both want to toast you too!"

He Rongming and Yin Zhiyao raised their glasses and drank them all in one gulp.

no way.

Lu Yi could only smile and raise his glass, but he was also bored.

He was a little depressed.

The celebration banquet was agreed upon, but the situation turned out to be in the direction of flattering him. .

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