Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 965 The Revolution Has Not Yet Succeeded, Comrades Still Need To Work Hard

Lu Yi was a little helpless.

It was obviously a celebration banquet.

Results now.

Rushing towards the grievance meeting.


After Zhang Rujin and Liang Mengsong.

He Rongming took over.

He kept holding Lu Yi's hand and told how difficult it was for him to lead Shanghai Microelectronics over the years.

It really breaks the heart of the listener and makes the listener shed tears.

"Director Lu, really, you don't know that it's been really difficult for me these past few years."

"In 2002, our country's upper-level leaders finally realized the importance of lithography machines, so they included them in the national 863 key scientific and technological research plan that year.

"Under this premise, Shanghai Microelectronics was established."

"I, He Rongming, have become the first person in charge of Shanghai Microelectronics."

"When I took over the scepter of Shanghai Microelectronics, I was also excited, and my heart was full of enthusiasm. I also wanted to shine and contribute to the country's lithography industry."

"What is a photolithography machine? It is the crown of industry! It is 'building a house' in the microscopic world.

"A photolithography machine is an ultra-complex thinking system composed of tens of thousands of precision parts, hundreds of actuator sensors, and tens of millions of lines of code. Its internal movement accuracy error does not exceed three thousandths of a hair."

"To use an analogy, it's like sitting on a plane flying at supersonic speed and holding a piece of thread through the pinhole of another plane."

“Due to the ultra-high technical difficulty and the complexity of the system, lithography machines have formed an ultra-high technical threshold around the world.

"Although our country is not completely blank in the field of lithography machines, in the 1960s and 1970s, our domestic lithography machines were at most six or seven years behind America.

"But it's been different since the country opened up."

"Especially in the 1980s and 1990s, the practical style was very popular."

"In addition, as soon as there was a technological breakthrough in domestic lithography machines, America lifted the blockade and embargo. So everyone became lazy, slacked off, and stopped the pace of continuing to develop domestic lithography machines."

"As a result, the domestic lithography machine research and development system, which was in its infancy, was completely wiped out by foreign equipment manufacturers, and there was a generational breakdown."

"It turned out well."

"After the millennium, we suddenly found that we were stuck and could not build advanced lithography machines. Our technology lagged behind foreign countries by 20 to 30 years."

"It was under this 'blank' situation that Shanghai Microelectronics was established."

“As a result, not long after the establishment of Shanghai Microelectronics, the boss of ASML said disdainfully that even if we were given the drawings of the lithography machine by Long Guoren, we would not be able to build a lithography machine.

"It's so annoying!"

"These words really made us so angry!"

"We at Shanghai Microelectronics have secretly made up their minds to pawn their pants and develop domestic photolithography machines. We cannot let foreigners look down upon us Longguo people!"

"At that time, Shanghai Microelectronics was really struggling."

“Although everyone is full of enthusiasm, they want to give the country a voice in the field of lithography machines.

"But at that time, Shanghai Microelectronics needed money but no money, people but no one, and technology but no technology."

"It was really hard. Everyone gritted their teeth and persisted."

"When you want to give up, just remind yourself that Asmai is still waiting to see our jokes. We can't be looked down upon by the gringos."

He Rongming's choked voice echoed throughout the private room.

Lu Yi and others were silent.

Everyone sees the difficulties faced by Shanghai Microelectronics.

They all understand.

He Rongming led Shanghai Microelectronics to develop to this day, which is not easy.

If it weren't for He Rongming's profound understanding of the righteousness, Shanghai Microelectronics would be united and not afraid of difficulties.

Under such difficult conditions, Shanghai Microelectronics would have been disbanded long ago, let alone developing a photolithography machine.

"It's not me who blew it!"

"Although Shanghai Microelectronics wants people and no one wants money, but Shanghai Microelectronics is definitely no worse than anyone else!"

"In five years, only five years, we, Shanghai Microelectronics, developed a 90nm lithography machine prototype in 2007. ASML, the leader in the field of lithography machines at that time, had only launched 38nm."

"Although we are one generation behind ASML in terms of performance, it only took us 5 years to reach this level. Everyone at Shanghai Microelectronics can pat our chests and say that we are worthy of the motherland and the people."

"Can ASML achieve the results of our Shanghai Microelectronics company in five years by relying solely on himself?"


"How dare you look down on us Dragon Kingdom people? Asmai is nothing more than a dog in America's palace. He is nothing!"


"At that time, ASML had already begun to produce 38nm lithography machines. After learning that we had developed a 90nm lithography machine, these European, American and Japanese manufacturers joined forces to carry out technical containment of Shanghai Microelectronics."

"Technically there is no way to create obstacles for us, that is, it would be annoying us in terms of parts.

"We directly cut off the supply of some necessary parts and components."

Speaking of which.

He Rongming was very excited.

But after the excitement, he fell silent for a moment.

"Although I despise the old American method of cutting off confession, I have to admit that this method is really effective."

“Without parts and components, the 90nm lithography machine we developed cannot be mass-produced, and we can only watch the prototype that we have worked so hard to develop become a display.


He Rongming looked up at Lu Yi, his expression becoming elated again.

"I originally thought that our 90nm prototype would really become a display, and I didn't know when it would be mass-produced. It might be five years, ten years, or even acres.

"But I didn't expect that, Director Lu, you would come up with a stable micro-bunching technology, which directly solved the number one problem of domestic lithography machines - the light source."

Finally, our Shanghai Microelectronics 90nm lithography machine no longer needs to be a decoration!"

"Director Lu, thank you so much!"

He Rongming said with almost tears, and thanked Lu Yi repeatedly.

Lu Yi can only modestly say that it is all thanks to everyone.

Lu Yi was filled with emotions.

Zhang Rujin and He Rongming were so out of character today. Is it because they saw the hope of the rise of domestic lithography machines, which swept away their depression and made them excited beyond words?


It was precisely because they saw the hope of overtaking in a corner that they completely let go today, saying the things they had stored up in their hearts that they didn't want to say or couldn't say, and said it out at once like pouring beans.

The whole person suddenly became relaxed.

Good thing.

After He Rongming, Yin Zhiyao and Jiang Shangzhou did not follow the same example and followed the three others to complain to Lu Yi.

Jiang Shangzhou said: "Although we have made a major technological breakthrough in the photolithography machine, which has brought us to the same level as ASML, what I want to say is that Ge Ming has not yet succeeded, and comrades still need to effort!"

"There are several important systems of the lithography machine, including the light source system, objective lens system, and alignment system. We have only solved the light source system now."

"If we want the accuracy of domestic lithography machines to reach the theoretical limit, we must continue to work hard and intensify research on other subsystems such as the objective lens system and alignment system.

"Otherwise, if other subsystem technologies cannot make breakthroughs, then our domestic lithography machines may be stuck at 22nm or 28nm in terms of accuracy."

Jiang Shangzhou's words caused Lu Yi and others to nod.

The difficulties and pain points of domestic lithography machines are not just limited to one light source.

There are also systems such as lenses, alignment, and gratings, which are all difficult and painful points.

A photolithography machine and two subsystems.

at present.

In addition to major breakthroughs in light sources and breaking ASML's technical blockade, domestic lithography machines lag far behind ASML in other subsystems.

Jiang Shangzhou's saying, "You have not yet succeeded in fulfilling your destiny, comrades need to work hard" are by no means empty words.

This domestic lithography machine revolution has indeed not yet succeeded.

we can even say.

This fateful battle has just begun.

They still have a long way to go. .

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