Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 966 Here’S To Tomorrow! Here’S To The Future!

Jiang Shangzhou's words are by no means dangerous and sensational.

It seems that currently.

Domestic lithography machines, relying on 'steady-state micro-bunching' technology, have brought the level of domestic lithography machines to the same level as ASML.

Even theoretically speaking, the subsequent development potential of domestic lithography machines is far above ASML's DUV lithography machines, which is comparable to or even surpasses EUV.


If there are no major technological breakthroughs in other subsystems of the lithography machine, then all of this will be like a castle in the air.

Just because a certain subsystem has made a major technological breakthrough, it cannot move forward with domestic lithography machines.

You need two legs, no, twelve legs to walk together.

Why was ASML able to surpass the two photolithography machine giants Nicon and Canon after entering the new millennium, and ascend to the throne of the king in one fell swoop?

Is "520" just because ASML made the right choice of technical route and used the immersion type proposed by Lin Benjian, thereby breaking through the light source wavelength from 193nm to 134nm in one fell swoop?

This is indeed a big factor.

But more importantly.

Asmai has the strong support of America behind this.

In 1997, America established the EUV-LLC organization, many of America's technology companies, and even America's three major national laboratories were involved.

To know.

America's three major national laboratories, that's real cowhide.

It is precisely because there is so much support behind it that ASML can finally defeat Ni Kang and Jianeng and sit on the throne of the king in the field of lithography machines.

If ASML relied solely on its own technical strength, it would at best be tied with Nikang and Jianeng, and how could it achieve its current success?

"Professor Jiang's words are very pertinent."

"We can't be complacent just yet."

"If the road to success is said to be 100 steps, then at most we have taken 20 steps now. There are still 80 steps ahead, and we are still far away from the end.

Yin Zhiyao nodded in agreement and said.

If the only place where the domestic chip semiconductor industry has not been stuck before is the etching machine.

Longwei Semiconductor, founded by Yin Zhiyao, specializes in the research and development of etching machines.

In terms of technology in this area, it is definitely world-class.

Even Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a customer of Long Micro Semiconductor.

Lu Yi also nodded and said: "Yes, we haven't succeeded yet. At most, we have fired the first shot. There are still many mountains waiting for us to climb."

"It goes without saying that the core components of the photolithography machine are."

“In addition, there are photoresists, etc., which are also the key points that are stuck.

Zhang Rujin immediately answered: "Director Lu mentioned a very critical point, photoresist.

"Photoresist is one of the microelectronic chemicals with the highest technical threshold in the world."

“In the manufacturing process of large-scale integrated circuits, photolithography and etching technology are the most important processes in fine circuit pattern processing, accounting for 40% to 50% of the chip manufacturing time.

Photoresist is the key material for the photolithography process to achieve selective etching. "

"Without qualified photoresist, even if we build a 1nm-level photolithography machine, it will be useless. All the engravings will be scraps."

"Currently, in the global semiconductor photoresist market, except for America's DuPont, five of the top six seats are occupied by island companies."

"These five companies that visited us ate more than 90% of the cake."

"There is nothing wrong with the global photoresist market when it comes to island countries."

"As for our domestically produced photoresists, they are not blocked by overseas markets because the technical thresholds for these three types of photoresists are relatively low for PCB boards, LCDs, and LEDs."

"But in the field of semiconductor photoresist, we are completely behind due to high technical barriers."

"Around 2000, our country began to develop photoresist."

"At present, the whole industry is still in its infancy, and there is a big gap between the level of process technology and foreign companies, and Anduan materials and equipment still rely on imports.

"Compared with foreign advanced photoresist technology, domestic products are at least 4 generations behind."


"In the domestic chip and semiconductor industry, we are still being touched by America."

"Even if we break through the blockade on the photolithography machine, once America blocks us on the photoresist, we still won't be able to create chips with advanced performance without advanced photoresist."

Speaking of which.

Everyone's hearts became slightly heavier.

For the domestic chip and semiconductor industry, there are too many obstacles ahead...

In the upper and middle reaches, there are places where the neck is stuck.

Raw materials in the upstream and equipment manufacturing in the midstream.

The complete chip semiconductor industry chain [that is, no one place can be stuck.

Once a certain place is choked and the chain is broken, the entire chain will be severely damaged.

Seeing that everyone was in a heavy mood, Lu Yi immediately smiled and cheered: "We don't have to be so heavy-hearted. As long as we are willing to spend time and effort to tackle the problems one by one, there is nothing we can't do."

"Think back in the 1950s and 1960s, when the country was in so much difficulty, didn't we, with nothing but nothing, launch two bombs and one satellite on our own, shocking the world?"

"Nothing can stump us Dragon Kingdom people!"

"I also believe that tomorrow will be better!"

Speaking of which.

Lu Yi raised his glass and said with a smile: "Let us raise our glasses to tomorrow and the future together!"

Zhang Rujin, He Rongming and others were all infected by Lu Yi's optimism. They all raised their glasses and laughed loudly: "Director Lu is right, we are getting old after all, and the future depends on you young people." Human.”

"Here's to tomorrow!"

"To the future!"


Everyone drank it all and laughed.

A celebration party.

Everyone drank a little too much.

Even Jiang Shangzhou, who was in poor health, couldn't hold back his happiness and drank two more drinks.

Lu Yi stood by and tried to persuade Jiang Shangzhou to just replace wine with tea, but Jiang Shangzhou didn't listen.

It means that today is a happy day, and it would be too disappointing to replace wine with tea.

no way.

Lu Yi could only advise Jiang Shangzhou to take good care of his body and drink less.

Because I am happy.

Everyone drank a little too much.

Even Jiang Shangzhou, who drank the least, was a little drunk.

Lin Qingya had no choice but to ask the hotel to open a few rooms and ask the waiter to help Lu Yi and others into the room to rest.

During this time.

Lu Yi and the others kept saying that they were not drunk.

Fortunately it's in a hotel.

If we were outside, let the paparazzi see the drunken state of people like Lu Yi.

I'm afraid that the drunkenness of Lu Yi and the others will be the headline across the country tomorrow, causing an uproar. .

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