Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 967 Women Are Indeed Not Reasonable Creatures.

This sleep.

Lu Yi slept in a daze.

It wasn't until about five o'clock in the afternoon that I woke up dizzy.

As soon as he woke up, Lu Yi quickly picked up the water glass on the bedside table and drank from it.

His throat was on fire.

After drinking a large glass of cold water, Lu Yi took a deep breath and regained consciousness.

Walk out of the room.

Lin Qingya was checking information on the computer in the living room while talking to her subordinates.

Lu Yi walked over lightly and took a look.

The information content is related to Shanghai Microelectronics.


Lin Qingya is doing preliminary work for investing in Shanghai Microelectronics.

Although He Rongming and Lin Qingya had met before and reached an investment intention, which was equivalent to an investment memorandum.

But Shanghai Microelectronics is not a private enterprise, but a serious state-owned enterprise.

The major shareholder of SSE Microelectronics is SSE Electric, a well-established state-owned enterprise.

The absolute shareholder of Shanghai Electric is the Shanghai State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.

Lin Qingya wants to invest in Shanghai Microelectronics, and He Rongming is also willing to accept investment, but it is not something they can decide by just patting their heads.

He Rongming had to ask the superior department for instructions.

It requires the consent of Shanghai Electric and Shanghai State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.

But I think there should be no problem in all likelihood.

after all.

Shanghai Microelectronics is indeed having a hard time.

The above allocation for Shanghai Microelectronics is limited, but Shanghai Microelectronics is also responsible for major national tasks.

Just shouting slogans is of no use.

The key is still needing money.

If you have money, you can buy equipment, do experiments, and conduct various research.

Without money, how can you ask the employees of Shanghai Microelectronics to conduct research?

Use your mouth?

Lin Qingya's Qingwei Capital is a private venture capital institution.

However, its Blue Venture Capital Fund has a state-owned background, and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission is the major shareholder of the Blue Venture Capital Fund.

This way.

Qingwei Capital, which has a relationship with the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, has much less resistance to inject capital into Shanghai Microelectronics.

Especially with the current loss of state-owned assets of Lianxiang, the people above will inevitably be more cautious.

If other private venture capital institutions want to invest in Shanghai Microelectronics, they will definitely be beaten back by their superiors.

But Qingwei Capital probably won’t.


Now domestic lithography machines have made major breakthroughs.

Shanghai Microelectronics also needs more funds to support R&D and mass production to ensure that 28nm-level domestic lithography machines can be mass-produced smoothly next year.

The superiors must also understand the priorities here.

Lin Qingya checked the information and also explained Ren Luo to her subordinates.

Since you want to invest in Shanghai Microelectronics, you must investigate the situation of Shanghai Microelectronics clearly and evaluate the assets of Shanghai Microelectronics.

Of course, she, the boss, does not need to do these tasks herself, she can just leave them to the people below.

Lu Yi stood aside and did some stretching exercises to relax his body without disturbing Lin Qingya.

A few minutes later.

Lin Qingya hung up the phone, closed the computer, glanced at Lu Yi next to her, and said, "Does it hurt when you wake up?"

"Wake up." Lu Yi nodded, "Have Professor Zhang and Professor Jiang made arrangements?"

Lin Qingya replied: "Professor Zhang and the others are not like some people who sleep like dead pigs. An hour ago, Professor Zhang and the others came over and said hello when they saw you were still sleeping.

I have left. Let me wait until you wake up and let you know. "1

Lu Yi nodded and said: "I was fed too much by Professor Zhang and others at noon. I originally planned to wake up and talk to Professor Zhang, but now it seems that it will be tomorrow."

"Go take a shower. Auntie just called me and asked if we would go back for dinner tonight." Lin Qingya said.

Lu Yi said with a smile: "Okay, Qingya, my mother won't call me, she will call you directly."

Lin Qingya rolled her eyes and said, "That's because you slept like a dead pig. Auntie called you many times but no one answered, so she called me."

"Haha." Lu Yi laughed, "It's the same! This means that my mother also knows that I am with you. If you can't find me, just look for you."

"Okay, don't be poor. Take a shower and then go home. Auntie is waiting for us to go back for dinner." Lin Qingya said.

"Okay, do you want to take a mandarin duck bath with me? There's still plenty of time anyway." Lu Yi said with a smirk on his face, winking at Lin Qingya.

Lin Qingya twitched her lips and said calmly: "Not interested."

Lu Yi, who was bored, got into the bathroom angrily.

five minutes later.

Lu Yi came out of the bathroom.

"So fast?" Lin Qingya said in surprise.

"Men take baths so quickly." Lu Yi said with a smile, "The main reason is that you didn't agree to take a mandarin duck bath, so I naturally moved quickly."

"Not serious!" Lin Qingya spat and rolled her eyes.

Lu Yi chuckled and said, "Why are you so shy? Neither of us has seen each other before."

"I'm too lazy to pay attention to you." Lin Qingya said angrily.

It is said that a woman is like a wolf at thirty and a tiger at forty. The same applies to men.

on the way home.

Lu Yi received a call from Lan Lan.

"Lu Yi, I'm not done with you!"

As soon as the call was connected, Lan Lan's lion-like roar came.

Lu Yi was so shocked that he almost threw the third-generation Pinnacle mobile phone away.

"..." Miss Lan, why are you crazy? I didn't provoke you either!" Lu Yi frowned.

Lan Lan said: "You said you didn't provoke me, but you brought your girlfriend home quietly, but my parents called me today, and Tang Monk chanted sutras for a while.

“My mother has given me a death sentence, telling me that I must bring my boyfriend back during the Spring Festival next year, otherwise I will not be allowed to enter the house.

"Tell me, does it have anything to do with you?"

Lu Yi immediately screamed and said: "Miss Lan, you are making no sense. Your parents put pressure on you, but you turned your anger on me. "I am so innocent."

"Hmph, I don't care! It's your fault!" Lan Lan said.

Lu Yi murmured in a low voice: "Women really don't make sense at all."


Lu Yi suddenly felt a cold current coming from beside him, which made him shiver.

Turning his head to look, he found Lin Qingxiong staring at him with a smile on his face.

He quickly turned his head and said, "Ahem, Lan Lan, you are not young anymore. Uncle Lan and Aunt Lan are doing this for your own good..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lan Lan: "This (Li's) matter is not over yet. When you return to Su City, we will see how I deal with you."


The other end hung up the phone.

Lu Yi listened to the blind tone, his mouth opened wide, and he was speechless.

"Women don't make sense at all?" Lu Yi just smacked his lips twice when Lin Qingya's cold voice came to his ears.

Lu Yi shuddered and quickly admitted his mistake: "Ahem, slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue, don't take it seriously, you are the most reasonable.

"Haha~" Lin Qingya sneered, "You two have a very good relationship. 11

Lu Yi definitely felt something wrong when he heard this.

He turned his head and looked at Lin Qingya, who was smiling at the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "Why, are you still jealous? Are you jealous?"

"You know what my relationship is with Lan Lan."

"If I were interested in her, it would be impossible for us to become a couple."

Lin Qingya still smiled coldly and said quietly: "Who knows whether the plank road was built openly to visit Chen Cang secretly."

Lu Yi's head was pounding when he heard this.

I wailed in my heart: "Women are indeed not reasonable creatures.".

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