Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 968 It Turns Out That He Is The Richest Man In Lu

the next day.

That is Wednesday, September 30th.

Lu Yi went directly to Loongson International, ready to talk to Zhang Rujin.

the other side.

Lin Qingya also followed Lu Yi to Zhangjiang High-Tech Park again.


His destination is not Loongson International, but Shanghai Microelectronics.

at the same time.

Lin Qingya's team arrived in Shanghai that night after receiving instructions from Lin Qingya yesterday.

Before Lu Yi and the two arrived at Zhangjiang High-tech Park, they were already waiting at the entrance.

Arrive at Zhangjiang High-tech Park.

Lu Yi and Lin Qingya separated.

He went directly to Loongson International.

In the morning, I called Zhang Rujin and made an appointment.

Lin Qingya took her troops and went directly to Shanghai Microelectronics to conduct a detailed investigation.

You can't be careless about investing in this kind of thing.

Although she was not short of money, she did not want to waste it.

Lu Yi came to Loongson International.

As soon as I walked into the Loongson International Building, I was noticed by the girl at the front desk.

As a well-known celebrity in China, Lu Yi's face is already familiar to countless single or married women in China, "it can be said to be a passport for walking."

There are countless high hats on Lu Yi's head.

Among them is a hat called "National Husband", which is worn on his head by countless women 040 in the country.

In the previous life, an ignorant rich second generation like Wang Shicong could become what everyone calls a national husband by relying on his family connections.

What's more, Lu Yi in this life is a rich generation who started from scratch, has a net worth of trillions, and is as rich as the country.

Not only was Wang Shicong, the second generation rich man, beaten, but Wang Shicong's father was also beaten in front of Lu Yi.


This life.

Wang Shicong's title of national husband was directly snatched away by Lu Yi.

In the minds of countless women in China, Lu Yi is undoubtedly the man of their dreams.

Rich in money, handsome and successful.

A true diamond king!

I don’t know how many domestic and foreign women are the ideal type.

If Lu Yi held a concubine selection convention here, not to mention domestically, even from abroad, countless girls would fly to Su City to participate.

When the two front desk girls from Loongson International saw Lu Yi's face, they immediately raised their eyebrows and turned red.

"Lu...Lu Yi! It's Lu Yi!"

"Oh my God, am I not dreaming? The richest man in China is actually coming to our company!"

"Tick me, I must be dreaming, for sure!"

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die..."

The two girls at the front desk were so excited that they couldn't contain themselves.

Lu Yi walked over and said with a smile: "Hello, I am Lu Yi. I have made an appointment with Mr. Zhang."


The two girls were indifferent to Lu Yi's words. They looked at Lu Yi with starry eyes and were filled with excitement.



He yelled twice in succession, and finally stretched out his hand and waved it in front of their eyes.

Or a supervisor from the logistics department happened to come down, saw this scene, came over, and said quickly: "Hello, sir, how can I help you?"

Hearing the voice of the logistics manager, the two girls came out of their infatuated state.

Then they all lowered their heads.

This is such an embarrassment to Tian Tian!

Lu Yi smiled and said: "Hello, I made an appointment with Mr. Zhang this morning.

"May I ask your name?"

"Lu Yi."

The female supervisor directly called Zhang Rujin's assistant.

"Assistant Wang, there is a Mr. Lu Yi here who said he had made an appointment with Mr. Zhang...

"Yes, Manager Zhang, please bring Mr. Lu here. Manager Zhang is already waiting in the office."


hang up the phone.

The female supervisor said with a smile: "Mr. Lu, it has been verified. Please come with me.


The female supervisor took Lu Yi upstairs in the elevator and brought Lu Yi to the floor of Zhang Rujin's office.

The elevator door opens.

Zhang Rujin's assistant was already waiting at the elevator door.

"Assistant Wang......"

The female supervisor was a little surprised.

I didn't expect Assistant Wang to wait directly at the elevator door.

"Director Zhang, I will take Mr. Lu to Mr. Zhang's office."

"Oh well."

"Mr. Lu, please come with me (cifa)."

Lu Yi nodded, and then said to Manager Zhang: "Thank you."

Looking at Lu Yi's back, Manager Zhang was a little confused.

I don’t know what Lu Yi’s identity is, but Assistant Wang pays so much attention to him.

Manager Zhang is a middle-aged woman in her forties. She has heard of Lu Yi's name, but has never seen what Lu Yi looks like.


She did not associate Lu Yi with the world's richest man, thinking they were people with the same name.

after all.

As the world's richest man, Lu Yi is either in a meeting or on the way to a meeting every day.

Even if they really came to cooperate with Loongson, they would not come to discuss it in person.


Manager Zhang came to the hall again.

She was going to talk about the two girls at the front desk.

What were you doing just now?

Mr. Zhang is such an important guest, and the two front desk girls are actually nymphomaniacs.

If he hadn't come down just in time, I don't know how long Lu Yi would have been left alone by the two of them.

"What were you two doing just now?"

"You actually left Mr. Lu hanging here!"

Manager Zhang directly addressed the two front desk girls.

The two girls felt a little guilty.

They did not do their job well just now.

One of them said aggrievedly: "Supervisor, you can't blame us, we were really too excited just now!"

"Excited? I think you are just crazy. You can't walk when you see a handsome guy! When you get to my age, you will understand that appearance is just a cloud." Manager Zhang lectured in the tone of an experienced person.

The two girls were a little confused.

No way?

If someone suddenly sees Lu Yi, he will have the same reaction as them.

A girl asked tentatively: "Supervisor, he is Dr. Lu Yi!"

"I know, what's wrong?" Manager Zhang said nonchalantly.

Another girl reminded: "Lu Yi, the richest man in Lu!"

This time.

Manager Zhang was stunned.

After a moment, she said with trembling lips: "Is he the richest man in the world, Yi?"

The two girls at the front desk nodded in agreement.

Manager Zhang immediately slapped his thigh and said, "No wonder! No wonder Assistant Wang went to the elevator door to greet him personally. It turns out he is the richest man in Lu!"


Manager Zhang became happy again.

after all.

I just took the same elevator with the legendary richest man in the world.

More importantly.

Lu Yi said thank you to her!

If you say this, you will be envied by women all over the country?!

the other side.

Lu Yi followed Assistant Wang and walked through the workstation corridor.

They immediately attracted countless gazes.

The employees of Loongson International are all in their twenties and thirties.

In addition, the economic conditions are not bad, so it is natural that Lu Chu will be recognized.

Everyone was stunned when they saw Lu Yi appearing at Loongson International.

Wait until Lu Yi entered Zhang Rujin's office.

They just came to their senses and started talking.

Everyone was extremely excited and beaming. .

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