Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 969 Is The Richest Man Lu Here To Save Loongson International From The Fire And Water?

"Damn it! I'm not dazzled, that's... Rikuba?!!"

"Idol! My idol actually appeared in the company??"

"Brother, tell me, I'm not dazzled, he is indeed the richest man in Lu!"

"Hey, why are you pinching me?"

"I wanted to see if I-was dreaming."

"Fuck! Pinch yourself!"

"I'm afraid of pain."

All the employees of Loongson International were excited to see Lu Yi.

I simply no longer have the heart to work.

That’s Lu Yi!

World 's richest man!

For them, they can recite Lu Yi's mythical story of creating trillions of wealth from scratch.

Lu Yi is a true national idol.

Many people regard Lu Yi as their idol and look forward to one day being as successful as Lu Yi.

Especially those fresh graduates who have just graduated.

They are more sensitive to this.

Because Lu Yi was still a college student when he started his business.

"Why did the richest man Lu come to our company?"

"I heard that the current situation of the company is not good. We are suing Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. in America for a compensation of 1 billion meters. It seems that the result will be announced soon. The possibility of the company losing the lawsuit is as high as 90%. You said, the richest man Lu Is it because of this that you came to our company?"

"You mean, the richest man, Lu, is here to buy us?"

"If the richest man Lu acquires us, I will not object.

The employees of Loongson were talking a lot about Lu Yi's sudden visit.

Everyone has a more or less understanding of the current situation of the company.

Loongson International was established in 2000.

After Zhang Rujin founded Loongson International, he made phone calls, sent emails, and found acquaintances, poaching from Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and the United Nations General Assembly.

The poached employees disclosed Semiconductor Manufacturing Company's trade secrets to Loongson International, which enabled Loongson International to build four 8-inch wafer processing plants and a 12-inch plant from scratch in less than four years.

Faced with Loongson International's encroachment on Semiconductor Manufacturing Company's business, Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. across the Taiwan Strait took out counterattack tactics and began to file lawsuits against the poached employees for allegedly leaking trade secrets.


In the federal court in California, America, the litigation battle between Semiconductor Manufacturing Company and Loongson lasted from 2002 to 2005.

Finally, in February 2005, Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. announced that it had reached a settlement with Loongson International regarding patent infringement.

According to the agreement, Loongson International paid approximately 175 million yuan to Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. to settle patent and trade secret litigation cases.


Fast forward to 2006.

Semiconductor Manufacturing Company once again sued Loongson International to the federal court in America, claiming that Loongson International used its 90nm technology without permission.

It has been 9 years since Loongson International was founded in 2000.

During these 9 years.

The first four to five years were the fastest growing period for Loongson International.

The scale was even close to that of the leader in the wafer foundry field, Li Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

However, as Li Semiconductor took Loongson International to court twice, it directly interrupted the rapid development trend of Loongson International.

Especially this second time.

From 2006 to present.

The development of Loongson International has almost reached a state of stagnation.

One is the internal instability and struggle for power and profit within Loongson International.

The second is the pressure from promoting Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., which has made people inside the company panic.

Now it has been three years since Semiconductor Manufacturing Company sued Loongson International for infringement for the second time, and everyone has heard more or less some news.

This time.

I'm afraid that Loongson's side will still end up like the first time, bowing its head to Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and conciliating.

But this time is different from the first time.

This time, the claim amount raised by Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is as high as 1 billion yuan, equivalent to about 7 billion yuan.

This money, given the current financial situation of Loongson International, is absolutely unavailable.

Since 2005.

Due to huge ongoing investment and depreciation pressure, Loongson International has suffered losses for three consecutive years.

With a cash compensation of 1 billion meters, Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is trying to pull out all the money and completely destroy Loongson International.

For a business, cash flow is very important.

For a company with a cash flow rupture, if there is no follow-up capital injection, it is not far from bankruptcy.


The employees of Loongson International also know that the company is having a very difficult time now.

There were even faint rumors circulating.

Loongson International has had many contacts with Tichi Semiconductor and has the intention to reach a settlement.

The price that Loongson International has to pay to reach a settlement is not small.

According to reports.

Loongson International not only has to compensate in cash, but may even take shares of Loongson International.

"I heard from the gossip that the settlement offered by Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a cash compensation of one to two hundred million gold, plus at least 10 points of the company's equity. Calculating this, the total value is about one billion gold. !”

...Please give me flowers...

"It's so abominable to promote Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. They are trying every means to bring down our company."

"Hey, what can I do? I'm not as strong as others, and I've been caught by others. If I want to continue to work in this industry, I have to bow my head and submit."

"The richest man Lu came to the company today, it must be because of this matter. Everyone knows the attitude of Baodao towards the mainland. Naturally, they will not just watch Godson being promoted to Semiconductor and forced to have no way out."

"To be honest, I would rather the richest man, Lu, buy a stake in our Loongson, rather than support Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. to buy a stake."

The employees of Loongson International were talking a lot.

Everyone was a little angry as they spoke.

These few years.

Loongson International was really suppressed by Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

It has been losing money for three or four consecutive years.

And want to come.

The purpose of promoting Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. to suppress Loongson International so fiercely is now basically clear.

That is to let the cash flow of Loongson International dry up, and then find the right opportunity to directly strengthen Loongson International.


Lu Yi has already arrived at Zhang Rujin's office under the leadership of Assistant Wang.

Assistant Wang knocked on the door.

After hearing Zhang Rujin's "come in" voice, he pushed away and made a gesture to Lu Yi to come in.

Lu Yi smiled and nodded, thanked him, and entered Zhang Rujin's office.

After Lu Yi entered, Assistant Wang closed the door and returned to his work station.

Before she could sit down, other secretaries and assistants gathered around her.

"Sister Wang, what's going on? Why did the richest man Lu suddenly come to our company?"

"Sister Wang, is the richest man Lu really here to invest in our company?"

“Sister Wang…………

Everyone asked questions in a hurry.

In their view.

Assistant Wang must know why Lu Yi came to see Mr. Zhang today.

They know more about the company than other employees.

Other employees only speculated based on hearsay that Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. wanted to invest in Loongson International. Whether this was true or not, these ordinary employees could not guarantee.

After all, it's all hearsay.

But they are Zhang Rujin's secretarial assistants and know much more than ordinary employees.

Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is indeed eyeing Loongson International. It has opened its big mouth and wants to bite off a large piece of Loongson International's flesh. .

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