Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 970 Loongson International Has No Money, But Blue Star Electronics Has Money!

"Sister Wang, tell us quickly, is the richest man Lu invited by Mr. Zhang to help solve the problem?"

"If we have the help of the richest man in Lu, we will definitely be able to survive this crisis."

Several people surrounded Assistant Wang, chattering and asking questions non-stop.

Assistant Wang quickly stopped a few people.

"Stop, stop, stop."

"Everyone be quiet!"

"It's working time!"

"Don't even ask me, I don't know anything.

Assistant Wang said.

After hearing what Assistant Wang said, everyone looked in disbelief.

Seeing this situation, Assistant Wang said in a serious tone: "Don't look at me like that, I really don't know, I'm still surprised.

"Okay, stop hanging around me and go back to work."


Everyone returned to their seats.

Assistant Wang looked back at Zhang Rujin's office door, thinking in his mind.

She really doesn't know Lu Yi's purpose.

That is to say, this morning, Zhang Rujin told her that Lu Yi would come in the morning.

Others, she knew nothing.

She was also scratching her head inside.


In Zhang Rujin’s office.

"Director Lu, here you go. Sorry, I'm a little busy and can't go downstairs to pick you up." Zhang Rujiang hung up the phone and said with a smile when he saw Lu Yi coming in.

Lu Yi smiled and said, "Professor Zhang, your words are enough to scare me."

The two exchanged pleasantries for a few words, and then Zhang Rujin asked, "What brings Lu here today?"

Speak the truth.

He received a call from Lu Yi in the morning, saying that he was coming to visit him. He was confused.

We just met yesterday and basically reached a consensus on various things.

Lu Yi came to see him privately the next day. Was there any accident?

Lu Yi did not mince words, and said: "Professor Zhang, I heard that Loongson and Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. are currently negotiating and settling, and the lion on the other side of Sower Electronics has opened its mouth.

Zhang Rujin nodded and said, "That's what happened."

This isn't a secret either.

The outside world knows it.

In 2006, Tsinghua Semiconductor sued Loongson International for the second time, claiming 1 billion yuan in gold.

The lawsuit lasted for 3 years.

Since 2005, Loongson International has been under the pressure of promoting Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., its business has plummeted, and its performance has been losing money every year.

It is not an option to argue with Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

It is necessary to reach a settlement with Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. as soon as possible and focus on production. This is the right way.

It keeps dragging on like this.

It doesn't matter if you promote Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

The family has a big business, there is no shortage of orders, and they can afford it.

But Loongson International can’t.

The shareholders on the board of directors are already very dissatisfied.

To know.

Loongson International is a listed company, and only good performance can satisfy shareholders.

not to mention.

In the equity structure of Loongson International, foreign capital accounts for approximately 20% of the equity.

They don't care what happens to you and Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.

What they want is profit and dividends.

"You should have heard about the situation of Loongson International, Lu Zhi.

"There is no way, we can't afford it."

"From 2006 to now, this lawsuit has been dragging on for three years."

"During this period, Loongson International has been losing money every year. The shareholders on the board of directors are very dissatisfied with this and require me to reach a settlement with Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. as soon as possible to get the company's production and operations back on track."

Zhang Rujin sighed with a tired look on his face.

Although he is the founder of Loongson International, in fact [he holds about 1% of the equity of Loongson International.

There's nothing we can do about it.

Zhang Rujin's founding of Loongson International was full of twists and turns, and the road was full of obstacles.

In 2000, with a passion for serving the country, he followed his father's orders and set up a factory in mainland China.

However, due to the limitations of America's strategy, she could only take a curveball approach to save the country.

First, register a company in the Cayman Islands as a foreign investor and set up a factory in Shanghai.

Initially, in order to raise funds, Zhang Rujin’s mother used her church background to find five major churches in America to endorse Zhang Rujin.

Moreover, Zhang Rujin also assured America’s Ministry of Commerce that future chip products will only be used for industrial and civilian purposes and will not be used by the military. This way he obtained five companies including Walden International, Handing Asia Pacific, Goldman Sachs, and Vertex Capital. Investment from overseas capital raised a total of 1.48 billion yuan.

Lu Yi said: "So, Loongson International is ready to accept it?"

Zhang Rujin said helplessly: "What can we do if we don't accept it? In this lawsuit with Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, the probability of us losing the case is as high as 99%."

Hearing this, Lu Ti nodded.

The grievances between Loongson International and Jiangsu Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. will not be possible in this life because of his appearance.

This second lawsuit can be said to be a continuation of the first.

After Loongson International lost the first lawsuit, the result of this second time was doomed.


There is no way to change the result that Loongson International lost the lawsuit...

But the direction of the result can be changed because of him.

"Professor Zhang, the outcome of Loongson International's defeat may not be changed, but I think the direction of the outcome can be changed," Lu Yi said.

Zhang Rujin suddenly became excited.

His feud with SEMC started in 2000, when SEMC acquired World Semiconductor.


Hearing Lu Yi's words, a fire suddenly lit up in his heart.

"How do you say that?" Zhang Rujin asked quickly.

He had some suspicions in his mind.

It's nothing more than Bluestar Electronics taking a stake in Loongson International. In this way, Loongson International will have the money to compensate without having to pay equity, making Tichi Semiconductor the largest shareholder of Loongson International.

He would rather lose money than let Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. invest in Loongson International.

For Zhang Rujin, promoting Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. to become a shareholder of Loongson International is no different from humiliation.

"As far as I know, Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is claiming 1 billion meters in gold from Loongson International."

"However, in the past few years, Loongson International has suffered continuous losses, and it will definitely not be able to afford so much money."

“Then, the final result is nothing more than a partial cash compensation, plus a part of Loongson International’s equity.

Lu Yi said.

Zhang Rujin nodded and said: "That's right! Loongson International can't come up with 1 billion meters of gold, or even 100 million meters of gold. For me, I would rather compensate TSMC in cash than allow Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. to take a stake, because This is humiliating to me."

"But I can't take the entire Loongson International to be angry. I don't have the final say in Loongson International alone."

Lu Yi smiled 1.5% and said: "Loongson International has no money, but Blue Star Electronics has money!"

To this.

Zhang Rujin was not surprised at all.

Since it has become a foregone conclusion to sell a part of the shares of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., why don't you choose someone you like to buy shares?

Lifting up JMC is an enemy.

It would be Chi Guoguo's humiliation if his enemy invested in the company he founded.

Lu Yi is a partner, and a very good partner.

The relationship between the two is also very good.

Simply extending one's head is a sword, and shrinking one's head is also a sword.

That being the case.

It would be better to let Blue Star Electronics take a stake.


It also prevents Xiao Jiujiu, who is trying to support Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., from completely succeeding.

Moreover, it is pleasing to my own eyes and I won’t feel humiliated.

"If Blue Star Electronics invests in Loongson International, I will naturally welcome it with both hands." Zhang Rujin said. .

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