Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 974 Hot Money Pays Attention And Ends, And The Stock Price Rises Due To Sudden Changes

In fact.

And indeed it is.

There were so many people at the scene who saw Lu Yi, and some people took the opportunity to secretly take pictures with their mobile phones, and then turned around and posted them on their WeChat Moments or their own Weibo accounts.

Of course.

These people don’t have many fans on their Weibo, only their friends comment, like and forward it.


There is no movement on the Internet now.

And on the Hong Kong stock market.

The sudden change in the stock price of Loongson International immediately attracted the attention of many hot money investors who were concerned about Loongson International.

Although Loongson International is now in a difficult dilemma.

There are even rumors circulating on the Internet that Tibetan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. will invest in Long International.


The hot money that paid attention to Loongson International saw a sudden change in Loongson International's stock price, and a large number of buying orders appeared on the market, although the amount of buying orders was not very large.

But in the eyes of these keen hot money, this is the main force secretly building positions.

The main purpose of opening a position is not to attract market attention, so that enough chips can be obtained at a low price.


In the early stage of building a position, the purchase amount will not be too large to avoid causing large fluctuations in the stock price.

Because once you exert too much force and the stock price soars, it will be too eye-catching.


Hot money investors who are paying attention to Loongson International's Hong Kong stocks see the sudden change in Loongson International's stock price. The first thing they think of is that the main players are secretly building positions.

Why would the main force open a position at this time?

It is very likely that Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. will buy a stake in Loongson International, which is already a certainty.


In the eyes of the main players, promoting Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. to invest in Loongson International is a big plus for Loongson International.

First, the lawsuit against Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has come to an end, and production can then be developed.

The second is that Ascend Semiconductor has become a shareholder of Loongson International. Will Ascend Semiconductor transfer some backward process technologies to Loongson International?

To know.

The gap between Loongson International and Tier Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is huge in terms of process technology.

Process technologies such as 60nm and 90nm may be backward process technologies for Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.

But on the Loongson International side, it will be different.

It is precisely based on the consideration of these two factors that, in the view of major institutions, promoting Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. to invest in Loongson International is not only not a negative for Loongson International, but also a great benefit.

In previous lives.

After Loongson International and Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. reached a settlement and announced the settlement agreement, Loongson International's stock price soared by 53%, which is the best proof.


Hot money investors who pay attention to Loongson International immediately feel relieved and energetic.

The main force got the inside information and began to build positions secretly.

At this time, it is natural to follow and hurry in.

at the same time.

These keen hot money also inquired about relevant information through their own channels to confirm.


They didn't hear the ironclad news that Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. would acquire a stake in Loongson International. Instead, they learned another huge piece of news.

Just this morning.

Lu Yi actually appeared at Loongson International and had a secret conversation with Zhang Rujin. After the two of them finished talking, Zhang Rujin sent Lu Yi away with a smile on his face.

After learning the news.

These hot money were suddenly startled, and their minds were thinking crazily about the stakes involved.

They did not doubt the authenticity of the news.

Because through certain channels, they saw the on-site photos of Lu Yi appearing at Loongson International taken by Loongson International employees.


These keen hot money began to contact each other and discuss.

Why does Lu Yi appear in Loongson International?

What did Zhang Rujin and Lu Yi talk about?

When seeing Lu Yi off, Zhang Rujin was all smiles. What does it mean?

As the saying goes, the Three Stooges are better than Zhuge Liang.

In everyone's discussion, a conclusion was drawn.

It is likely that Lu Yi will invest in Loongson International.


Lu Yi is the richest man in the world, with a net worth of trillions, and he is not short of money at all.

If Lu Yi takes a stake in Loongson International, it will bring huge cash flow to Loongson International, and Loongson International will also have money to develop more advanced process technology.

Think this through.

They also understood why there was a sudden change in Loongson International today.


These people, without saying a word, directly bought the shares of Loongson International in large sums.

Because these hot money have already figured it out.

When the stock price of Loongson International changed previously, it was not because major institutions were secretly building positions. In all likelihood, it was internal employees of Loongson International who were buying, which is why the amount was so small.

.........Please give me flowers...

They are not the only smart people.

The employees of Loongson International can naturally think of Lu Yi's purpose and deduce that this will be good news for the stock price of Loongson International. They naturally seize the opportunity to buy in first.

Wait until the news is fermented, and wait for everyone to carry the sedan chair.

This time they discovered it early. Before the main institutions intervened, the timing should not be too good.

In the past, the main force was involved, and they came in to carry the sedan chair and beat drums to pass the flowers.


As hot money, they can lurk in ahead of the main force and wait to carry the sedan chair.

As these hot funds bought large amounts of Loongson International's shares, Loongson International's stock price went straight up ninety degrees, showing a pillar of support for the sky.

after all.

The money in the hands of these hot money is much greater than that of the employees of Loongson International.

With each stroke of the pen falling down, the stock price naturally skyrocketed.

With the continuous changes in the stock price of Loongson International, it has also attracted the attention of more investors.

They had not paid attention to it before because the stock price of Loongson International did not change much.

But with the end of hot money, the stock price rose like a monkey.

Moreover, the buying funds were so strong that it was directly listed on the list of rapid increases and was noticed by countless investors.

For a while.

Everyone has inquired about the reasons for the sudden changes in Loongson International.

Those with information channels soon learned that Lu Yi had appeared at Loongson International and had a secret conversation with Zhang Rujin.

Smart people deduced the connection behind this, so they boldly entered it.

As for more retail investors, who had no information channels, they were confused when they saw the sudden rise in the stock price of Loongson International. They did not dare to get out of the market at all, for fear of being trapped.

As for the main institutions.

At this time, I also noticed the change in the stock price of Loongson International.

Their information channels are incomparable to those of ordinary investors, and even the hot money is like a younger brother to them.

Hot Money just found out that Lu Yi appeared at Loongson International today and met with Zhang Rujin.

The main institutions have gone one step further.

Not only did they find out this information, but they also learned that Zhang Rujin was going to hold a meeting at four o'clock in the afternoon.

Then the signal is obvious.


Some major institutions that noticed Loongson International also began to fail. .

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