Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 975 Retail Investors Left The Market In Tears And Cut Their Flesh Due To Their Habitual Thin

Hong Kong stock market.

As hot money ignited Loongson International, the stock price of Loongson International fluctuated continuously, which was immediately noticed by countless investors.

Everyone is a little confused about the changes in Loongson International's stock price.

"What happened?"

"Loongson International, which has been on a downward trend, why did its stock price suddenly rise violently?"

"Could it be that the main players who were trapped were desperate for the stock price, so they made a final struggle, causing the stock price to reverse, luring us into the trap so that they could leave the market?"

"Judging from the financial reports disclosed by Loongson International, it has been losing money for three consecutive years, and this year's performance may still be in the red. This is a bear stock. Today, the stock price suddenly rose violently, causing abnormal movements and attracting our attention. It must be a trap by the main force.”

"That's right, the main players who have been trapped in the "530" can no longer stand the falling trend of Loongson International."

"Fortunately, I cut it early, otherwise I would have lost my pants by now."

"Looking at this situation, I can't continue to take it. I'd better cut the flesh. If I had known, I should have cut the flesh earlier. Technology companies are killing people."

Investors who were attracted by the changes in Loongson International's stock price started talking in the stock comment area.

They are all retail investors with little information channels.

Seeing the sudden rise in the stock price of Loongson International, I was stunned for a moment, and then began to analyze the reasons for the sudden change in the stock price of Loongson International.

For these retail investors, they naturally cannot analyze the real reason.

After all, they have no news channel.


For these retail investors, even if they know the news, they can't figure out the logical relationship.

To use an analogy.

If Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is promoted to invest in Loongson International.

This is the thinking of ordinary Leek retail investors.

Loongson International and Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. were originally competitors. As a result, they not only lost cash but also lost shares. This is a huge disadvantage. Competitors have come to their homes. I didn’t say anything, but ran away immediately. I won’t run away at this time. , wait for when.

The thinking logic of major institutions is exactly the opposite.

It promotes Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. to invest in Loongson International. Although Loongson International loses money and shares, it seems that it loses everything.

But who knows whether Loongson International will receive technical support from Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. in the future?

Originally, the two companies were competitors, but now Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is the major shareholder of Loongson International.

Loongson International has made money, and only then can Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. get more dividends.

As for saying that Loongson International threatens to elevate Semiconductor Manufacturing Company's position in the industry, this is even more nonsense.

If Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. promotes high-end and advanced process technology, it can completely hand over orders with backward process technology to Loongson International. Isn't it the best of both worlds?


The main institutions will continue to think divergently.

Now that Loongson International has been invested by Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., will Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.'s shares continue to increase in the future?

Even one day, Loongson International will completely become a holding subsidiary of Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.?

If Loongson International really becomes a holding subsidiary of Loongson International, it will undoubtedly be a big plus for Loongson International. This is not a great benefit, but what is a great benefit?

Take a look.

Retail investors and main players have different thinking logics about the same thing, which will lead to different operations.

In the eyes of retail investors, this is a negative, but in the eyes of the main players, this is a good thing.


Because the retail investors of Liaocai, who did not know the inside information, saw the falling stock price of Loongson International, they suddenly moved up.

The first thing that flashed through their minds was not whether Loongson International had done anything good. The organization had already learned the news in advance.

The first thing they thought of was.

The main institutions couldn't hold on to the way Loongson International fell. They could only cause some changes to attract everyone's attention, giving the outside world the illusion that there was good news for Loongson International, and attracting retail investors like them to enter the market to take over the market. .

The reason why this idea flashed through their minds for the first time was because they had experienced too many similar operations of cutting leeks.

For retail leeks.

The higher and higher the stock price goes, the more they dare not exit.

The stock price of a stock is 100 yuan, and the stock price of a stock is 1 yuan. If you let the retail investors of Liancai choose, most of the retail investors of Liancai will definitely choose to buy the stock with a stock price of 1 yuan...

Because in the eyes of retail investors in Leeks.

The stock price is so low, even if you lose money if you buy it, you won't lose much.

But if you buy a stock with a price of 100 yuan, once it falls, the amount of loss will be huge.


There is another very important reason.

The stock price is so low, which means that the stock must have hit the bottom and there is no way to go down.

Then, the trend will inevitably reverse.

On the contrary, the stock price of 100 yuan has risen a lot. The main force has made huge profits, and maybe there will be a sharp sell-off the next day.


Among these two stocks, most of the retail investors in Leeks chose to buy the one with a lower stock price.

I thought I would wait for the trend to reverse and eat big.

But it turned out.

What the hell.

The abnormal movements in the stock price of this low-priced stock are entirely caused by the main institutions trapped in it, in order to attract retail investors like them with inertial thinking to enter the market and take orders.

They rushed in all at once, thinking that the stock price had changed and was about to rise.

Results the next day.

The stock price plummeted violently.

They thought they had reached the bottom, but it turned out that there was a basement below the bottom, and there were eighteen levels of hell waiting below the basement. 2.4

On the other hand, the stock price of another stock that scared them not only did not fall back, but also hit new highs.

It is this kind of being cut that I have experienced a lot.


Loongson International, whose stock price is at a historical low, has seen changes.

They are no longer like before, blindly rushing in to grab chips and act as receivers.

On the contrary, some retail investors who were originally prepared to hold on to the stock felt that the stock price would continue to fall and hit new lows, and the major institutions would have to cut their stocks and run away. "Then this stock is completely out of business."

At this moment.

They did not continue to carry on, tearfully cutting off their positions and handing over their chips.

The main players are gone, and if they, the retail investors, are still holding on, it will be in vain.

Even if you use time, you can't exchange for space. .

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