Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 976 Liao Cai Is Confused! Hot Money Was Dumbfounded! The Main Force Laughed!

Under the inertial thinking, I think this is a signal that the main organization that is trapped wants to cut off its flesh and leave the market, and deliberately creates this signal.

after all.

The main force holds a huge amount of chips from Loongson International.

But now there is no one paying attention to Loongson International.

The main force wants to throw away the chips in their hands, but they can't find a taker.


Only then did such a scene happen.

Deliberately and actively raise the stock price of Loongson International, create changes, and attract the attention of investors in the market.

Only when investors pay attention to the stock of Loongson International, and it breaks away from the previous state of being uninterested and becomes popular, will the main players have a chance to leave the market.

This is almost the same as what the main force earns, and it makes sense to want to cash out at a high level.

Why do stocks with high stock prices have to violently increase their stock prices to create abnormal movements before each shipment?

Isn't it just to attract the attention of retail investors in leeks?

If there are no retail investors coming in to take over the order, who will the goods in their hands be sold to?

If the goods cannot be sold or cashed out, no matter how much floating profit there is in the book, it is just a fictitious number.

It is only true if the money really falls into your pocket.

28 Leeks, under inertial thinking.

I think this is a way for the main force to deliberately create changes to attract them to take the bait.


Many retail investors in leeks have been insisting on holding on, as long as I don't sell, it won't be a loss.

Now he was panicking.

The main force is still inside and has not escaped. Even though they have lost a lot, they still feel comforted and feel that there is still a chance for a reversal.

after all.

The main force did not run away, which shows that the main force is still optimistic about this stock. The current decline is just the main force wanting to collect more chips and continue to rise.

but now.

The key is that the main force has to run away.

There was only a little hope left in the beginning, but now it has turned into despair.


The retail investors who originally insisted on not cutting the meat were really scared now, and they hurriedly rolled and crawled out of the market.

Who knows when the main force will turn around and Loongson International will turn around?

That's all they have.

Once you are trapped in it for too long, you will lose a lot in terms of time cost.

Now, be determined to cut the meat, withdraw some funds, and buy other stocks. Maybe you can make a fortune and make up for the hole in Loongson International.

And with the panic of retail investors in leeks, they cut the meat.

The stock price, which had been violently rising, immediately stopped its upward trend and turned downward.

The hot money players who entered the market were stunned when they saw this situation.

Then his face became overjoyed.

They didn't expect that if their own side ignited the fire, Loongson International's sky-rocketing skyrocketing price would definitely trigger follow-up orders and compete with them for chips.



Not only did retail investors in Chives not follow blindly, but they actually took advantage of the rebound to take advantage of the rebound.

This was an unexpected surprise.


The hot money entering the market seemed to have a tacit understanding, and the funds on the buying order were directly withdrawn.

Without the large buying orders, retail investors in leeks started to cut their stocks in a panic.

This directly caused the stock price of Loongson International to plummet.

It was already red, but now it fell underwater.

When the chive retail traders who cut the meat saw this situation, not only did they not feel sad about cutting the meat, but they let out a sigh of relief and smiled on their faces.

Sure enough, they guessed right.

This is a trap deliberately created by the main institutions that want to escape, in order to attract them to take over.


They were very 'smart' and did not act as receivers, but predicted the main players' predictions.

Not only did he not take over the offer, but he also cut off the money and left the field.

Now the main force of the escape was directly brought back to its original shape.

For a while.

The stock review section of Loongson International was bustling with activity.

"Haha, it was indeed the right choice to cut the meat and leave today. It was at the highest point."

"The main force certainly did not expect that our group of retail investors not only did not fall for the scam, but also took advantage of the rebound in the stock price to directly cut off the market and leave the market.

"I guess the main force must be dumbfounded now, and they must be thinking, it's unscientific, where is the taker?"

"Oh no! I was a step too late and didn't cut the meat when it turned red. I thought I could still go up. But they turned around and dived 90 degrees, fuck~"

"Brother, it's better to be firm. If you don't cut it now, the stock price will jump down.

"Main force: I'm so fucking stupid!"

"Retail investors: I predicted the main force's prediction!"

"Huh~ It's a cut. Although it's not the highest point, it's still on the water. I've been holding this ticket for three months. I feel that the main force has not left. It must be a high ambition. The result... oh, I'm crying if I talk too much. Now If you cut it off, you will feel lighter."

"Maintain: Are you polite?"

Just when retail investors in Leeks are complacent about their 'wise' decisions.

Just when the hot money is waiting for the stock price to drop, more panic orders are made, and the bottom is bought at a lower price.

The real major institutions have entered the scene.

The major institutions that had already inquired about the inside information were bursting into laughter when they saw that the stock price of Loongson International plunged by 867.

Especially on the selling side, with the backlog of panic selling, they are like a wolf seeing a sheep.

He immediately said nothing.

Huge amounts of buying funds poured in.


The sharp plunge in the stock price of Loongson International stopped falling instantly.

Then without saying anything, he turned his head upward.

In just a few seconds.

Loongson International's stock price soared, rising by more than 10%.

According to the trading mechanism of Hong Kong stocks.

Although there is no price limit for Hong Kong stocks, when the prices of VCM securities fluctuate violently, a five-minute cooling-off period will be triggered.

The reference price of the cooling-off period is the last transaction price 5 minutes ago, and the trigger point is more than ±10%.

Now Loongson International's increase has reached 10%, which directly triggered the cooling-off period mechanism and suspended trading for 5 minutes.

This sudden trend directly stunned investors who were paying attention to Loongson International.

Retail investors were immediately confused when they saw Loongson International, which soared into the sky, rose by 10%, and triggered the cooling-off mechanism.

The hot money players who were originally waiting for more panic plays were dumbfounded when they saw that the main force had picked the peaches.

The main institutions that picked up hot money smiled with satisfaction. .

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