Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 977 This Money Is Just Like Picking It Up For Free!

With the entry of major institutions, they bought Loongson International stocks in large quantities.

The stock price, which originally plummeted due to panic orders, directly wiped out all the goods on the selling orders due to the huge amount of buying orders.

Immediately afterwards.

The power of buying overwhelmed the power of selling, and the stock price soared straight into the sky, forming a straight line of 90 degrees.

Just ten seconds.

Because Loongson International's stock price rose by more than 10%, the cooling-off period mechanism was directly triggered and the transaction was tentatively scheduled for five minutes.

For a while.

Retail investors and hot money investors who are paying attention to Loongson International have not yet come to their senses.

Wait until they come to their senses.

Leek retail investors were confused when they looked at the stock price of Loongson International, which triggered the cooling-off period mechanism.

As for the hot money, seeing their peach stolen by the main force, they were dumbfounded.

Only the main body was in a good mood and smiled.

After a while.

The Loongson International stock review section has become extremely popular.

Countless retail investors spoke.

"Wang Defa???"

"What happened? Loongson International actually triggered the cooling-off period mechanism!"

"Thank you for the generous gift, there must be some good news that we don't know about!"

"In other words, I cut my flesh before dawn?"

"What a fool! So, we were deceived by the main force's tactics?"

"Is there a possibility that the main institutions violently pushed up for the first time. Although the stock price changes attracted attention, the attention was not enough, and there were not many takers. As a result, the main institutions were unable to make large-scale shipments, so this was created. The second violent increase directly triggered the cooling-off period mechanism~?"

"Yes, yes, there is this possibility. We must not be deceived by the main force's tactics."

"What if...I mean what if, this isn't what we think it is at all?"

"Fake! What happened to Loongson International? Does anyone know the news? I'm so worried. Should I leave the venue after the five-minute cooling-off period? Lord, please save me. Really? It's too painful."

At a time when retail investors are begging the bishop to tell them what to do.

The hot money institutions on the other side are also communicating with each other and yelling at the main institutions.

"Xie Te! The main force is so careless that he stole our ass!"

"Indeed, the main force is so shameless!"

"Fortunately, we have already obtained a lot of chips before, otherwise we would have made the wedding dress for the main force in vain, and people would be so angry that they would vomit blood.

"It seems that the main force has also paid attention and has learned the inside story. After five minutes, everyone will have to use all their strength and energy to rush for funds and buy goods."

"Hey, I should have known we should have raised it slowly before, but we were too impatient."

"No, if we hadn't violently raided the goods before, I'm afraid we wouldn't have gotten any profit at all. Do you think the main institutions have no information channels?"

at the same time.

Shanghai Stock Exchange.

Loongson International Headquarters.

People like Assistant Wang looked at the company's stocks, first rising sharply, then falling sharply, and then skyrocketing again, triggering the cooling-off period mechanism.

The mood is also like riding a roller coaster.

The employees outside were already talking about it.

"Sure enough, the news should have spread, and major institutions have entered the market to grab funds."

“In less than an hour, it has increased by 8 points, which is great.

"Hey, if the stock price doesn't double this time, I will definitely not get out of the car."

"I don't think we should get off the bus even if it doubles. Bluestar Electronics has invested in our company. Loongson International has a promising future and unlimited potential."

"Yes, yes, my layout is still a bit small."

"The five-minute cooling-off period has passed. Oops, I've triggered the cooling-off period mechanism again."

The employees of Loongson International just contacted and resumed trading after watching the cooling-off period.


When buying, a large number of orders are placed to sweep goods.

However, because there were very few sales, the stock price took off again immediately, and the increase reached 10 points again, triggering the cooling-off protection mechanism.

Seeing this trend, everyone was so excited that their thighs were broken.

This money is just like picking it up for free!

This side of Xiangjiang.

The leeks retail traders who had cut their flesh earlier felt regretful that their intestines were green.

They believe that the initial changes in Loongson International are a means for the main force preparing to run away to attract the attention of investors.

So he cut the flesh without saying a word, gave the main force a middle finger and said "run first" as a sign of respect.

Especially when they saw (Qian Nuo's) seeing that after Loongson International turned red by one or two points, it suddenly dived 90 degrees and turned green, which meant a new low, they felt that their cutting operation today was wise.

But I was happy for only three seconds, and then I was completely confused.

The plummeting stock price turned around and in just ten seconds, the stock price triggered the cooling-off period mechanism.

After the five-minute cooling-off period.

They thought they should have calmed down.


This time it was shorter.

Within five or six seconds, the stock price rose by 10 points again, triggering the cooling-off period mechanism for the second time.

They were all dumbfounded.

Didn’t you say you should calm down?

As a result, you were locked up in a dark room again?

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