Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 987 Weakness And Ignorance Are Not Obstacles To Survival, Arrogance Is!

Watch the news online.

Zhang Zhongmou's face became increasingly ugly.

Blue Star Electronics' move directly disrupted his plan to dominate Loongson International.

Not only that.

Loongson International has embraced two thick legs and directly inserted a pair of wings. It will pose an extremely significant threat to Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. just like it did in 2003 and 2004.


Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory must not be allowed to inject capital into Loongson International.

In order to ensure that Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. maintains its leading position in the industry, he will disrupt this matter no matter what.


Zhang Zhongmou turned off his computer and asked his assistant to notify senior officials for a meeting.

In the Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. conference room.

The senior executives who were notified, such as Liu Deying, Wei Jiaze, Jiang Shangyi, Luo Weiren, Sun Yuancheng and others, were already sitting in the conference room.

Before Zhang Zhongmou arrived, they were communicating quietly in twos and threes.


Their news is not blocked, and they have also seen relevant reports on the Internet.

they know.

Zhang Zhongmou convened an emergency meeting, which should be related to this matter.

"What does Blue Star Electronics mean? Do you want to make Semiconductor Manufacturing Company our enemy?"

"Bluestar Electronics and Flower Factory have injected capital into Loongson International, which is bad news for us, Semiconductor Manufacturing Company."

"The stock market has already reacted. Half an hour after the market opened in the morning, the company's stock price plummeted 10 points. I just checked again and it has already dropped 15 points. It keeps falling.

"Now the market is frightened by this news, and there are no funds below."

"Blue Star Electronics is taking advantage of our food and ruining our business. It's too much! They are already facing huge troubles in the face of Turing's offensive, but they still do this. It's too much."

"Hmph, I think I have to teach Blue Star Electronics an unforgettable lesson! Just cancel the order from Blue Star Electronics and let them use it without cores! Let's see how they can make top-notch mobile phones!

"Don't say angry words, let's see what Director Zhang has to say first."

While everyone was talking about it.

Zhang Zhongmou pushed open the door of the conference room and walked in.


The entire conference room fell silent.

Zhang Zhongmou walked to the main seat and sat down. After a few seconds of silence, he said, "Have you seen the news this morning?"

Everyone nodded.

Among them, some radical executives said angrily: "Director Zhang, Blue Star Electronics has really gone too far. We must fight back and teach Blue Star Electronics a profound lesson~~!"

The words of this executive caused several other executives to nod their heads.

Although Blue Star Electronics is Party A’s father.


Without them supporting Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Blue Star Electronics would have no use for its Kunlun core?

Originally, the negotiations with Gaotong collapsed, and Pinnacle mobile phones no longer have Gaotong's high-end baseband chips available.

If they stop OEMing for Blue Star Electronics, there will be no Kunlun core available for Pinnacle mobile phones, but it will be completely ruined.

within a short period of time.

Who does Blue Star Electronics look for to do OEM work for them?


Sanxing Electronics?



Do not make jokes.

Not to mention whether these wafer factories can produce OEM products and whether their technology can meet the standards.

Even if it is possible.

It also takes time to debug the production line and improve product yield.

Can Blue Star Electronics afford to wait?

the answer is negative.

Zhang Zhongmou knocked on the table.

The aggressive executive swallowed his last words.

Zhang Zhongmou said coldly: "Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory jointly injected capital into Loongson International. This news is very unfavorable to us."

“Not to mention that this will bring a large amount of cash flow to Loongson International, and it may also help Loongson International improve its process technology.

As soon as these words came out.

Someone immediately refuted it.

"Director Zhang, isn't it too much to look at them?"

"Bluestar Electronics and Flower Factory, a mobile phone manufacturer and a communication equipment manufacturer, should not pose any threat to us in terms of chip manufacturing process, right?"

"Currently, we believe that Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is leading the world in terms of process technology. We are seizing the time to develop 28nm process technology. It is expected that mass production will be possible around 2011."

"Looking at Loongson International, they are currently at least two generations behind us in mass production of 65nm."

Liu Deying said with a very confident smile.

He also has confidence.

Because they praise Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., it does have the ability to crush Loongson International in terms of technology.

They have made some breakthroughs in the currently developed 28nm process technology and are in a leading position.

In the development process of semiconductor processes, 28nm is a very important node, and 28hm can be regarded as the watershed between advanced processes and mature processes.

Once they develop the 28nm technology process, Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. will move from a mature process to an advanced process and will always ensure its leading position in the industry.

"Mr. Liu is right, our reaction was indeed excessive."

"Yes! In the field of foundry, the only one that can pose a slight threat to us is Intel."

Other executives echoed this.

Zhang Zhongmou said solemnly: "Weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, arrogance is!"

As soon as these words came out.


The smiles on the faces of Liu Deying, Sun Yuancheng and other senior executives immediately froze.

"Don't forget why we can surpass Intel in the 45nm process and stay ahead of Intel!"



Liu Deying and others' minds exploded violently.

Only then did they remember.

The 45nm process technology in their hands comes from Blue Star Electronics.

It was precisely with the 45nm process technology that Blue Star Electronics gave them that they were able to completely surpass Intel, leave Intel behind, and maintain Youtu until now.

Given that Blue Star Electronics is not short of money and has terrifying technology research and development capabilities, should they stop researching and developing chip manufacturing technology?

"..." Director Zhang, I was wrong, I shouldn't be arrogant. "

Liu Deying immediately admitted her mistake.

Zhang Zhongmou nodded, his face looking slightly better.

He is very optimistic about Liu Deying.

He even trained Liu Deying as his successor.

He didn't want to raise an arrogant idiot.

"We can underestimate the flower factory, but we must not underestimate Blue Star Electronics, or in other words, we cannot underestimate Lu Yi."

"Back then, Blue Star Electronics was still an unknown person, let alone in the wafer foundry industry. However, they surpassed all our companies and took the lead in developing 45nm process technology. This is enough to illustrate the technological research and development of Blue Star Electronics. The ability is so terrifying."

"If Loongson International has Blue Star Electronics behind it, who can guarantee that their technology will not advance by leaps and bounds?"

"What's more, don't forget, what did Blue Star Electronics get from us when it used 45nm process technology?"

"To be honest, I regret my original decision now."

Zhang Zhongmou's words once again silenced everyone.

Liang Mengsong!

Blue Star Electronics used the 45nm process (Noli's) technology to exchange Liang Mengfu's freedom from them.

As for Liang Mengsong, they knew very well what his abilities were.

A real technical guru.

There is no one in the entire Semiconductor Manufacturing Company that can surpass Liang Mengsong in terms of process technology.

Even Sun Yuancheng can only be a younger brother to Liang Mengsong in terms of craftsmanship.


They also heard the nature of Zhang Zhongmou's regret.

I regret that I gave up Liang Mengsong’s freedom for the sake of 45nm process technology.

If you don't agree.

Even if Liang Mengsong resigned from Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., he would not be able to continue working in technology research and development in related companies, but could only become a teacher in a university.


Liang Mengsong went to Blue Star Electronics.

In 2006, Blue Star Electronics was not well-known and was a small company.

Chang Zhongmou believes that the 45nm process technology can be obtained if Liang Mengsong is free.

But as Blue Star Electronics continues to grow over the years, it has directly become the vane of the mobile phone industry and the leader in smartphones.

Zhang Zhongmou felt more and more regretful. .

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