Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 988 As Soon As The Market Opened, Retail Investors In Liaocai Bought Up Loongson Internation

A meeting lasted for two hours.

After all, on the Semiconductor side, there is really nothing they can do to stop Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory from injecting capital into Loongson International.

Cancel orders from Flower Factory and Blue Star Electronics?

This is one way.

But this is a way to kill eight hundred enemies and lose one thousand to yourself.

Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory are among the top three and five major customers.

If they take the initiative to cancel the order.

Although it will put the flower factory and Blue Star Electronics into a situation of core shortage.

But the same thing.

If they promote Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., they will also suffer huge economic losses.

People like Zhang Zhongmou are undoubtedly real businessmen, not entrepreneurs.

For businessmen, interests come first.

after all.

They are not irreplaceable in the field of foundry.

Intel is watching eagerly from the side.

If they take the initiative to cancel orders from Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory, Intel will definitely come and throw them away immediately.


What Blue Star Electronics and Huachang did this time is undoubtedly very uncomfortable for Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

On their side.

It is a dilemma to not want Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory to succeed in injecting capital into Loongson International, but also not to lose the large orders from Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory.

Don't look at the tough words of Liu Deying and other radicals.

But Zhang Zhongmou and others knew it very well.

If they do this, they will only cause temporary losses to Blue Star Electronics and the flower factory.

And if Tieji 893 Electronics lost orders from Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory, that would be permanent.

The losses here are too great.

Unless absolutely necessary, no one would use this lose-lose method.


Faced with this matter, ICMC cannot do nothing and watch Blue Star Electronics and Huachang get cut off halfway.


After the meeting.

Zhang Zhongmou and others immediately took action and began to contact the foreign shareholders of Loongson International. Xiaozhi advised them emotionally and rationally not to agree to Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory's capital injection into Loongson International. Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory It is absolutely ulterior motives to want to inject capital into Loongson International at this time.

Although foreign investors only account for about 20% of the shares of Loongson International, they still have a say in the board of directors.

If the foreign capital does not agree, it may really mess up the matter.

But obviously.

These foreign shareholders are not fools.

Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory have invested in Loongson International, which is obviously good for Loongson International. Why do they say Huang?

If Blue Star Electronics and Huachang have ulterior motives, would you be a good person by criticizing Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.?

What kind of big-tailed wolf are you pretending to be!

Not only is it not good for them to stir up pornography, but it will also cause them to lose their own interests.

for these foreign shareholders.

We messed up this matter, and you got all the benefits from Semiconductor, but we ourselves lost in vain.

They would not do this kind of thing that would harm themselves and benefit others.

Although this result was within the expectations of Zhang Zhongmou and others.

But they still felt very uncomfortable.

Is it really necessary to make Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory regress in a lose-lose manner?

In the blink of an eye.

Three days flew by.

For Chinese people.

The holiday passed too quickly, and before I felt anything, only half of my holiday balance was left.

As for Xiangjiang.

Countless Hong Kong investors have finally waited until the holidays are over.

October 4th.

Hong Kong stocks opened as scheduled.

Three days.

The news that Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory will invest in Loongson International has been thoroughly fermented in Xiangjiang.

Hong Kong media organizations, during this period, made crazy reports.

Blue Star Electronics, Huachang and Loongson International were also the names most mentioned by the people of Xiangjiang during the National Day.

And for investors.

Everyone is looking at Loongson International.

Because Loongson International is a Hong Kong-listed company, and its current stock price is only a few Hong Kong papers, which is very cheap.

Blue Star Electronics and Huachang are unlisted companies. They have no way to buy their stocks.

Many speculators are preparing to take advantage of the news to go all-in with Loongson International and make a fortune.


On October 4, Hong Kong stocks opened.

Loongson International was overwhelmed by emotions and the retail investors of Leek immediately bought up the shares.

Because this is a bright card and a pure opportunity to make money, no one is willing to miss it.


Just three minutes.

Long (cifh) Core International triggered the first cooling-off period mechanism because the price rose or fell by more than 10%, and was locked in a small black room to cool down for five minutes.

But obviously.

Everyone's enthusiasm has been completely ignited in these three days.

The short five-minute cooling-off period is impossible for everyone to calm down.


The moment Godson International came out of the small dark room, everyone rushed in screaming again.

One by one, they were scrambling for the first place, fearing that they would be slower than others.

at this time.

What everyone competes with is hand speed and internet speed.

Because if you are even a second slower than others, you may not be able to get on the bus.

The consequence of not being able to get on the bus is that you won't be able to eat this big piece of meat, or you may eat a dozen points less of the big meat than others.

at this time.

The Loongson International stock rating area is very popular.

"Hahaha, with my hand speed after being single for 30 years, I finally managed to get on the bus before being locked up in a dark room for the second time. Then I just sat back and waited for a big meal. It was so cool!"

"It's so crazy! Everyone's emotions are really crazy! It makes me scared to watch."

"In this case, I will be put into the dark room at least 10 times today."

"On the evening of September 30, the news spread to Xiangjiang. After three days of fermentation, everyone's emotions have been completely aroused. This is a bright card. As long as you get on the bus, you can eat big meat. Because your family is not a poor person. Strange."

"Others are greedy and I am fearful. I have a vague feeling about it."

"So, is this why you can't make money in the stock market?"

"Young man, be braver and move faster. This kind of opportunity to make money only comes once every few years. If you don't seize this opportunity to make money for free, you deserve to be poor for the rest of your life."

"We got on the bus successfully, brothers, I'm waiting for you."

"Fuck! The internet speed at my house is too slow. I squeezed in several times but failed to get on the bus. I watched dozens of pieces of meat slip away in front of my eyes.

Countless Leek retail investors were discussing the issue in the Loongson International stock review area.

Many people expressed their joy in the comment area after successfully getting on the bus, which aroused the envy of those who had not succeeded in getting on the bus.


What they don't know is.


The main institutions were already staring at their group of lambs with red eyes.

The main institutions have long predicted that this situation will occur today.

They wouldn't be stupid enough to carry sedans for retail investors.


Retail investors, driven by extremely intense emotions, rushed into the market like crazy, sending Loongson International into the dark room and constantly driving up Loongson International's stock price.

And they.

Then it started to be shipped slowly.

The stock market rules in Hong Kong are T+0 system.

That is to say.

If you buy on the same day, you can sell on the same day, and there is no limit on the price increase or decrease.


They were going to harvest these leeks that were carried away by their emotions.

Let the leeks know why the main force's sickle is so sharp. .

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