Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 990: How It Goes Up, How It Goes Down


Loongson International’s stock price collapsed!

As the news spread that Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was trying to disrupt Huang Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory from injecting capital into Loongson International, countless retail investors were immediately frightened.


Escape in panic!

What is the expected logic behind the rise in Loongson International’s stock price?

It was Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory that were interested in injecting capital into Loongson International.

This is understood by the outside world as a great benefit, not to mention that it can bring sufficient cash flow to Loongson International, which has tight liquidity.

The most imaginable thing is that orders from Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory are expected to be handed over to their own people.

Under this premise.

Loongson International, which has suffered losses for three consecutive years, may see a reversal in performance.

Stock trading is all about expectations.

Everyone is betting that Loongson International will reverse its predicament, so they vigorously increase the stock price, wait until the benefits are realized, and directly take advantage of the opportunity to ship.

But now.

There are rumors in the market that Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is trying to disrupt the industry.

It was also revealed that a foreign shareholder of Loongson International had already agreed.

It is said that it has nose and eyes.

Then everyone's first reaction is that there is something wrong with the previous rising logic, and naturally there will be no drama about reversal of the situation.

If the expected benefits are gone, the driving force for the stock price to rise will also be gone.

The stock price will naturally fall.


Everyone wanted to get out of the car at the same time, but the door was only so big.

And people who haven’t gotten on the bus yet dare not get on the bus at this time.

If no one takes it, the stock price will collapse.

For a while.

The retail investor of Liaocai who was dancing at KTV in the morning was directly carried into the ICU in the afternoon.

Loongson International stock review area.

The heat is overwhelming.

"Fuck him! Straight to the top of the mountain!"

"The truth is out! This morning, the main force was shipping like crazy, and we once again became the takers.

"I was dancing in the KTV in the morning, but in the afternoon I suffered a heart attack and was taken to the ICU."

"It's exciting! It's so damn exciting! This is how it goes up, and how it goes down!"

"In the morning, I still made a profit of twenty points. After a nap, I woke up and saw a loss of more than ten points. Cut it off~"

"Everyone is numb!"

Countless retail investors who were trapped in the trap yelled and complained with blood and tears.

I thought this was a chance to make some money.


As expected, an accident occurred and I was trapped on the top of the mountain.

Bad news comes at a moment's notice, leaving no one prepared.

Especially those retail investors who couldn't get on the bus in the morning and didn't get on the bus until noon. Jumped right away.


I thought I got on the bus successfully, and then sat and waited for the departure to eat meat.

As a result, we reversed like crazy and got stuck directly on the top of the mountain, blowing the cold wind.

A blink of an eye leads to 10 points.

In just one hour, he lost forty or fifty points of blood, and half of his principal evaporated instantly.

Although this wave of avalanches, the increase of more than 50 points in the morning was directly swallowed up.

The daily line has a long upper shadow line, and the shadow line is terrifyingly long.

But the main force has not yet entered the scene to take over.

They need retail investors to panic to the extreme.

Because at this time.

There are still many retail investors who choose to lie down and pretend to be dead, and they will not carry the sedan chair for these people.

These 'stubborn' people must be scared to death and leave.

at the same time.

This side of the mainland.

Assistant Wang and a group of friends took advantage of the National Day holiday to travel to Sanya to relax.

When the Hong Kong stock market opened in the morning, she looked at the trend of Loongson International on her computer.

I was very happy to see that Loongson International was bought up by retail investors as soon as the market opened.

She entered the venue early on September 30th.

The price of chips is very low.

When the market closed on September 30, it made a profit of about 20 points.

Within a few minutes of the opening of the market, Loongson International was forced into a small dark room, and its floating profit reached 30 points, which can be said to be a huge profit.

Especially when I saw the stock price trend of Loongson International in the morning, I was forced into the dark room again and again, and the price rose by more than 50 points.

The floating profit on her side has also reached around seventy points.

There is nothing more satisfying than when the stocks you bought skyrocketed during a long holiday, and there was a slight gain.

But Assistant Wang didn't expect it.

Just after she went to the beach with her friends, she was a little tired and returned to the hotel to take a rest.

Open the Hong Kong stock market and take a look.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

In the morning, she was still up to 7,000 points.

As a result, she went to the beach to dig for a while, and her float immediately returned to zero.

For a while.

Assistant Wang thought he had logged in the wrong account.

I looked at the account carefully, and yes, it was my Hong Kong stock account.

But what's going on?

Where is my 70 pip floating profit?

Eaten by a dog?

Click on the intraday time-sharing trend chart of Loongson International to take a look.

Assistant Wang was completely dumbfounded.

The trend in the morning was flying high.

It turned out to be afternoon.

The trend has reversed.

Like the Nine Heavens Waterfall, it flies down.

Not only did it give up all the gains in the morning, but it also fell below the opening price.


What happened at noon?

Assistant Wang quickly searched for relevant information on the Internet.


She found it.

When I clicked it and saw it, everyone felt numb.

Are you claiming that Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. wants to unite with the company's foreign shareholders to interfere with Huang Bluestar Electronics and Huachang's capital injection into the company?

real or fake?


Assistant Wang feels that this news should be true.

How could Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. just watch and do nothing?


The news said that some foreign shareholders agreed to raise Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

What the hell is this?

As far as she knew.

At the board meeting on September 30, didn’t all the foreign shareholders support Blue Star Electronics and Huaguang’s injecting capital into the company?

Why did you suddenly change your mind?

If this is the case, it is not difficult to understand why Loongson International's stock price suddenly plummeted in the afternoon.

At this time.

Assistant Wang's phone rang.

It's the phone number of a colleague from the assistant office.

Just connected.

The anxious voice of a colleague came over the phone.

"Sister Wang, what is going on?"

"It is said on the Internet that Semiconductor Manufacturing Company will unite with foreign shareholders to veto Blue Star Electronics and Huachang's capital injection into the company. Is this true or false?"

"Our company's stock price soared fifty points in the morning, but the situation suddenly changed in the afternoon, and I felt dizzy."

"Sister Wang, do you have any definite news here?"

"If the news spread on this website is true, I will immediately cut off my position and stop my losses. If it is false, I will grit my teeth and continue to take more."

On the phone, my colleague was like a machine gun, sputtering a lot.

In words.

Assistant Wang could hear the anxiety in the other party's heart.

It's not just the other party who is anxious.

She was just as anxious.

This time she bought the company's stocks and planned to make a fortune.

As a result, the stock price suddenly plummeted, and she was also panicked, fearing that the stock price would fall by 2.3.

Assistant Wang said: "Xiao Lin, I don't know now.

"Ah, Sister Wang, you don't know either."

"You have the closest relationship with Director Zhang. Why don't you call and ask Director Zhang?"

Xiao Lin, who was opposite, gave Assistant Wang a bad idea.

no way.

He was also so anxious that he was dizzy.

He was still dancing in the KTV in the morning, and was carried directly to the ICU in the afternoon.

Everyone is in a hurry.

Assistant Wang said: "How can I ask Director Zhang about this? Aren't you just fooling around?"

Xiao Lin, who was on the opposite side, also knew that he had said the wrong thing. He quickly admitted his mistake with a wry smile and said: "Sister Wang, I was too anxious just now and said the wrong thing. Don't mind."

"Okay, I really don't know about this, and I can't possibly ask Director Zhang what's going on. That's all."


Assistant Wang hung up the phone directly.


She is not in the mood to beep with the other party right now.

Seeing that the stock price is still falling, I feel bad.

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