Rebirth: Dominate The World, Starting From The School Network

Chapter 991 Yesterday I Was Xiao Tiantian, Today I Became Mrs. Niu

Not long after Assistant Wang hung up on Xiao Lin, her phone rang again.

This time it was Xiaofang calling.

Same as Kobayashi.

After seeing the collapse of Loongson International's stock price, I couldn't sit still.

After learning about the news on the Internet, I immediately called Assistant Wang.

Because in their opinion.

Assistant Wang is Zhang Rujin's special assistant and knows much more than ordinary assistant secretaries like them.

They all wanted to get some definite information from Assistant Wang.


Get some comfort in your heart.

But they obviously thought too much.

Assistant Wang was also confused at this moment.

We didn’t chat for a few words and then hung up.

Thinking that there would be other people calling later, Assistant Wang simply turned off the phone.

Looking at the stock price of Loongson International, it is still falling, without even a decent rebound.

Assistant Wang was a little panicked.

at this time.

She was already losing money.

She is very confused now.

I'm debating whether to cut the flesh and leave the scene with the knife in hand.

If you cut the meat now, you will only lose one or two points, which is not much.

Although she is Zhang Rujin's special assistant, she really doesn't know how to call to ask about the specific situation.

At this moment.

You can only rely on your own judgment.

Assistant Wang forced himself to calm down and clarify his thoughts. 28 It is expected that Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. will intervene to stir up trouble.

But can promoting Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. really mess things up?

Foreign capital accounts for about 20% of the equity and has a say, but it is not a big one.

Even if they are opposed, in the final vote, the majority will be in favor.


No matter how you look at it, Blue Star Electronics and Flower Factory's capital injection into Loongson International is a win-win situation for Loongson International.

How could foreign capital, which prioritizes interests, do such things that harm its own interests?

has a problem!

Assistant Wang narrowed his eyes.

I noticed there were problems in the news reports.


Something suddenly occurred to her.

I searched around the Internet again.

turn out.

The source of the news report came from a certain media in Xiangjiang, not a media organization in the Wanwan area.

This is strange.

It stands to reason.

This matter should be reported by the news media organizations in the Wanwan area immediately.

But now it was a media organization in Xiangjiang that broke the news.

There is a problem.



Assistant Wang figured something out.

She said to herself: "The main institutions are too bad. Is this deliberately creating bad news and creating panic to wash the market and pick up chips?"

The reason why I think so.

It was because Assistant Wang felt that the media in Xiangjiang broke the news immediately, not the media organizations in Wanwan area.

That explains it.

This news is likely to be fake news deliberately created by the major institutions in Hong Kong in order to clean up the market and gain panic chips.

That is to say.

The so-called suggestion that Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. will unite with foreign shareholders to disrupt Huang Bluestar Electronics and Huachang's investment in the company is likely to be unfounded.

Even if there is.

It is also very likely that the foreign capital did not agree at all.


The only thing that can be explained.

It is the main institutions that deliberately create fake news with the intention of creating panic and making retail investors lose their money.


Not only did they make a fortune by shipping a large amount of goods in the morning, but they also took advantage of the leeks' panic selling in the afternoon and took the goods back.


The main institutions are so bad that they ooze pus.

Figured this out.

Assistant Wang's anxious heart also calmed down.

Since it is the closing of the market washout by the main force, there is no need to say anything, just stay put.

Even if you still have some money, you can take the opportunity to grab a piece of meat from the main bowl.

Think of this.

Assistant Wang's heart moved.

Then reboot.


There is a missed call reminder.

They were all called by people from the assistant office.

Assistant Wang ignored these missed calls and called his parents and relatives to prepare to borrow money from them.

She is ready to increase her position in Loongson International.

My parents quickly wired me the money, a total of fifty thousand yuan.

Plus other relatives Ling Ling Zong Zong.

Assistant Wang raised 100,000 yuan.

Say nothing.

Take action immediately and enter the market to buy lows.

One hundred thousand yuan seems like a lot.

But it failed to make any waves in the Loongson International vote.

There are too many retail investors who have cut off their stocks because of panic.


Assistant Wang lay flat on his side.

Now that we have seen that this is a violent washout by the main force, there is nothing to worry about.

How does the stock price fall now? How will it rise back later?

Retail investors like Assistant Wang who saw the violent washout by the main force were, after all, just a handful of people.

The vast majority.

When the stock price plummeted, I was frightened out of my wits and ran away in a panic, but I could still analyze it rationally.

At four o'clock that afternoon.

Hong Kong stocks closed.

Loongson International closed at -22.2%.

The maximum amplitude throughout the day reached 75%.

This fall.

Basically it fell to near the previous low.

A big negative line with a long upper shadow line.

This K-line is undoubtedly very unfriendly to technical people and is too scary.

For retail investors, it is directly dissuaded.

October 5th.

Loongson's stock price fell with inertia at the opening.

This trend directly makes some retail investors who are holding on to an oversold rebound despair.

You can see it too.

Yesterday everyone was scared out of their wits, so no one dared to enter the market to take over.

Around ten thirty in the morning.

Loongson International's stock price has been falling all the way, falling nearly ten points and hitting a new low.

The stock review area is very popular.

"No more! Loongson International is completely gone."

"Yesterday it plummeted, but today it didn't rebound from oversold conditions. It went all the way down at the opening. I couldn't stop the car. I couldn't hold it anymore. I cut it first."

"Sorry, I was already busy yesterday."

"Damn it! I thought it was an opportunity to pick up money, but I found it on the top of a mountain and lost a lot of money! I will never buy technology stocks again! I'd rather buy Cheung Kong Holdings. I believe Li Chaoren can bring me huge returns."

"Junk stocks like Loongson International should be delisted!"

"Loongson International is really in trouble. It should be delisted directly!"


Stock review area.

Many retail investors who lost everything yesterday cursed and shouted for Loongson International to be delisted.

yesterday morning.

Loongson International is still Xiao Tiantian in everyone’s eyes.

The result is today.

She directly became Mrs. Niu.


When everyone was scolding Loongson International for delisting.

The main institutions have already begun to quietly enter the market to buy lows.

this location.

They copied it very happily.


Everyone is not too concerned about the avalanche of Loongson International's stock price.

Related matters are not even trending on Weibo.

Except for things that happened during the National Day, the most popular searches on Weibo were.

It is the upcoming official launch of Turing and the launch of the pinnacle mobile phone of the era.

For some domestic Muyang dogs.

They are looking forward to the official release of Turing.

Because they think foreign products are the best.

Blue Star Electronics' top mobile phone is not worthy of comparison with Turing.

They clamored that Turing will defeat Dingfeng Mobile, which is a fighter among the garbage.

And for the general public.

Everyone denounced Turing one after another, and expressed that they were looking forward to the launch of the fourth generation of top mobile phones.

Although the negotiations between Blue Star Electronics and Gaotong on the baseband chip have collapsed, the fourth generation of peak mobile phones will not have high-end baseband chips available, and call quality and Internet speed will be affected.

But they still expressed support for Pinnacle Mobile and Blue Star Electronics.

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