It was a slightly hot summer night. There were dozens of families living under the starry sky. In the quiet night, one or two dogs barked from time to time.

In a small, clean and tidy room, a little girl over five years old was sleeping.

At this time, the little person was lying on the bed with sweat all over her head.

The little face as big as a palm was wrinkled into a ball, and she was mumbling something indistinctly.


"do not come"


He held the quilt tightly with both hands. His fingers turned pale because of the excessive force. The blue blood veins on the back of his hands became more obvious.

The sweat on his face flowed down his hair, wetting a large area.


The voice was filled with misery and despair.

Suddenly, the sleeping person sat up abruptly, looked ahead blankly, and slowly turned his head to look around.

"This is………"

The little girl on the bed looked down at where she was sitting. It was a thin green quilt, and it seemed like there was nothing underneath.

Then she turned her eyes to the hand that was still holding the quilt.


The little girl raised her head abruptly, got out of bed, and quickly looked around at herself and the room.

"Is this your childhood home?"

"Is this me when I was five and a half years old?"


"I was reborn at the age of five and a half.…………"

"I'm back!"

Slowly squatting down, the little girl hugged herself with both hands, bit her lips, and buried her head in her arms and cried.

The little girl's name is Liu Axue. She was originally born in Liujia Village under the jurisdiction of Xuantian Sect. She was accepted as an inner disciple by Xuantian Sect because of her top-grade water and wood spiritual roots.

In Xuantian Sect, Axue fell in love with the person who brought her into the sect and took good care of her after entering the sect.

It was this person who destroyed her dantian because of a wood spirit bead in a secret realm shortly after Axue advanced to the golden elixir.

The reason is that the junior sister Li that person likes has the heavenly wood spiritual root. If she has the wood spirit bead, it is possible to advance to the wood spirit body.

Axue endured the pain of the broken dantian, and her heart was filled with hatred and heartache. She wanted to know why frantically?

Why did he destroy her so cruelly?

After the man destroyed Axue's dantian, he ruthlessly left Axue alone and took the wood spirit master to find Li Qian. The dantian was destroyed, and Axue was discovered before she found a place to hide.

Desperate struggle, piercing pain, tearing torture………

At the last moment, Ah Xue couldn't help herself and finally committed suicide. I thought it was the end.………

But when Axue's soul left her body, it was sucked into a dark space. There was nothing in the space except a book.

Axue then learned from the book that she was a cannon fodder, and Li Qian was the protagonist of the Xuantian Continent.

Her existence was to deliver treasures to Li Qian. There were actually several such cannon fodders at the same time, and she was just the most inconspicuous one among them.

And Senior Brother Luo was not the male protagonist, but a supporting role.

The real male protagonist was Ye Han, a genius of the Sword Sect and the eldest disciple of the Sword Sect's leader.

Axue was pushed out of this space before she finished reading the book.

The sky was slightly bright, and there was a creaking sound of the door opening in the next room.


It's mother!

Ah Xue stood up and ran out the door


Xue felt intense pain in her body. Her legs and feet had been numb from squatting for too long. She tried hard to get up, but she couldn't.

The people outside heard the noise and opened the door in panic.

"Ah Xue?"

A plump, honest-looking woman came in and looked at the child on the ground.

"Ah Xue, my dear girl, why did you fall to the ground?"

The woman picked her up with concern,"Are you hurt? I'll give you a hug and it will stop hurting, Ah Xue."

This is the mother's embrace.

""Mother, Axue misses you, Axue really misses you."

It has been a long time since I last saw her, so long that I can't even remember her appearance and voice.

The last time I saw my mother was when I went home for the first time after building my foundation. At that time, my mother didn't have much time left, and my father passed away two years before she came back, leaving my mother alone to wait for her to come back and see her for the last time.

When my mother passed away, she was very peaceful, and she left with a smile.

Thinking of this, Axue burst into tears, full of emotion, hugged the woman, and cried loudly, venting all her grievances and longings.

"Silly child, you're already missing your mother before you even leave the house?"

The woman held her in her arms and rocked her body like a baby.

"If you are tested to have spiritual roots, you can go to Xuantian Sect. You must practice hard in Xuantian Sect. When my Ah Xue learns magic, you can come back to see mother, understand?"

Go to Xuantian Sect?

Does it mean that now is the time when Xuantian Sect is recruiting disciples?

Doesn't that mean I have to leave right after seeing mother?

"Mother, Axue can't bear to leave you."

I didn't expect that you would leave again just after meeting you. How could Axue bear to leave?

The woman was also in tears because of her. She tried hard to hold back her reluctance, holding her in one hand and carefully dressing her with the other hand.

"Is Xue okay?"

A man's anxious voice came from outside.

"father………"It's Daddy

""Okay, okay." The woman carried the man out.

When they walked out of the door, they saw the man walking around anxiously outside.


"Oh, why is daddy’s little Axue crying like this?"

"Don't cry, don't cry"

"If you cry, you won't be beautiful anymore."


"Hey! Come on, let daddy carry you on his back, okay?"


Ah Xue climbed onto the warm and safe back deep in her memory, stretched out her hands and hugged his neck greedily.

"If she is chosen, our little Axue will be a master in the future."

The woman beside him also looked expectant.

As he got closer to the recruitment place, he felt more and more uneasy. Was he going to meet that person soon?

Axue recalled that on this day in his previous life, the person who came to the village to recruit disciples was a disciple of the inner sect of Xuantian Sect.

That was the person who destroyed his Dantian.

————Luo Qing.

Luo Qing should be in the initial stage of building foundation, with dual spiritual roots of water and soil.

What should I do when I meet him later?

Now I am no better than an ant on the ground, and he can kill me with a wave of his hand.

It is not easy to start over again, I must live well and practice well, and never repeat the mistakes and waste time on feelings.

In the past, I was blind and did not know people well, and finally my Dantian was destroyed and I died tragically in the secret realm.

Who should I hate?

Love or hate, those were all things before rebirth.

Since I have a chance to start over, let's start all over again!

After Ah Xue thought about all this clearly, her whole body felt relaxed and her mood suddenly became clear.

""Yes, he has already gained enlightenment before practicing. This boy has good comprehension."

Suddenly, there was a gentle voice of praise like a gentle breeze and drizzle.

Ah Xue didn't even raise her head, she could tell that it was Luo Qing's voice, still as warm and amiable as in the previous life, but who would have thought that under this layer of warmth was a complete devil.

After Luo Qing finished speaking, he stretched out his hand, and a crystal ball appeared out of thin air in his hand. It was used to test spiritual roots.

"Those aged five to fifteen should come forward to take the test, and the others should disperse.

All the children of Liujia Village who were old enough lined up in an orderly manner.

"Xiao Axue, go quickly."

Axue suppressed her reluctance.

"Dad, Mom, I'm going over there"

"Go quickly."

Standing in the queue, Ah Xue turned to look at her parents, smiled and nodded at them, and looked forward.

The children in front of her who were tested put their hands on the crystal ball, and they all received a ruthless answer,"No spiritual roots."

They walked to their parents dejectedly, and some even cried secretly.

"Gold, wood, and earth, three spiritual roots, pass."

Finally, a person with spiritual roots appeared. Everyone standing around looked at the child with spiritual roots, Liu Ada.

Just like in the previous life, he and himself were the only two people in Liujia Village with spiritual roots.

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