Soon it was Axue's turn.

Axue looked at the crystal ball in front of her. In her previous life, she was a water and wood spirit.

"It's okay, just put your hand on it and don't think about anything."

Luo Qing tried to speak gently, afraid of scaring the child in front of him.

Ah Xue didn't want to hear his voice at all, so she put her hand on the crystal ball.

Soon, the crystal ball appeared with two colors, blue and green.

"Top-grade water and wood dual spiritual roots, passed."

Axue walked to Ada's side, turned around and saw her parents waving at her with a smile.

She nodded to them and waited for the test to end.

Sure enough, no one else had spiritual roots.

Luo Qing put away the crystal ball and walked over,"What are your names? Who else is at home?"

"My name is Liu Ada. I have a grandmother, a father, a mother, a younger brother, and a younger sister."

"Liu Axue, there are still father and mother at home."

Luo Qing looked at her cold expression and resisted the urge to touch his nose, wondering if he was unpopular.

He stretched out his hand and two small bags appeared in his palm and handed them to the two.

"There are 500 taels of silver in here, which is the subsidy given by the sect to your family."

"Now I'll give you one hour to say goodbye."

After saying that, he walked to a big tree nearby to meditate and practice.

The children without spiritual roots were taken away by their parents.

Ah Da said goodbye to his family.

Ah Xue turned around dejectedly and walked to her parents sadly. She really couldn't bear to leave. She held their hands and walked to another tree.

She tried hard to hold back her tears,"Dad, Mom, these are the compensations from the sect. You must take care of yourselves after I go to Xuantian Sect."

"Silly child, Dad and Mom don't need these, you take them all."

It was the same as in the previous life. In the previous life, I couldn't resist my father and took half.

After arriving at the sect, I realized that silver was useless in the sect. People who practiced used spirit stones.

"Dad, Mom, listen to me. The Immortal Master just told me that the sect doesn't need these. The sect will give spirit stones to the disciples. Everything they buy there is bought with spirit stones."

"real or fake?"

"Mom, how could I lie to you?"

"If Xiao Axue says so, then it must be true. Old lady, keep it and don't let Xiao Axue worry."

"Xiao Axue, practice hard after you get to the sect, don't worry about us." As she said this, her eyes turned red and she wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with her sleeves.

She turned around and looked away.

"Daddy, don't worry, I will practice hard and come to see you when the time comes."

"Well, my dear daughter, go ahead."


Ah Xue held back her tears and took a step back, kneeling down on her legs, looking at her mother who was crying with her hands covering her mouth and her father who was crying silently.

"Dad, Mom, take care of yourself."

She bowed her head and choked with sobs,"Dad, Mom, I am an unfilial daughter. I will never be able to sit by your side and take care of you two in this life.’

"Xiao Axue, get up quickly"

"Children, this is a good thing, a great thing, we should be happy, very happy."

He said with a grin, showing his happiness.

"Go quickly, the Master is waiting."

""Okay, Dad, Mom, goodbye."

Turning around, she saw Ada standing next to Luo Qing.

Axue walked quickly to Ada and looked back at her parents.

"Let's go," a sword appeared in Luo Qing's hand, and the sword grew bigger and floated at his feet. This was a spell used in the foundation-building period, flying with a sword.

The sword is very low for an adult, but it is still a bit high for Ah Xue's current height.

After seeing Luo Qing step on the sword, Ah Xue put both hands on the sword, exerted force with her arms, and climbed up the sword. Turning around, she saw Ah Da climbing up like herself, so she reached out and pulled him.

Luo Qing glanced at the two of them, and laid down a spiritual shield to protect them. The sword flew away with a whoosh.

Because of her experience in her previous life, Ah Xue was prepared in advance and stabilized her body.

But she forgot that there was also Ah Da, who was thrown here and there, and it took several times for him to stabilize.

Ah Xue suddenly wanted to laugh inexplicably, and thought of herself in her previous life, who was the current Ah Da.

In her previous life, she was also so embarrassed by the fall, but was later helped up by Luo Qing, who gently explained to her and Ah Da.

Sure enough, Luo Qing turned around and

"I forgot that you haven't practiced yet, are you okay?"

Ah Da said quickly,"No, I'm fine."

"This is flying with a sword. You will learn it after you reach the foundation building stage."

"Wow! Master, you are so amazing!"

Ada looked at Luo Qing with admiration.

"We will first go to Youzhou City, which is the closest to here, to meet up with the others, and then return to Xuantian Sect."

"Also, you can't call me Master from now on, you have to call me Senior Brother. My last name is Luo, and my given name is Luo Qing, so you can just call me Senior Brother Luo."

"Brother Luo"

""Hmm," Luo Qing curiously looked at Axue who had been silent. This child was very calm from the beginning, without panic or doubt, really not like a five-year-old child.

Watching the interaction between the two, Axue realized that she was not stupid in her previous life, but foolish.

She couldn't see such obvious show-off and ostentation, and she actually thought he was gentle and amiable?

"Liu Axue, have you ever been exposed to cultivation?"

"How come you are not surprised at all? Also, how do you know that the sect uses spirit stones for transactions?"

Looking at him questioning her with the warmest words, Ah Xue suddenly realized that her hatred for him was just like that.

You will hate him when you love him, and when you don't love him, he is really nothing.

So, this is the real letting go.

"No, the village chief said so."

How cold, is she really only five years old?

"Well, we are in Youzhou now, let's go down."

Luo Qing said and controlled the flying sword to land outside the gate of Youzhou City.

He put away the flying sword and said,"Let's go, flying is not allowed in Youzhou City."

Axue and Ada followed Luo Qing into Youzhou City and headed straight to the City Lord's Mansion.

All the disciples recruited near Youzhou gathered here and took a flying boat back to Tianxuan Sect.

The training ground of the City Lord's Mansion was already full of the disciples recruited this time.

Luo Qing led the two to the sect disciples wearing white clothes.

"Junior Brother Luo is here," he said, looking behind him,"Why are there only two of them?"

"There are only two people with spiritual roots this time. Senior Brother Song, have you accepted so many disciples this time?"

"Well, there are quite a lot of people from Youzhou this time, and I guess there are quite a few people from the other two cities as well."

Axue followed the voice and looked at the person in front of her, Song Qingyun, another admirer of Li Qian.

Li Qian was the concubine daughter of the Lord of Youzhou City. After being tested to have a single wood spiritual root, and a heavenly spiritual root, she stood out from the crowd. On the first day of entering Xuantian Sect, she was accepted as a direct disciple by the Lord of Yaofeng, Mu Wanqing.

Axue saw several new disciples in the group in front, and the one next to Song Qingyun was the most outstanding.

Yes, that was Li Qian.

At this time, Li Qian was also wearing a white dress, standing behind Song Qingyun with a fairy-like aura, and standing next to her were her elder sister Li Shiyun and Cousin Li Xiaofan.

This Li Shiyun is also a general among the cannon fodder female supporting roles. She brought a lot of popularity to the protagonist in the early stage.

The arrogance and viciousness of the eldest daughter perfectly set off Li Qian's self-reliance, hard work and kind personality charm.

It caused a group of male pairs to feel pity and love for her.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Song Qingyun threw out a flying boat.

The disciples of Xuantian Sect flew onto the flying boat with their swords and lowered the stairs for the newly recruited disciples to board the flying boat.

Luo Qing looked at Axue and Ada in the crowd,"You guys come up quickly too."

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