Ah Da nodded quickly,"I understand, Senior Brother Luo, we'll get on board right away."

After saying that, he reached out and pulled Ah Xue towards the flying boat.

Ah Xue held back the discomfort in her heart when he suddenly grabbed her hand, and reluctantly followed him onto the spaceship, thinking that it would only take a short while.

After boarding the flying boat, everyone looked around curiously, and Ah Xue found a deserted place and sat down alone.

Looking at the excitement of these children, she remembered that she was also so excited and curious at that time.

Suddenly, it got dark next to her, and Ah Xue turned around and found Ah Da was also sitting next to her.

"Axue, why don’t you go and take a look?"

"There's nothing to see."

At this time, the flying boat slowly rose to a high altitude. Ah Da could no longer sit still and happily ran to the side to see the scenery outside.

Seeing his excitement, Ah Xue's mood also improved a lot.

Song Qingyun slowly walked to the middle and looked at the mess."Come and sit down. I have something to tell you."

The people who were originally excited immediately sat down obediently after hearing his voice.

Song Qingyun showed a satisfied expression on his face, and then he sat down. With a wave of his hand, a pill appeared in front of everyone present.

"There are still two days of flight time to the sect. This is the Bigu Pill. One pill for each person. After eating it, you will not feel hungry for seven days."

"After eating, you can find an empty room to rest. Remember, no fighting and no quarreling."

After saying that, he ignored them and stood up and walked to the room at the side.

Many younger children looked at the pills in their hands with surprise and were reluctant to eat them.

Later, when they saw that the older ones had eaten them, they ate the pills with reluctance.

Seeing their expressions, Axue also ate the pills. Just as she was about to get up, she suddenly saw a not-so-good-looking bead rolling on the ground kicked by the people walking around.

What is this?

I seem to have seen this bead in Li Qian's hand in my previous life?

Yes, it was when I got off the flying boat in my previous life that Axue accidentally saw the bead in Li Qian's hand. It was this one. The bead just rolled past Axue's legs, and Axue grabbed it.

Just as she got up and was about to find a room, a girl about ten years old looked around and came over. It was Li Shiyun

"Little sister, have you ever seen a small bead? I don't know where it fell just now."


I saw it, but I don't want to give it to you.

What kind of treasure is this?

Ah Xue had cultivated to the Golden Core Realm in her previous life, and she also understood how the protagonist of a world is a lucky child. The treasures that she likes are not ordinary treasures.

And even if she gave it to Li Shiyun, she couldn't keep it.

"Oh, it's okay, it's not an important thing anyway."

Li Shiyun stopped looking after she finished speaking. She bought it on a whim at a stall and wanted to study what material it was made of, but she didn't expect that no one knew it.

Ah Xue looked at Li Shiyun who was leaving, holding the bead in her hand.

Perhaps, this bead was picked up by Li Qian in the previous life.

She found an empty room at random, closed the door, sat on the only futon in the room, and looked carefully at the bead in her hand.

It was impossible to tell what material this bead was made of?

What attributes?

It felt like just an ordinary bead, but this was also the problem, wasn't it?

The more things that were hard to tell, the rarer they were. Do you want to try to recognize the owner?

Thinking of this, Ah Xue bit her finger and dripped blood onto the bead.

The blood was not absorbed, but slowly slid down.

Ah Xue's heart slid down with it.

Just when the drop of blood was about to fall, suddenly a white light flashed, and the blood was instantly absorbed.

And Axue herself was also suddenly pulled into a place.

What is this?

Axue looked around, a spring, a bamboo house, and a piece of land.

Her heartbeat was getting faster and faster.

This is space!

She was clearly in the house on the flying boat just now, but now she is here, so the bead is a space treasure.

So this is Li Qian's personal space!

And it is still growing!

In the previous life, I didn't know that Li Qian had such a heaven-defying treasure, and I read about it in that book.

The book only said that once Li Qian was seriously injured and the storage bracelet was seriously damaged. The blood flowed into the storage bracelet and recognized the personal space inside.

It turned out to be this, but it was a pity that I haven't finished reading the book before I saw it.………

Ah Xue suddenly turned pale. The book was pushed out of that space right after she saw her death!

Was it a coincidence or deliberate?

A feeling of uneasiness arose in her heart.

Then she thought, no matter which one it was, it was enough to be able to do it again.

Being alive is the most important thing. Whether it was a coincidence or deliberate, you will know it naturally when the time comes.

At this time, Li Qian in another room suddenly felt a palpitation and reached out to press the position of her heart.

A feeling of anxiety and panic came from her heart, as if she had lost something very important and could not calm down for a long time.

At this time, Ah Xue did not know Li Qian's protagonist perception.

She walked towards the bamboo house and slowly opened the door. She saw a table and a picture of a beauty hanging behind the table.

When she walked in, she found that there was a shelf on each side.

One of them was a jade slip, which should be a method or something.

One of them was a medicine bottle and a jade box, which should be elixir and spiritual plants.

Turning her head to look at the picture of the beauty on the wall again, Ah Xue was a little confused. Who would be hung here?

Suddenly, a green light flew out of the painting, and before Ah Xue could get out of the way, it had already entered her sea of consciousness.

The crazy laughter was mixed with excitement, shaking Ah Xue's sea of consciousness and causing her head to explode with pain.

If Ah Xue had not cultivated to the level of a golden elixir in her previous life, she would have been dead by now.


A surprised female voice came from the green light spot.

"You are quite brave, girl. Are you scared silly?"

After she stopped laughing, her sea of consciousness slowly calmed down, and Ah Xue was able to breathe a sigh of relief.

She looked up at the green light ball in front of her and her sea of consciousness.

At this time, Ah Xue's sea of consciousness was pitch black, except for the green light ball that just broke in and Ah Xue's own soul.

The green light ball looked bigger than her own soul, and Ah Xue couldn't help but feel a little flustered.

At this time, the green light ball spoke again,"Whether you are really stupid or pretending to be stupid, now, this body belongs to me."

After that, it pounced on Ah Xue, opened its big green mouth and bit Ah Xue's soul.

Ah Xue looked at the green light ball in horror.


She actually saw a big mouth opened on a green ball.

What the hell is this???

Before Ah Xue could think about anything, a tearing pain came


Ah Xue couldn't help but screaming in pain.

She wanted to eat her own soul directly.

She wanted to take over her body.

Ah Xue realized belatedly that she was facing a crisis and was very scared.

What should she do?

Was she going to die again after finally having a chance to do it again?


She couldn't just die like this.

Ah Xue regained her senses and thought calmly, since she wanted to eat herself, she would eat her first.

Regardless of the pain in her soul, Ah Xue got angry and bit the green light ball viciously.

In an instant, shrill screams and curses came from the green light ball,"Damn little bastard, how dare you!"

"I will destroy your soul and make you never be reborn."

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