After taking a bite, Ah Xue found that her soul had recovered slightly. She was delighted and took two more bites while she was cursing.

The green light ball felt trembling in pain.

Finally, she reacted and bit it again fiercely.

The feeling of the soul being bitten was really painful!

The soul felt broken in pain, and the extreme pain was numbness.

Ah Xue said to herself in her heart.

I must live, I must live, live on.………

Ignoring the pain of the bite, he bit the green light ball one bite after another.

You took a bite, I took a bite, and I didn't know how long it took.

Finally, he finished the last bite of the green light ball and completely destroyed it.

Ah Xue looked at her dim sea of consciousness blankly. Did she succeed?………

A feeling of sadness and relief came from my heart.

Finally succeeded...

I couldn't help but shed a tear from the corner of my eye, and I couldn't help but laugh in my heart.

I took a look at my soul that had been promoted to the late stage of Qi Refining, and let go of the heart that had been hanging and left the sea of consciousness.

Ah Xue, who was standing in front of the beauty picture, suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the beauty picture in front of her.

It turned out that the scroll on it was made of soul-nourishing wood.

After swallowing the green light, I had some of her memories.

The green light was the soul of an outer disciple of Qingyun Sect thousands of years ago.

Because of the bead space, that disciple stood out in Qingyun Sect and became a direct disciple.

Because she acted in a high-profile manner and didn't know how to hide, she was gradually discovered to have a space, and was hunted down by people who wanted to kill people and steal treasures.

In the end, she was seriously injured and hid in the space when she was dying. It happened that her portrait scroll was made of soul-nourishing wood, which kept her soul from dispersing.

After thousands of years, the space was lost to an unknown place, and no one had ever recognized her as the owner.

When her soul dissipated, she happened to meet Ah Xue.

Ah Xue was secretly thankful in her heart. If her soul was not about to dissipate and was not as strong as she appeared, then it would be herself who dissipated.

If she was not reborn and was really only five years old, then it would be herself who dissipated.

Opportunities and chances are all accompanied by the same level of danger, and those who are capable will get them. She looked down and found a small mole on her wrist. Is it a bead?

Then she saw the small mole flash and disappear on the wrist and hide.

I don’t know how much time has passed outside, I might as well go out and take a look.

Just when I was thinking about going out, the person had already sat on the futon.

There were continuous knocks on the door and Ah Da’s anxious shouts outside.

"Ah Xue, we are almost at Xuantian Sect, come out quickly."When

I opened the door, I saw Ah Da and Luo Qing standing outside.

"What took so long? Let's go, the flying boat has arrived at the sect."

Luo Qing said as he held Ah Da's hand and extended his other hand to Ah Xue.

Ah Xue ignored his hand and replied,"I fell asleep," and walked out the door.

Luo Qing awkwardly withdrew his hand, looked at the little person walking in front seriously, lowered his head and chuckled, and followed everyone down the flying boat.

When Ah Xue stood in the square at the gate of Xuantian Sect again, she had mixed feelings.

Looking up at the familiar sect in front of her, all kinds of things in her previous life emerged in her mind one by one.

Young and ignorant, facing an unfamiliar environment alone, Luo Qing, who brought her to the sect, became her only support.

And because of the few caring words he occasionally said, she gradually fell in love with him.

When she later learned that he already had someone he liked, she quietly hid her little thoughts.

Until the Dantian was destroyed.

Now that I can start over again, it is the opportunity given to me by God.


This time, I, Liu Axue, will choose the opportunity.

Since I know it myself, it is my opportunity, isn't it?

Rebirth is an opportunity, past life experience is an opportunity, and you are also an opportunity.………

Thinking of this, Ah Xue's mood suddenly became cheerful, and her expression became relaxed. She retracted her gaze and looked around.

There were nearly 10,000 new disciples recruited this time, but in the end, less than 3,000 people were accepted into the sect.

As one of the four major sects in Xuantian Continent, Xuantian Sect certainly will not accept anyone just because they have spiritual roots.

The standard for Xuantian Sect to recruit disciples is the road to self-examination.

And this road to self-examination is a magical artifact specially refined for Xuantian Sect by Xuanling Patriarch, the first sect master of Xuantian Sect, after he ascended to the spiritual world. After it was refined, it was sent to Xuantian Sect in the lower realm through special channels.

As the standard for Xuantian Sect to recruit disciples, only those who have passed the road to self-examination can join Xuantian Sect.

Song Qingyun, Luo Qing and others handed in their tasks to Yuanfeng, the elder deacon of the outer sect. Yuanfeng gave them identity tokens and marked the points for this task. He stepped forward and looked at the disciples below and said

"The steps in front of you are the path of self-reflection for the sect to recruit disciples."

"Only those who have passed the Path of Self-examination can officially become disciples of Xuantian Sect."

"For those who fail, outer disciples will send you back. Of course, the sect will also compensate you so that you won't make a wasted trip."

"Start now."

The voice was not loud, but every disciple below could hear it clearly.

The people standing in front of them were scrambling to walk up the path of self-examination.

Luo Qing was a little worried about Axue and the others, so he turned around and walked down.

"Don't worry, the higher you go, the harder it will be to walk."

"Too many people is not good, you two should wait until there are fewer people before going up."

Liu Ada's anxious heart was relieved after hearing Luo Qing's voice. He looked at him gratefully and said,"Thank you, Brother Luo, we will definitely pass."

"Well, come on."

"Axue, you too."

This five-year-old child was very well behaved along the way, but he spoke too little.

When Axue heard him mention her name, she responded lightly,"Yeah."

Seeing that there were not many people in front of her, she raised her footsteps and slowly walked up the stairs. She didn't want to stay here and listen to people's nonsense. I have walked the path of self-examination in my previous life. The higher you go, the greater the pressure. The last step is still a test of the inner demon.

In the previous life, when Axue climbed to the top with difficulty, hundreds of people had passed, and Axue's performance was unknown.

In contrast to Axue, Li Qian was the first person to pass, and at the same time attracted several peak masters and elders who were vying to accept her as a disciple.

In the end, she worshipped Mu Wanqing, the master of Yaofeng, as her teacher and became a direct disciple.���Xue was also assigned to Yaofeng because of her dual spiritual roots of water and wood, and became an inner sect disciple.

"Ah Xue, wait for me, why are you walking so fast?

Ah Qi panted and called slowly from behind, pulling Ah Xue back from her memories.

""Very soon?" I really didn't feel it.

Seeing him gasping for breath, Ah Xue felt helpless. She just gave him a promotion for the sake of being from the same hometown.

"Ah Da, don't chase after her. Keep your breath steady and walk up at your own speed."

Ah Da really admired Ah Xue. She was three years younger than him, but she not only walked fast, but also spoke clearly, like a little old lady.


"But Ah Xue, you're walking too fast, let's go together."

Why is this guy so long-winded? I want to smash his head.

"No, everyone's speed is different, you have to go at your own speed."

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