
"Well, Axue, you go first, I'll take my time." As he said this, there was a hint of disappointment in his voice.

Looking at Axue's small back, she stood straight.

A spirit of not admitting defeat suddenly surged in his heart. If even Axue can do it, then he can do it too.


After answering him, Axue continued to walk up.

This time, she didn't want to waste time on Yaofeng again. Shuimu Linggen's own attack was not high.

Then she would make up for her shortcomings and learn something with high attack.

And the only way to have high attack was swordsmanship.

Yes, she wanted to go to Jianfeng.

But Jianfeng was not something she could go to just because she wanted to. The only way was to be in the top five in the Path of Self-Searching.

After finding the goal, Axue's confidence increased.

When she looked up, she realized that she had walked halfway without realizing it.

There were a total of one hundred steps, and the fiftieth step was in front of Axue.

The next fifty steps were the key, testing a person's endurance and tolerance. The higher you go, the greater the pressure will be.

Adjust your breathing and step up. After standing on the fiftieth step, your whole body seemed to have doubled in weight.

One step at a time, you slowly walked up.

Fifty-nine stopped, adjusted your breathing, and stepped on the sixtieth step.

It was twice the weight of the fifty steps again, and your waist was bent downwards. Under the pressure, you slowly straightened your waist, stood up straight, and raised your legs to walk up step by step.


Seventy-nine, there are twenty more steps ahead.……………

There were less than a hundred people.

Ah Xue held her trembling thighs with both hands. Sweat ran down her face and neck and into her clothes. Her clothes were already soaked.

She slowly stepped onto the 80th step.


My left leg hit the edge of the 81st step and I felt a pain in my calf as if it was broken. I didn't bother to wipe the sweat from my mouth. I clenched my teeth, and when I got used to the pain, I bent over and slowly walked up.

Now those in the front are all people who are over five years old and have started to practice.

Ah Xue, who hasn't started practicing yet, is the first one.

But this is not enough.

If I want to go to Jianfeng, I have to make a request myself, or be accepted as a disciple by the elder of Jianfeng.

To meet these two requirements, I have to be among the top.

So, Ah Xue has to crawl to the front five.

Ah Xue thought about the belief in her heart, one, two, three………

Eighty-nineth level………

There are still twenty people ahead…………

Li Qian was second, number eighty-eight.

The first was Mo Qianye, number eighty-nine, who was currently overcoming the inner demon.

In her previous life, it was at the inner demon stage that Li Qian overcame before Mo Qianye and became the first.

The ninetieth step is even more stressful, and one must adjust before going up.

He slowly adjusted his breathing again.

The person in front of him couldn't bear the pressure and suddenly fell down, and the whole person disappeared.

It was the spirit of the weapon that teleported the person out, which represented failure.

In her previous life, she climbed up.

The pressure was so great that she was afraid just thinking about it now.

Later, she joked that she never wanted to climb the Path of Inner Conscience a second time.

But, life is unpredictable, and she really managed to climb it a second time.

Looking at the last ten steps, Axue cheered herself up in her heart.

Axue, come on!


Lift your foot and step onto the 90th step


My legs were pressed down and I knelt on the steps.

The piercing pain came from my knees, and my teeth were clenched.

The smell of blood filled my mouth, and veins on my head bulged.


Ah Xue couldn't help but gasp through her teeth.

It was really painful, but it was far less painful than when her dantian was destroyed.

She endured the pain, supported her thighs with both hands, bent her waist, and climbed up step by step, avoiding the people in front of her.

One, two, three,... four…………five………




Here we are.

Finally, we have reached the last step.

I didn't see Li Qian and Mo Qianye, so I guess they have passed.

As for who is behind them, Ah Xue no longer has the energy to see.

She raised her foot and stepped onto the ninety-ninth step.…………

"Junior sister, did you get the Wood Spirit Pearl?"

"Well, Brother Luo, thank you, I got it."

"Give me the Wood Spirit Pearl. With the Wood Spirit Pearl, Junior Sister Li may be able to advance to a Wood Spirit Body."


When Ah Xue saw herself in this stupid state, she felt tortured. She could no longer bear it, so she drew her sword and did the thing she wanted to do most since her rebirth, which was to kill herself.

With one strike of the sword, the entire space was shattered like a mirror.

The sword in her hand disappeared.

Ah Xue smiled bitterly in her heart. It was really a demon in her heart. Whatever she thought of would come true.

As long as there is a demon in her heart, everything is a demon. If there is no demon in her heart, she can slay the demon with her sword.

On the road of cultivation, she must move forward without retreating or giving up.

Find her own way and move forward.

"Therefore, my path is to walk my own path and cultivate my own immortality."

The sea of consciousness suddenly became much brighter, and the body was no longer exhausted, and the mind was refreshed.

Ah Xue opened her tightly closed eyes and saw that everyone was looking at her, including Li Qian and Mo Qianye who had passed before her.


I am the third, and I finally feel relieved.

Ah Xue looked at the people in front of her in a good mood, smiled slightly, and walked to the side and stood obediently.

I am now a child who knows nothing, so I have to act like a child.

Li Qian looked at the little girl who came up, her clothes were wet, and there was a strong smell of sweat. She frowned slightly and was deeply unhappy.

The leader of Xuantian Sect and the leaders and elders of the major peaks sat in the sect hall from the beginning and stared at the road of inquiry with their spiritual sense.

At the same time, they also saw how this little girl, who was only five and a half years old, climbed up the road of inquiry.

The kind of tenacious and upright temperament on her body, climbed to the third place on the road of inquiry with the power of her small mortal body.

It is not worse than the first place, after all, the two people in front have already practiced.

And they can see that the little girl behind has not started to draw qi into the body. This is a good seedling, and she instantly surpassed Li Qian, who was the first place.

Ah Xue had no idea that someone was staring at the road of inquiry with spiritual sense.

As soon as she stood up, she saw two people coming up, and they were both people she knew in her previous life.

Qin Aotian and Bai Mufei, one has a single fire spiritual root and the other has a mutated ice spiritual root, both are rare cultivation geniuses.

Slowly more and more people came, and Ah Da also climbed up. He was so tired that he lay on the ground for a long time before he stood up.

After there were no more people on the road of self-examination.

Yuanfeng walked to the front of the newly accepted disciples,"Single spiritual root, double spiritual root and the top five stand on the left, and the other spiritual roots stand on the right." More than

3,000 people were quickly divided into two groups. Yuanfeng took the other spiritual roots to the outer gate and became outer gate disciples.

There were less than 200 people left, and the single spiritual root would be accepted as a direct disciple.

The double spiritual roots became inner gate disciples. There were only five single spiritual roots accepted this time, and there was also Jiang Feng who came up later, with a single fire spiritual root.

The inner gate deacon divided the inner gate disciples into the various peaks of the inner gate according to their spiritual roots.

In the end, there were only six people left, the single spiritual root and the top five.

At this time, a man came out of the sect,"Dear junior brothers and sisters, I am your senior brother, Xiao Hanshan, please follow me to see the sect master and the peak masters."

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