After that, he released a circular flying magic weapon, and several people stood in the flying magic weapon and flew to the sect hall.

Xiao Hanshan looked at the clothes of several junior brothers and sisters, and they were all in disarray. Especially the youngest one, his clothes were soaked with sweat.

He performed a Dust Removal Technique, and several people were instantly clean and tidy.

Ah Xue walked into the sect hall and saw the people inside staring at her and her group with shining eyes.

This is really………Xiao Hanshan saluted and said,"Master, uncles and uncles, and several junior brothers and sisters."

Then he smiled and stood aside.

Nangong Han, as the sect leader, said,"Senior brothers, junior brothers, and sisters, who would like to be a disciple?"

Han Lingxiao, the head of Jianfeng, said,"Let the children introduce themselves first, and then we will see who is suitable to teach."

"Yes, that's right."

The clan leader turned his gaze to the children below and said gently,"Start with the first one, you can introduce yourselves."

Li Qian was standing at the front, so she was the first one to introduce herself.

"To the Sect Master, all elders, Disciple Li Qian, Heaven-level Wood Spiritual Root"

"Disciple Mo Qianye, top-grade wind and fire spiritual roots"

"Disciple Qin Aotian, top-grade ice spirit root"

"Disciple Bai Mufei, top grade gold spiritual root"

"Disciple Jiang Feng, top-grade fire spirit root"

"Disciple Liu Axue, top-grade water and wood spiritual roots."

A group of Yuanying Zhenjuns over 100 years old all looked at the place where the voice came from.

Axue was the youngest among them and was short, so she was completely invisible standing behind the older children.

Under the gaze of a group of Yuanying Zhenjuns, Li Qian and the others could not help but hide to the left and right, revealing a small person behind them, standing there coldly.


Mu Wanqing said in advance,"Water and wood spiritual roots are very suitable for Yaofeng"

"What is suitable for Yaofeng? I only have two disciples in Fufeng."

An elder said leisurely,"I can't just take care of your big peaks. I also lack disciples in Lingzhufeng. Besides, I also have wood spirit roots."

"You have wood spiritual roots, and there happens to be a girl with natural wood spiritual roots for you. This girl is suitable for my Lingshui Peak."

Li Qian's face turned very bad when she heard it, and she lowered her head to hide her loss of composure.

A white-bearded elder walked up to Axue and said,"Little girl, do you want to take me as your master?"


Ah Xue was a little confused.

Why was it different from the previous life?

‘Your protagonist is in front, I am just a female supporting role, please do not disturb me. '

Besides, I want to go to Jianfeng.

The other few single spiritual roots, seeing that the elders were fighting for a double spiritual root at the first time, were not very happy.

They had a single spiritual root and even a heavenly spiritual root, but they were still not as good as a stinky girl with double spiritual roots.

Ah Xue was helpless……………

Forget it, the situation changed so suddenly that everyone was offended.

Nangong Sect Master was also helpless and finally spoke to rescue

"Liu Axue, which peak do you want to go to?"


Master, you are still the master. You finally asked the right question.

"Back to the master, Xue wants to go to Jianfeng"

"Sword peak?"

"Girl, the water and wood spiritual roots are not strong enough to attack, you'd better come to Yaofeng"

"It is precisely because of the weak attack that Ah Xue wants to learn swordsmanship."

Han Lingxiao nodded secretly. This child is really good. He has such comprehension at such a young age.

He is a natural thunder root and cannot teach him, but he does have a set of swordsmanship suitable for her.

Thinking of this, he looked at the tenacious little girl below and asked,"It is not so easy to learn swordsmanship. You may persevere in the hardship."

"Disciple is not afraid." If I am not strong, I will still lose my life. Will I have another chance next time?

"From now on, you are my Han Lingxiao's last disciple."

‘I agreed!

It's really great!

Surprise, excitement, excitement………

Ah Xue quickly knelt down and kowtowed,"Disciple greets Master."

Han Lingxiao stepped forward and helped up the young disciple he had just accepted,"Sect Master, fellow apprentices, Lingxiao will go first."

"Let's go, little apprentice."

""Yes, Master," Ah Xue replied happily, and hurried to follow.

When Ah Xue was about to leave, she suddenly felt a cold gaze. She turned back and met Li Qian's icy eyes, and she shuddered involuntarily.

"What's wrong?"Han Lingxiao glanced at him thoughtfully.

"It's a bit cold."It's a bit cold, isn't it? 'Li Qian, in my previous life, I, Liu Axue, died because of you. If you provoke me again in this life, I will repay you for the hatred of both lives.'

One disciple had been snatched away from the hall, and the remaining disciples were still being targeted by the peak masters and elders.

In the end, Li Qian, like in her previous life, worshipped Mu Wanqing, the peak master of Yaofeng, as her master.

Bai Mufei worshipped the sect master.

Jiang Feng worshipped Wang Yanzhen, the peak master of Qifeng.

Mo Qianye worshipped Ye Qiuqian of Fengyunfeng as his master.

Qin Aotian worshipped Lenghan of Hanbingfeng as his master.

So far, Xuantian Sect's recruitment of disciples has come to a perfect end.

Axue was brought to Jianfeng by Han Lingxiao, and followed Han Lingxiao to the Jianfeng Hall.

There were already two men and one woman waiting in the hall.

"Master, is this the little sister you mentioned?"

The three of them looked at the little girl who was just taller than the master's knees.


Han Lingxiao looked down at the person at his feet.

"Ah Xue, this is your junior sister, Bai Su, in the early stage of Jindan"

"Hello, little sister."

This little sister looks lively and cute.

"Hello, Junior Sister," Bai Su took out a storage bag

"This is for you."

The storage bag is used by monks to store items. It looks like a small bag from the outside, but the space inside is very large.

Ah Xue looked at the storage bag in confusion. Is this a gift for me?

She looked at her senior sister with some uncertainty, and then at her master.

"Keep it, this is a gift from your senior sister."

Ah Xue took the storage bag.

"Thank you, Junior Sister."

Han Lingxiao pointed to a cold man and said,"This is your senior brother, Ye Chenxi, who is in the late Jindan stage."

"Hello, Big Brother"

"Here." The eldest brother also gave Axue a storage bag.

"Thank you, big brother"

"This is your third senior brother, Lu Jinyu, who is in the early stage of the Golden Core."

Han Lingxiao paused and said,"Your second senior brother is out training and is not in the sect. I will introduce you to him when he comes."

"Yes, Master."

After replying to Han Lingxiao, Ah Xue turned to look at Lu Jinyu,"Hello, Third Senior Brother."

The Third Senior Brother is a gentle man.

"Hello, Junior Sister. This is for you."

"Thank you, Third Brother"

""Okay, you guys take Ah Xue to find a place to live and have someone build a cave. Ah Xue, come to the hall to find me tomorrow."

After saying that, she disappeared into the hall. After seeing the master leave, Bai Su walked forward and happily picked up Ah Xue,"Let's go, little sister will take you to see Jianfeng and see what you like."

As she said that, she stretched out her hand to pinch little Ah Xue's little face, 'She is really so cute.’


Axue was frightened by this sudden action.

"Sister, I can walk by myself."

"No, you are too young and need your sister to take care of you."

"Do you know how big Jianfeng is?"

"How long can you walk with your short legs?"

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