After that, he looked at the two brothers behind him,"Big Brother, Third Brother, Junior Sister is so young, how can she live alone?"

Lu Jinyu thought for a while,"Why not live closer to us so that we can take care of her more easily?"

"Live in the middle."Ye Chenxi said.

Bai Su's eyes lit up. Yes, although their residences were not in the same place, they formed a semicircle. It was just right for the junior sister to live in the middle.

"Good idea."

The three of them walked towards the place they had mentioned.


Axue looked up at the sky helplessly

‘You agreed to let me choose by myself, and you just made the decision like this. Is that really okay?’

‘Children don’t have human rights, right?’

"We are here. Do you like it, Junior Sister?"

Yes, it is at the back of Jianfeng Hall. The scenery is very nice.

"I like it."

Bai Su pointed to the right,"The cave of the eldest brother is above, and the cave of the second brother is below."

"The one on the left, look at that, is my cave, your junior sister. The one below is my third senior brother's cave."

"If you have any problem, come to see Junior Sister."


"Well, thank you, Sister."

"Come on, I'll take you to see the little sister's cave."

Then he looked at the two brothers and said,"Brothers, hurry up and find someone to build a cave for the little sister."

After saying that, without waiting for their reply, he stepped on the flying sword and came to the door of her cave. The identity token flashed automatically, and the two walked in directly.

Bai Su then put the person in her arms on the stone bench in the yard.

"Junior sister, let's take a break here first, it will be completed soon."

"By the way, what kind of cave do you like?"


"It is all acceptable"

"Forget it, I'll just ask my senior to build one like mine."


‘As long as you are happy.'

Bai Su quickly sent a message to the two brothers and told them the request.

He also took out a plate of spiritual fruits.

"Here, you haven't practiced yet, you can eat this."

"After you practice, I will give you other spiritual fruits."

"The master should teach you the practice method tomorrow, don't worry"

"Yeah, okay."Axue picked up one and fed it to Bai Su, and then ate one herself.

The little senior sister was right, this kind of Xuanling fruit is a spiritual fruit unique to the Xuantian Sect, and there are several kinds, and the one the senior sister gave me is the Qizhi fruit, which is the best for me now. Although this little senior sister is talkative, she is very good to me.

After a while, Bai Su picked up Axue again,"The cave is built, let's go and see."

The place we just saw, now an exquisite courtyard is located in front of us.

As expected of a Jindan Zhenren, he works quickly.

The third senior brother chuckled and said,"Go in and take a look, and we will add anything else you need."

Axue looked at the senior brothers and sisters who were so good to her when they first met, and her heart was full of emotion,"Thank you, senior brother"

""Let's go." Bai Su couldn't wait to carry Axue into the yard.

Axue looked at the yard in front of her.


It really looks like Senior Sister's cave, and the courtyard is almost exactly the same.

Bai Su nodded with satisfaction. There is a bed in the main house for resting, and there is also a training room. Bai Su looked at the addition of some daily necessities and furnishings.

"Good, that's it for now."

""Junior sister, is there anything else you need?"

Ah Xue quickly shook her head,"Nothing else."

This is already very good, compared to the previous life, it is a world of difference.

Ye Chenxi handed Ah Xue a storage bag,"The identity token inside has been registered for you, just recognize it as the master."

Ah Xue reached out to take the storage bag, with a surprised expression on her face, and quickly looked at Ye Chenxi,"Thank you, senior brother."

Is it that the treatment of direct disciples is too good, or is it that the treatment of senior brothers and sisters is too good?

"Little Junior Sister, have a good rest and remember to go to the hall to find the master tomorrow"

"Come to us if you have any problem."

Ah Xue nodded to the two brothers,"Okay."

Bai Su was still a little worried,"Little sister, can you really do it by yourself?"

"How about living with Senior Sister?"

Ah Xue shook her head immediately,"Senior Sister, I can"

"Okay then, senior sister will go back first. You must find me if you have any problems, okay?"

"Yeah, okay."

After sending off her senior brothers and sisters, the first thing Ah Xue did was to go straight into the house and climb onto the bed to sleep. She would talk about it after she woke up.

From Liujia Village to Xuantian Sect, she had to pass the Questioning Heart Road again.

This little body was exhausted.

Bai Su was worried, so she came to see her again. Seeing that she was sleeping soundly, she returned to her cave to prepare for cultivation.

Thinking of her little junior sister, who was small and soft.

She was already sixty years old, and suddenly saw such a young little junior sister, it was really rare.

Bai Su grinned with a gentle face, retracted her thoughts, and meditated to practice.

Finally, after a good sleep, Ah Xue slowly crawled her head out of the quilt and looked at the room blankly.

Oh! This is her current cave. She was confused from sleep.

She got up and patted the wrinkles on her clothes, frowned and looked at the storage bag.

Forget it, it doesn't matter on this day, I'll go find the master first.

After washing her face and walking out of the house, she saw her little senior sister standing outside


""Little Senior Sister."

As soon as he finished shouting, Axue fell into Bai Su's arms.


‘This child has no human rights.’

"Let me take you to find the master."

""Thank you, Senior Sister."

That's fine, otherwise I wouldn't be able to reach the hall until noon.

Bai Su held Axue and flew to the door of Jianfeng Hall and put her down.

Looking at Axue's soft face, she reached out and rubbed Axue's head,"Go in, Senior Sister is waiting for you outside."


Ah Xue thought, 'Since she is so nice to me, I should let her rub it more.'

Thinking of this, she gently rubbed her palm with her head twice,"Senior sister, I'm going in."

Bai Su was warmed by the little apprentice's action just now. She gently held her hand and smiled happily at her small back.

Han Lingxiao looked at the little apprentice who came in and waved to her,"Ah Xue, come in.""

"Master." Ah Xue walked to his side and stood obediently.

Han Lingxiao looked at Ah Xue in front of him, maybe everything was destined.

He stood up and took her hand,"Let's go, follow me to the training room."


Although Ah Xue had the experience and skills from her previous life, she had not had time to practice after her rebirth because of the lack of time. She did not want to cause unnecessary trouble.

She should be a child who knows nothing now.

Walking to the training room, Han Lingxiao took out two cushions from the storage ring.

The storage ring is a storage magic weapon that is larger than the storage bag. It also has a portable medicine garden for immortal artifacts and a portable space for artifacts.

Just like the bead space, it belongs to an artifact, or a super artifact.

Han Lingxiao sat down and asked Ah Xue to sit opposite him.

Looking at the person sitting in front of him, Seeing this little guy, Han Lingxiao was a little stunned for a moment.

How was it to teach apprentices in the past? ? ?

The apprentices he accepted before seemed to have already started practicing, and they were a few years older than the current one.

After accepting them as apprentices, he directly gave them the exercises, magic weapons and spirit stones, and let them practice on their own. He would only give a few pointers when they encountered something they didn't understand. This is the first time to accept such a young apprentice who knows nothing.

Forget it, since I have accepted him, I will teach him from the beginning.

Han Lingxiao collected his thoughts and looked at the little apprentice and said seriously,"Axue, your master has the spirit root of thunder, so it is not suitable for me to teach you."

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