"The reason I accepted you as my disciple is that I once found a sword technique in a cave that is very suitable for you."

"Of course, the more important reason is that we are destined to be together."

After saying this, he took out a jade slip and a sword from his storage ring.

"This sword technique is called Qinglian Sword Technique, and this sword is called Qinglian Sword"

"You can use it after you draw Qi into your body and enter the Qi Refining Stage."

Axue looked at the sword technique in her hand and the sword beside her, and was stunned. This is an immortal sword technique, which means that this sword technique can be practiced even after ascending.

And this Qinglian Sword should also be an immortal weapon, and the master gave it to me like this!!!!

"Next, I will introduce you to the levels of cultivation and Xuantian Sect."

"Yes, Master.

Although Ah Xue knew all this in her previous life, she still sat there obediently and listened to the Master carefully.

"The levels of cultivation are divided into: Qi Refining, Foundation Building, Golden Elixir, Nascent Soul, Spiritualization, Combination, Tribulation Crossing, Mahayana"

"After the Qi is drawn into the body, it is the Qi Refining Stage. The Qi Refining Stage is divided into the initial stage, the middle stage, the late stage, and the peak stage. The later stages of the Foundation Building Stage and above the Foundation Building Stage are divided into the initial stage, the middle stage, and the late stage."

"Our Xuantian Sect was founded by the Xuanling Patriarch and is one of the four major sects in Xuantian Continent."

"Xuantian Continent is divided into the secular world and the cultivation world. In the cultivation world, there are four major sects: Xuantian Sect, Qingyun Sect, Jian Sect, and Wanfo Sect."

"The six major sects: Medicine King Valley, Beast Taming Sect, Hundred Flower Palace, Seven Star Palace, Ten Thousand Buddha Temple, and Heavenly Buddha Temple"

"There is also the Loose Cultivator Alliance, as well as the Demon Cultivator Sect headed by the Heavenly Demon Sect, the demon tribe of the Ten Thousand Demon Mountain, and the Rootless Wasteland."

"This is the Xuantian Continent where we are."

He said this in one breath and took out a jade slip from his space ring. Thinking that Ah Xue had not yet drawn Qi into her body, he made a hand gesture and directly entered the contents of the jade slip into Ah Xue's sea of consciousness.

"Xuanling Jue!"

All the contents of Xuanling Jue instantly appeared in Axue's mind.

"Yes, this is the cultivation method of our Xuantian Sect, the Xuanling Jue."

After saying that, he took out a storage ring and said,"This is what your master gave you."


"Master, what is this?"

"Take it, your senior brothers and sisters also have it"

"Thank you, Master"

"Well, once you draw the Qi into your body, you can recognize the master."

"This is the Bigu Pill, you should start drawing the Qi into your body now, and it will come out when you succeed."

After saying that, he activated the defense array and the spirit gathering array and walked out


‘This master is both tough and gentle. When he is gentle, he is very kind and amiable. When he is tough, he just wants to learn something and then not come out. '

Axue looked at the treasures in front of her and put them away one by one. Finally, I can practice.……………

Take out a Bigu Pill and eat it.

Sit on the cushion and meditate. Stretch out your hands, palms facing up, close your eyes, empty your mind, hold your breath and concentrate.

Because of the experience in the previous life, it won't be long before there are lights flashing in the darkness, one, two, three.………

There are more and more small bright spots of various colors. This is the perception of spiritual energy.

The next step is to absorb the spiritual energy.

Release a kind breath to the small spiritual energy light spots, and slowly a small green light spot enters the body.

Then a blue one also enters the body.

Suddenly, it is like a river valve opens, and the surrounding green and blue light spots disperse the light spots of other colors and enter the body.

Ah Xue hurriedly practiced the Xuanling Jue, guiding the spiritual energy to slowly enter the meridians, and suddenly there was a tingling pain in the meridians.

After the spiritual energy traveled in the meridians for a week, the tingling sensation had disappeared, and the spiritual energy was slowly absorbed into the Dantian.

In an instant, there was a very comfortable feeling all over the body.

The first level of Qi Refining………

Continue to practice the Mysterious Spirit Technique, slowly absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy.

If Ah Xue opened her eyes at this time, she would be able to see tiny green and blue light spots surrounding her body, rushing into her body. Slowly entering the state of selfless cultivation…………

When I woke up again, I smelled a pungent odor in my nose.

I looked down at my body, which was covered with a layer of impurities.


He stood up and ran out of the training room, jumped into the pond outside the hall, and hurriedly washed away the impurities on his body.


Finally it no longer stinks, but…………


Climbing out of the pond in wet clothes, he quickly ran to the training room.

How could he forget the Dust Removal Technique?

He quickly used the Dust Removal Technique to remove the smell in the training room.

The air in the room was refreshed.

What Ah Xue didn't know was that the series of actions she had just taken when she ran out were clearly seen by her master, senior brothers and sisters.

They realized later that the little apprentice and junior sister had already reached the third level of Qi Refining!!!

Ten days, from drawing Qi into the body to the third level of Qi Refining!!!

What kind of monster is this?…………

Han Lingxiao immediately sent a message to several people, asking them not to spread the news. If anyone asked, they should say that they had just drawn Qi into their bodies.

A tree that stands out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. Those who have not grown up are not geniuses.

Ah Xue, who was unaware of her master's worries, looked at the storage bag, storage ring, Qinglian swordsmanship and Qinglian sword in front of her with shining eyes.

She bit her finger and dripped blood on the storage ring and storage bag to recognize the master.

First, she opened the storage ring given by the master. There were a bunch of low-grade spirit stones, a thousand medium-grade spirit stones, and a hundred high-grade spirit stones.

There was also a mid-level flying sword and a high-level wood spirit sword.

It turned out that the master had prepared it long ago. These two swords are just right for me now. As for the Qinglian sword, it is not something I can use now.

There are also some wood-based spells and water-based spells.

She opened the storage bag given by the eldest brother, one of which was given by the sect.

She took out the personal disciple's clothes from it. They were white like the inner disciple's clothes, but there were more golden borders than the inner disciple's clothes.

Finally, he changed out of his coarse linen clothes and put on the clothes of a disciple. He looked different, as delicate and lovely as a small white cloud.

Then he took out the sect token and recognized the master by dripping blood.

There was another one given by the eldest brother, which was full of spiritual stones.


Does that mean you can buy whatever you want?

He opened the Third Senior Brother's, and found spirit stones, elixirs, a mid-level defense bracelet, some sect jade slips, and…………Sect rules


Let's take a look at the junior sister's. Ah Xue opened the storage bag Bai Su gave her. Inside were two sets of high-level defensive robes, elixirs, spiritual fruits, spiritual stones, and a mid-level flying magic weapon.

Ah Xue put several storage bags into the storage ring and put it on her hand. The storage ring automatically became the same size as her finger.


‘It is better to worship a good master than to work hard for decades. '

Pick up the Qinglian Sword Technique jade slip, press it to the middle of your forehead, and enter the jade slip with your consciousness.

Suddenly, the jade slip disappeared in your hand, and an ancient book appeared in your sea of consciousness.

Qinglian Sword Technique, first level, Qinglian Duxiu


There is nothing more after that. You need to figure it out on your own. Only after you have learned this level will the next level appear.

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