After Han Lingxiao had read all the sword techniques, he finally calmed down his excitement."


"These are very powerful sword techniques.

"Xiao Axue, are you in a hurry to replenish the sword storehouse at Jianfeng because it is a little empty?"

Liu Axue shook her head and said with a smile,"How is that possible?"

"The sword library can't be empty anywhere."

In fact, I don't know what the sword library looks like.

Han Lingxiao could see the expression on his little apprentice's face at a glance, shook his head gently and said with a smile,"Come on, I will take you to see our sword library at Jianfeng."

Everyone knows that there are countless swords in the Sword Tomb of the Sword Sect, but no one knows that the Sword Peak of the Xuantian Sect also has a sword library that is not located in the Sword Tomb.

Han Lingxiao took Liu Asue to the library and took out his peak master token.

Suddenly, a small teleportation array appeared out of thin air.

Han Lingxiao took Liu Asue and sat on the teleportation array to appear in a secret room.

Then Han Lingxiao walked to the middle of the secret room and chanted the secret formula with his hands. Slowly, the originally empty secret room changed its appearance.

A secret room that was many times larger than before appeared in front of Liu Asue.

Looking around, the secret room was filled with many sword platforms.

On each sword platform was a famous sword, and in front of the sword was a sword technique. Some sword platforms were also empty, and some only had swords but no sword techniques, and some only had sword techniques but no swords.

Han Lingxiao looked at Liu Asue, who was shocked on the spot, and asked with interest,"How is it?"

Liu Asue looked at the sword platforms one by one,"Master, how many ancestors have accumulated this?"

Han Lingxiao smiled lightly," This is a long battle. Some ancestors have spent their entire lives with only a sword technique and a sword from here."

"Some ancestors are like you, adding a lot of sword techniques and swords here"

"Therefore, our Jianfeng swordsmanship will not be lost."

"The sword cultivators of our Jianfeng can also have their own characteristics."

Liu Axue nodded, secretly admiring the dedication of Jianfeng's ancestors to Jianfeng.

"I will find more sword techniques for Jianfeng in the future."

Han Lingxiao shook his head and said,"Opportunity is something mysterious and can only be encountered but not sought."

"Just go with the flow, don't force it, or you'll put yourself in danger."

Liu Axue quickly responded,"Yes, Master."

"Disciple will definitely listen to Master's teachings."

Seeing Liu Axue's assurance, Han Lingxiao nodded and stretched out his finger to touch her forehead. A trace of spiritual energy appeared from his fingertips and surrounded her.

Liu Axue's consciousness showed the formula and hand gestures that Han Lingxiao had just recited.

After Han Lingxiao took his finger away, Liu Axue looked at Han Lingxiao in confusion,"Master???"

Han Lingxiao looked at Liu Axue with a serious face,"This is also the inheritance of our Jianfeng."

"The most important method to enter the sword library is this formula and hand formula"

"This formula and hand formula were also passed on to your eldest and third brothers by the master."

"Passing on the knowledge to one more person is to prevent accidents and interrupt the inheritance."

"Do you understand the importance of this formula?"

Liu Axue quickly saluted and replied,"Yes, Master"

"Ashue understands"

"Ah Xue must protect Senior Brother, Jianfeng, and the Sword Storehouse."

Han Lingxiao rubbed Liu Ah Xue's hair with a smile,"Master means that you should not spread the news casually. Jianfeng is with them, so why do you need to guard it?"

Then he said,"Let's go."

"Let's go out. Tomorrow is the succession ceremony for the new leader."

"At this time, Xuantian Sect was already full of guests, and even our Jianfeng had several guests."

Liu Axue followed Han Lingxiao and asked in confusion,"Who came from Jianfeng?"

Han Lingxiao said with a headache,"It was two disciples of the Buddhist Sect, plus the abbot of the Wanfo Sect, Shangshan"

"Then Master, you???"

"Oh, the young monk Huiyuan from the Wanfo Sect asked to see you."


Liu Axue looked at her master in confusion, feeling that he seemed to be out to get some peace and quiet.

Han Lingxiao glared at Liu Axue and said,"What are you looking at? Hurry up and go to Jianfeng Hall.""

"The master still has some things to take care of."


So, Master, you are sacrificing your own apprentice to take some time off?

But seeing that she had appeared outside the library and the master had disappeared, Liu Axue suddenly grinned and shouted,"Master, why are you running so fast?"

"Axue will go and avenge you."

Han Lingxiao, who was far away, suddenly shook when he heard the first sentence, and when he heard the second sentence, a smile appeared on his face.

Liu Axue then flashed outside the Jianfeng Hall, holding her head high and chest out, with Ye Chenxi's usual domineering look, and walked in.

Several senior brothers were in the hall, even Ji Xuanling was there.

Liu Axue walked to the middle of the hall and bowed to the big monk sitting opposite the third senior brother in the upper seat.

"Xuantian Sect Sword Peak disciple Liu Axue met Master Fangzhang"

"Meet all the brothers"

"Amitabha, good, good."

Shangshan looked at the little girl in front of him. She had bright eyes and white teeth, a long forehead, a face like a jade, and a kind of Buddha nature in her immortal style. She was indeed predestined with Buddha, but this fate was not the same as that of the other. She seemed to have a complementary relationship with the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect.

"Good, good."

Huiyuan looked at Abbot Shangshan and said with a smile,"Master, do you think she has a connection with Buddha as I said?"

Shangshan nodded,"Indeed.""

"I wonder if the young donor could have a chat with me?"

Liu Axue said with a smile,"It is my honor to be enlightened by the abbot."

Then she turned to Ye Chenxi and smiled, sat down below Ye Chenxi, and then looked up at the three monks and disciples opposite.

Shangshan, Huiyuan, and Huineng.

Huiyuan looked at Liu Axue at this time, who was different from the Liu Axue he saw in the Ziling Secret Realm, and said with a smile,"Good, good."

"The young donor seems to be much more clear-headed than before."

Liu Axue nodded to him."Master Huiyuan is right. I have figured out some things recently."

Shangshan was puzzled by the Buddha nature of the little girl opposite him."Has the young donor practiced Buddhism?"

Liu Axue shook her head and said,"I really haven't learned it. I just used the Rebirth Sutra of your Buddhist sect once." Used the Rebirth Sutra once?

The Rebirth Sutra is a very ordinary scripture in the Buddhist sect. It should not be the reason for the Rebirth Sutra.

Liu Axue let him guess and think, and she sat there unmoved, because she herself didn't know why.

It would be better for Abbot Shangshan to help her figure it out, and then tell her the reason.

Thinking of this, Liu Axue looked at Shangshan with a more peaceful gaze.

After Shangshan met Liu Axue's peaceful gaze, his heart paused,"Amitabha, this poor monk is obsessed with appearances."

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