Liu Axue sighed inwardly, what a pity

"I wonder if I can ask the young donor to come to the Wanfo Sect to have a look?"

Liu Axue did not answer Abbot Shangshan's words immediately this time, but turned her eyes to Ye Chenxi beside her.

When Ye Chenxi saw Liu Axue's inquiring eyes, his heart softened and he nodded slightly to her, then turned his head to look at Abbot Shangshan.

"I will bring my junior sister to visit you personally when the time comes."

Abbot Shangshan nodded,"Good, good."

"It is a pity that the little donor has such a good Buddha nature."

Such a good Buddha nature is not able to practice Buddhism, but only has a connection with Buddha.

Liu Axue smiled slightly, with a touch of peace and tranquility in her smile.

"Master Fangzhan, don't be obsessed"

"Buddha and Taoism, demons and monsters, are all

"Everything in the world has the potential to become a monk"

"Don’t you have a saying in your Buddhist sect that one thought can turn you into a demon, and one thought can turn you into a Buddha?"

"Buddha and devil are both in one thought, and my Buddha nature may just be my momentary thought."

"Maybe I have Buddha in my heart"

"Regardless of Buddhism or Taoism, I only want to ascend to heaven."

"Amitabha, good, good."

"The monk who was the young donor made a very reasonable comment.

After he finished speaking, Abbot Shangshan stood up and said goodbye,"The donors, please take a rest for a while. We will go back to our residence first.""

"We will meet again at the Wanfo Sect some other day"

""Yes," Lu Jinyu and the others hurriedly stood up to see them off.

After Abbot Shangshan and his disciples left, Jun Xie lay down on the chair as if he was exhausted.

Liu Axue looked at him puzzledly,"Second Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Jun Xie shook his head,"Nothing, I just don't like listening to the scriptures."


They didn't chant?

Lu Jinyu looked at the confusion on Liu Axue's face, chuckled and said,"Second Brother, like Master, doesn't like listening to Buddhist scriptures."

"Huiyuan and his master always say"Amitabha" and"Good, good, good", so the second brother is tired of listening to them."

Liu Axue asked in surprise,"So the master doesn't like to listen to Buddhist teachings?"

Lu Jinyu nodded.

Axue then said jokingly,"Fortunately they left quickly, otherwise the second brother might have suffered."

Lu Jinyu chuckled,"It's not that they left quickly, but that Abbot Shangshan wanted to see you, and Huiyuan also directly asked to see you."

"The master released you so that they could go back earlier."


"There is also this matter."

Ye Chenxi patted Liu Axue's head,"Don't worry, it's probably Huiyuan who kept talking about you when he went back."

"That's why Abbot Huiyuan came here to take a look"

"Don't worry."

Feng Che said with a smile,"Okay, let's all go and have a rest. We have to go to the main peak to watch the ceremony early tomorrow morning."


Liu Axue happily returned to her cave, and then thought of the bloodthirsty demon vine and Huo Xuan whom she hadn't seen for a year, and then flashed back into the space.

The bloodthirsty demon vine, who was sitting by the Lingquan Lake with his legs crossed and fishing, looked at Liu Axue who suddenly appeared with confusion.


"Am I dazzled or hallucinating?"

"Huo Xuan, I think I saw our master!"As soon as the bloodthirsty demon vine finished speaking, a red light flashed in front of his eyes. Huo Xuan walked forward and looked at Liu Axue happily,"Xue'er, you are here."

Liu Axue nodded,"I have been reading books in seclusion for a year."

"I was so excited watching it that I forgot to tell you"

"What are you doing?"

Huo Xuan said happily,"Almost all the spiritual plants in the space have been refined into pills by me and Sister Xiao Yao."

"I have nothing to do now, and Sister Xiaoyao said she was fishing."

Ah Xue looked at the bloodthirsty demon vine next to her in confusion,"Fishing?"

"Wouldn't it be better to just go down and catch them directly?"

The bloodthirsty demon vine took out another fishing rod and handed it to Liu Axue,"Fishing is also a kind of enjoyment."

"You will know if you try it."

"I asked Huoxuan to go fishing with me, but he just didn't have the patience and couldn't sit still."

"Come, Xueer, look, just like that."

The bloodthirsty demon vine said as he demonstrated to Liu Asue how to fish.

Liu Asue took the fishing rod and followed the bloodthirsty demon vine's operation, putting the hook into the water.

Then they both sat on the chairs, and there was a table in the middle.

And these table and chairs were what Liu Asue took out from the Zi Ling Fairy Palace.

At this time, the two little girls huddled in the chairs, looking indescribably cute.

Liu Asue turned her head and looked at the bloodthirsty demon vine,"Tomorrow is the day when Senior Brother Xiao will succeed as the sect master, do you want to go out and play?"

The bloodthirsty demon vine thought about it and shook his head in denial,"It's better for Huo Xuan and I to stay in the space."

"Tomorrow you open the space and we will watch from inside. Then we will be able to notice some things that you don’t notice."

"How could there not be one or two mice on such a big day?"

Huo Xuan slowly came over with two plates of spiritual fruits,"Sister Xiao Yao mentioned that someone was making trouble, and I saw that you seemed a little excited?"

He put the spiritual fruits on the table, and then used magic to move a chair behind the table and sat down. The bloodthirsty demon vine picked up a spiritual fruit and handed it to Liu Axue,"Is there any?"

Liu Axue took the spiritual fruit and nodded vigorously,"Yes"


The overly proud bloodthirsty demon vine felt a little guilty, and then tried to save the situation by saying,"Think about it, you and your brothers and sisters are all in the crowd. If there is any problem, you may not notice it."

"At this time, Huo Xuan and I are secretly observing in the space, and we may find it in time."

"Is that right?"

Liu Axue looked at the bloodthirsty demon vine dimly,"There are many supreme elders in Xuantian Sect guarding in the dark these days."

He said this just to argue with the bloodthirsty demon vine. At this time, Liu Axue had already agreed with the bloodthirsty demon vine's method. Sometimes the supreme elders might not discover the disguise.

High cultivation is not omnipotent.

The bloodthirsty demon vine said unconvinced,"Think about it carefully."

Liu Axue thought about it seriously for a while, and then said sincerely,"Then I'll trouble you when the time comes."

"Maybe there really will be demons sneaking in."

"By then, they would hide inside the body of a disciple, and even the Supreme Elder might not be able to find them."

"I will open the space directly, you can enter and exit at any time, and Huoxuan's Nirvana Fire is also ready at any time."

"Oh, and there is also a photo stone. Put the photo stone in a proper direction so as not to expose us and the space."

"In case someone takes the opportunity to cause trouble."

The bloodthirsty demon vine and Huo Xuan nodded at the same time.

Huo Xuan looked at Liu Axue,"If there is something, use your special sound transmission method to send a message to the master and senior brother, don't send a message directly."

Liu Axue nodded to show that she understood.

The next day, Bai Su looked at Liu Axue who walked out of the cave alone and asked in confusion,"Why didn't Xiao Yao and Huo Xuan come out?"

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