When seeing the ranking of the strange fires, Axue's heart was beating like a madman.

This was a heartbeat, and Axue continued to look down excitedly.

First place, Emperor Flame: After gaining intelligence, it can swallow up other flames. It is the head of flames and calls itself Emperor Flame (there is also a name called Tuoshe Ancient Emperor).

Second place, Void Flame: Born in the void space, swallowing the sky and the earth, no one has been able to subdue it so far.

Third place, Pure Lotus Demon Fire: Purifies everything, can burn all evil things, and is the nemesis of all demons and monsters.

Fourth place, Burning Sky Fire: The inherited fire of ancient times, with boundless power.

Fifth place, Fire of Life: Possessing the power of life, low combat power, but it is the dream of alchemists, which can promote the birth of medicinal materials and improve the grade of elixirs. Sixth

, Eight Desolate Flames: From the ancient Yan clan, lost its trace with the extinction of the Yan clan.

Seventh, Nine Netherworld Fire: From the underworld, in the hands of Hades.

Eighth, Red Lotus Karma Fire: can burn all sins, worshipped by the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect, it is said that it can remove the sins of monks, but no one dares to try it.

Ninth, Starry Sky Flame: formed in the starry sky, can absorb the power of stars to become stronger.

Tenth, Nine Nether Wind Flame: comes from the endless abyss.

Eleventh, Bone Spirit Cold Fire: a strange flame that combines ice and fire. It is said that there is an ice and fire spring in the snow mountain.

Twelve, Thunder Gang Fire: obtained by the leader of the Qingyun Sect.

Thirteen, Turtle Spirit Earth Fire: a strange brown flame that looks a bit like a giant turtle. Fourteen,

Fallen Heart Flame: fire is born from the heart, tempering the spirit and refining the bones, no color


What kind of fire is this? ? ?

Continue to look below.

Fifteen, Sea Heart Flame: Deep blue flame, coming from the depths of the sea.

Sixteen, Ice Fire: Missing.

Seventeen, Volcano Stone Flame: Acquired by Xiao Hanshan of Xuantian Sect.

Oh, the sect's eldest brother, the representative of this generation of disciples, is much more popular than my eldest brother.

Eighteen, Dragon Flame: In the hands of a tribulation-crossing elder of the Sword Sect.

Nineteen, Blue Lotus Earth Core Fire: Flame from the lava in the earth's core, with the destructive power of a volcanic eruption.


When Ah Xue saw the Azure Lotus Earth Core Fire, her heart beat even more strongly, 'This is it, I want it so much.'

The following types are Netherworld Poison Fire, Yin and Yang Dual Flame, Ten Thousand Beasts Fire, and Xuanhuang Fire.

There are a total of twenty-three kinds of strange fire.

The Azure Lotus Earth Core Fire, I must go to the volcano to find it if I have a chance.

After reading it, Ah Xue suppressed her excitement and put the jade slip into the space. This kind of thing can't be rushed for a while.

It needs to be done slowly. Besides, with my current cultivation level, I really can't subdue it. What if I get burned to death? It would be a pity.

After thinking it through, I should work hard to practice.

Ah Xue practiced the Xuanling Jue, and after the technique circulated in the meridians for several rounds, it was already bright outside.

I got up and walked to the yard to take out the Mu Ling Sword, and continued to practice the first level of the Azure Lotus Sword Technique.

There was a faint trace of sword intent.

This is………

Another trace of sword intent came out, and Ah Xue did not dare to miss the opportunity again.

She quickly grasped this trace of sword intent, and continued to practice sword while comprehending it.

Slowly from the first move of the first level to the last move.

Each move was more delicate and unique than the previous one.

Every sword used was no longer a separate sword energy, but a sword intent that turned into a blue lotus.

Like a lotus in the world, independent.

It was also like a stunning piece of the world.

It was like a sword but not a sword, tangible and intangible.

It was full of vitality but annihilated without a trace.

Ah Xue practiced swordsmanship for three days and three nights after this comprehension.

It was not until every move and every style was deeply engraved in her heart that she slowly stopped.

When Ah Xue stopped, she found that the spiritual energy in her dantian had been drained long ago. Ah Xue did not care about anything else. She endured the pain in her dantian due to the dryness of the spiritual energy, and hurriedly walked into the house and sat on the futon. She sat in meditation and operated the skills to absorb the water and wood spiritual energy between heaven and earth to replenish the dry dantian.

The high-level spirit gathering array plus the cushion made of high-level spirit gathering grass, the speed of the body's absorption is far less than the speed of the gathering of spiritual energy.

Soon the spiritual energy in the room turned into a thick mist, filling the room, revealing a vague figure.

Ah Xue was very upset at this time. There was too much spiritual energy in her Dantian, and she was about to build a foundation.

However, she still wanted to go to the secret realm of the Qi Refining Period. If she built a foundation now, she would definitely not be able to go.

What should I do?

Ah Xue looked inward at her Dantian full of spiritual energy and her faintly aching meridians, and sweat broke out on her forehead.


Yes, it is the meridians.

The excess spiritual energy can also expand the meridians and can be used to temper the body.

Do it as soon as you think of it.

Ah Xue directly ate a bottle of Bigu Pills, and hurriedly practiced the exercises to guide the excess spiritual energy into the meridians, flushing the meridians one by one.

The fragile meridians could not withstand the strong impact of the spiritual power at all, and slowly cracked and shattered.

Ah Xue couldn't help but groan in pain. She hurriedly practiced the rejuvenation technique.

At this time, the powerful recovery and healing abilities of the wood spiritual power and water spiritual power were strongly reflected.

Without the blessing of these two, Ah Xue's operation was really extremely dangerous. It is very likely that the meridians will be directly broken, and you will not be able to practice in the future.

The repaired and healed meridians are more and more tenacious and wide.

Seeing such an obvious effect, Ah Xue was so excited that she almost cried.

Fortunately, it worked, fortunately it succeeded.

I was so anxious that I almost ruined myself.

Holding back the excitement and bitterness in my heart, Ah Xue continued to practice two exercises at the same time.

In the front, she guided the spiritual energy to flush the damage, and in the back, she healed and repaired.

Slowly, all of Axue's meridians expanded more than twice.

Seeing that there was still extra spiritual energy

, Axue boldly introduced the spiritual energy into her flesh and blood to temper it.

"hiss……………"It hurt too much, Ah Xue gritted her teeth and held on.

This was really not an ordinary pain, the blood in her body was boiling, and a layer of fine blood beads oozed out of the surface of her skin.

The remaining impurities in the flesh and blood were also expelled from the body, mixed with the blood, forming a brown debris, fishy and unpleasant. Ah

Xue immediately blocked her sense of smell and continued to temper her bones.

It was another new round of different pain, a kind of pain that could not be expressed in words, and the whole person was shaking with pain.

No matter what kind of pain it was, Ah Xue gritted her teeth and persevered.

In order to become stronger, to stay alive, and to live better, a little pain is nothing.

As long as you can get through it, it will be fine

‘Get through it………Axue... is………The strongest………’


A fierce pain came from her bone marrow. Ah Xue couldn't help but yelled out loud. The cold sweat on her face was like a heavy rain. The impurities discharged from the temples were washed out by sweat and flowed down in two small rivers.

Ah Xue frowned, and her face was distorted by pain.

But she still didn't think of giving up.

Slowly trying to adapt to this pain.

Sometimes the pain is numb.

She really got used to it.

Ah Xue gritted her teeth and continued to temper each bone. The bones tempered by spiritual energy became whiter and harder, and seemed to be faintly shining.

I don't know how long it took, Ah Xue finally tempered the last bone, and breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

Slowly stopped practicing and opened her eyes.

After Ah Xue calmed down, she quickly looked inside her body.

The meridians were much wider than before, and the dantian was much larger, which could accommodate more spiritual energy.

And there seemed to be endless strength in the body, strong and powerful.

Now I should be invincible under the foundation building stage. Even if it is an opponent in the foundation building stage, I can fight to the death.

Ah Xue's heart was moved.

This is what cultivation is, boldly trying, and striving for innovation.

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