Thinking about how she had endured such a long time of pain, but had achieved such amazing results, Ah Xue couldn't help but smile foolishly.

Suddenly, the smile on her face froze. So long?

It's over.…………

This training has lasted almost half a year?

Oh no!…………

I missed the outer sect competition.

Ah Xue raised her head and sighed, is this what they call gaining something and losing something?

Forget it, forget it.………

It is better to fight in person than to watch others fight.

Thinking of this, he quickly used a few Dust Removal Techniques to clean up the dark dirt on his body.

He waved his hand to disperse the smell in the room and threw a few Dust Removal Techniques into the room.

Only then did he untie his sense of smell. The air that entered his nose was fresh and odorless, and he finally felt relieved.

He walked out of the room


Ah Xue looked at the calm eldest brother outside the cave, the anxious little sister, and the third and second brothers chatting together.………

Could it be that the secret realm is about to be opened?


It's over. This time I really practiced too much.

Ah Xue quickly opened the cave.

Bai Su excitedly went forward and hugged her,"Little Ah Xue, you finally came out."

After saying that, she realized that the person in her arms seemed different. Her facial features were more delicate and lovely, and her skin was white and soft.

Her body seemed to have been tempered as well?

"Junior sister, have you practiced body cultivation?"

After hearing Bai Su's words, the other senior brothers also noticed the difference in the little girl and looked at her curiously.

Ah Xue really admired the observation ability of the junior sister.


"When practicing sword, I used up all the spiritual power in my Dantian, and when practicing, I failed to control the spiritual power and almost succeeded in building the foundation."

"In order to suppress my cultivation and go to the secret realm, I used the excess spiritual power to expand my meridians and train my body."


Ye Chenxi scolded with a cold face,"You are so audacious."

It is very dangerous to expand the meridians with spiritual energy. If you are not careful, the meridians will be broken and the Dantian will also be affected.

This little girl is so audacious that she dares to do it alone.…………

Ah Xue was frightened by Ye Chenxi's sudden scolding, and couldn't help but burrow into Bai Su's arms.

Bai Su was also terrified when she heard it, and then she saw her being scolded by the senior brother. She was really angry and distressed. This little girl was so bold.

Lu Jinyu was also frightened,"Junior sister, don't be so reckless next time. If you miss this secret realm, there is still the next one. There is no need to rush."

"Even if you want to expand your meridians, we have to guard them, understand?"

Axue had just crawled back from the brink of death, and her body and mind had a profound experience. Even if she was scolded by the senior brother, her heart was warm.

"I won't dare to do it next time."

Bai Su asked angrily,"Do you want to have a next time?"

Ah Xue quickly shook her head,"No, there will definitely not be a next time."

She stretched out her little hand and said,"I promise."

Among the few people, only the second senior brother Jun Xie secretly gave Ah Xue a thumbs up.

He told her in a voice transmission,"Well done, you are worthy of being my junior sister, Jun Xie, like your second senior brother."

"But your third brother is right, one of us must accompany you during the next expansion, understand?"

Ah Xue heard the second brother's message and nodded to him, indicating that she would definitely do it.

Ye Chenxi looked at the little girl in Bai Su's arms again,"Why does practicing sword make the Dantian spiritual power dry up?"

Hearing the eldest brother ask this, Ah Xue's mood suddenly became excited, and inevitably a little proud.

He said proudly,"Elder brother, I have practiced the sword intent"

"When I first used the sword intent, it was only a trace that appeared from time to time. I grasped that trace of sword intent and slowly comprehended it."

"It took three days and three nights of practice before I could use the sword intent at will."

"When I stopped, the spiritual energy in my dantian dried up."

As I spoke, I lost my pride and pride and slowly lowered my head.

My dantian dried up, my whole body ached, and my meridians itched.………

It's so painful!

Several brothers and sisters showed surprise when they heard that she had practiced the sword spirit. She was able to fully master the sword spirit in three days. What kind of genius is this?

Only the eldest brother frowned and looked at the little girl with her head down helplessly, and suddenly felt a headache.

If he beat her up, she is too young. If he didn't beat her up, she would easily do something wrong.

Finally, he sighed helplessly,"Practicing the sword spirit is a good thing."

"But when you walk outside in the future, you must always remember that no matter when or where you are, you must not let your spiritual power dry up."

"You have to stay alert at all times"

"Remember, you must be on guard against others, but you must not have the intention to harm others."

"We cultivators are prone to karma. From now on, you cannot attack kind and loyal people or ordinary people without reason."

"To avoid being haunted by demons and having trouble surviving the calamity."

"Do you understand?"

Ah Xue carefully remembered every word that the senior brother said and nodded to him solemnly.

"Big Brother, Axue understands"

"Ah Xue must always remember the teachings of the senior brother."

Ye Chenxi nodded with relief.

"Let's see how your sword intent is."

Sword intent is actually very dependent on fate. Some people can't practice it in their entire lives, while others can understand their own sword intent very early.

And the little junior sister is just over eight years old, and she has already practiced her own sword intent. She is really good at understanding.

Axue nodded and slipped out of Bai Su's arms.

She took out her wooden spirit sword and showed her senior brothers and sisters the first move of her Qinglian sword technique.

The breeze flashed, and the green lotuses flew out with the swing of the wooden spirit sword.

Between Axue's moves, they danced and leaped happily.

There was endless murderous intent hidden in the beauty.

Just like the lotus fairy, it lures people into the depths of the sea of flowers to hunt and kill.

After Axue finished practicing the first level of swordsmanship, the green lotuses disappeared. There was a faint fragrance of lotus in the air.



"So beautiful!"


Several senior brothers and sisters all praised him.

Ye Chenxi nodded with satisfaction and said,"Your safety is guaranteed during this trip to the secret realm."

"In the world of cultivation, combat power is not your only guarantee, you also need to be wary of people's hearts."

"That is the most dangerous"

"Do you know?"

Axue agreed with what the senior brother said,"Yes, Axue will be careful."

She had been stupid to death once, and if she was stupid again, she would be hopeless.

Axue asked all the questions, and Bai Su finally remembered what they were here for.

She quickly took out a storage bag and put it in Axue's hand.

"These are some spiritual food, spiritual fruits and two robes prepared by my senior sister."

"Once you enter the secret realm, you must be careful."

"Also, don't put everything in the storage ring. When you go out, be sure to put some important pills outside to prevent them from falling into the forbidden spirit area."

""Thank you, Senior Sister. Ah Xue got it."

The three senior brothers also gave her a storage bag each.

Ah Xue accepted them one by one.

She was so touched that she seemed to have really become a child since she became their disciple.

Someone took care of everything for her, and someone was worried about her when she went out.

Ah Xue cherished this kind of feeling very much. 'Thank you, I can only repay your kindness by practicing hard.’

"It's too late, you go back to practice, I'll take my junior sister to the entrance of the secret realm."

Ye Chenxi said without waiting for others to reply, and directly picked up Axue and left.

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