The other disciples set out this morning, led by Elder Yuanfeng. They thought that the little sister would not be able to catch up this time, but unexpectedly, the time was just right.

Bai Su looked at the place where the two disappeared with sympathy. Little Axue was so pitiful.

The faces of Jun Xie and Lu Jinyu were a little unpredictable.

Lu Jinyu was fine, but Jun Xie was not in such a good mood, because he was also carried around like this in the past.

Even after he grew up, he was sometimes carried by the eldest brother to fly like this.

When Axue was carried to the ground by the eldest brother, the secret realm had not yet been opened.

Axue looked around and quickly looked around. This was a valley in the back mountain of Xuantian Sect. The flat ground at the bottom of the valley was full of disciples who entered the secret realm this time.

There were four Yuanying elders holding tokens at the bottom of the cliff not far away, transmitting spiritual power to the stone wall below the cliff.

After Ye Chenxi landed, he took Axue to the front of Elder Yuanfeng, holding the junior's salute,"Disciple greets Uncle Yuan, my little sister just came out of retreat and is a little late, please forgive me."

Axue also followed the salute obediently,"Disciple greets Uncle Yuan." Yuanfeng looked at Ye Chenxi with a smile,"No problem, the secret realm has not been opened yet, so it's not too late"

"Get ready, the elders are opening the secret realm, it will probably be open soon."

"Yes, thank you, uncle."

Ye Chenxi took Axue to one side and waited quietly.

Axue's appearance just now shocked the whole audience, and all the disciples present couldn't help but look at her.

Because she was the last one to come, she was escorted by Jindan Zhenren himself.

And because she was a direct disciple, and she was really young.

So the outer disciples looked at her with envy and jealousy.

Among them were several inner disciples, and the expressions on their faces were also different.

Li Qian was surrounded by direct disciples and inner disciples.

When seeing Axue being sent by Ye Chenxi, Li Shiyun turned her head and looked at Li Qian sourly,"We are both direct disciples, second sister, doesn't your senior sister love you very much?"

"Why didn't you send you here in person?"

After hearing her words, Li Qian's eyes dimmed and her voice was soft and gentle,"It's good that Senior Sister loves me, but I also need to experience myself."

"Otherwise, when will we be able to become strong?"

"If I need my senior sister to worry about everything for me, then what is the difference between me and that canary?"

"Isn't it a waste of all this talent."

Li Shiyun was speechless after hearing these words, and gave Li Qian a look of contempt.

It was obvious that Senior Sister Ye didn't love Junior Sister as much as Senior Sister Bai, and she even talked about how noble she was.

I really can't stand this concubine sister's pretentious attitude every day.

Li Shiyun looked up in the direction of Axue, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

It seems that Junior Sister Liu is not only doted on by Senior Sister Bai, but also by Senior Brother Ye.

Maybe even the entire Jianfeng dotes on her, she is really lucky.

Qin Aotian on the side nodded repeatedly after hearing Li Qian's words.

Junior Sister Li is not only talented, but also has good comprehension. No wonder in just three years, she has already reached the tenth level of Qi Refining and entered the late stage of Qi Refining.

Unlike himself, he has not yet broken through the late stage of Qi Refining.

Bai Mufei and others also praised Li Qian's words just now.

One or two people even secretly Blame Li Shiyun for not being able to speak. While the direct disciples here were fighting openly and secretly, someone among the outer disciples on the other side was also paying attention to Axue.

This person was Ye Qiuqian who lived in the same cave with Ada.

When Axue came, Ye Qiuqian knew at a glance that this should be the sister that Junior Brother Liu always talked about. Junior

Brother Liu's sister is Jianfeng's new disciple, and the person next to her is Jianfeng's senior brother, Ye Chenxi.

No wonder Junior Brother Liu has been so worried and kept nagging all day long. It turns out that she is only eight years old. Since Junior Brother Liu asked me to take care of her, I will help her if I meet her in the secret realm.

Although Axue here felt that many eyes were looking at her, she did not pay too much attention.

She stood quietly and obediently beside Ye Chenxi, watching several Yuanying elders open the secret realm.


Suddenly, a loud noise came from the stone wall, and the rumbling sound continued and rang continuously.

Then, a crack appeared on the stone wall and slowly expanded to both sides.

The crack was like a long-sealed stone door, and it slowly opened under the powerful spiritual power of the four elders.

Finally, the entrance to the secret realm was opened. After several Yuanying elders stabilized the entrance to the secret realm, they stepped aside and meditated to restore their spiritual power. Elder

Yuanfeng walked to the front of the entrance, stretched out his hand and waved a table. A box appeared on the table, and the box contained a token.

"This is the token to enter the secret realm, everyone has one"

"The time to enter the secret realm is three months. After three months, all disciples will go to the exit of the secret realm and wait for the teleportation array to open."

"You are not allowed to kill each other in the secret realm. If you violate this rule, you will be expelled from the sect."

"In addition, every disciple who enters the secret realm is required to hand in fifty second-level spiritual plants, regardless of the species."

"There are also twenty second-level monster materials, regardless of species and parts."

"As for other personal income, you can deal with it at will after leaving the secret realm. Of course, you are also encouraged to sell it or exchange it for points in the sect mission hall."

"I believe you also know the importance of points to yourself."

"The last thing is to protect your token. When you are in danger, you can crush the token and teleport out."

"Now, line up in two teams, receive the token, and then drip blood to recognize the master and enter the secret realm."


More than 200 disciples said in unison, full of excitement.

They lined up and went forward one by one to receive the tokens.

Elder Yuanfeng nodded with satisfaction and stood in front of the table, watching to prevent anyone from taking more than one.

Ye Chenxi looked down at Axue,"Go ahead."

Axue nodded,"Senior Brother, I'm leaving now."

Ye Chenxi also nodded,"Be careful, I'll come pick you up in three months.""

"Well, goodbye, big brother."

After saying goodbye to big brother, Ah Xue also walked into the team excitedly.

You know, there are many spiritual plants, monsters, and treasures waiting for her in the secret realm.

There is also the Fire Cloud Fox that she has been thinking about.………

She walked to the table and took a token. As luck would have it, Li Qian was on the other side.

Ah Xue nodded slightly to her and walked towards the entrance of the secret realm with the token.

"Junior Sister Liu, what a coincidence."

Li Qian smiled and looked at Axue, and could tell at a glance that Axue had reached the sixth level of Qi Refining. In just three years, she had already reached the sixth level of Qi Refining. This talent is really good. She must have worked very hard.

Axue also smiled at her,"Hello, Senior Sister Li."

As she spoke, she dripped a drop of blood on the token, and after recognizing the master, she put the token into the storage ring.

Li Qian then looked at Axue's storage ring and said in surprise,"I didn't expect Junior Sister Liu to have a storage ring?"

Axue was also surprised,"The master gave it to me. Didn't Uncle Mu give it to Senior Sister Li?"

Li Qian had a storage bracelet in her previous life. Is there any change in this life?

Thinking of this, Axue looked at Li Qian's wrist.…………

Isn't there one on my wrist?

Li Qian lowered her head awkwardly, and put on her storage bracelet uncomfortably.

She seemed to be too surprised just now, as if Junior Sister Liu shouldn't have a storage ring.

What's going on?

As a direct disciple of Jianfeng, isn't it normal for Junior Sister Liu to have a storage ring?

Why was she so surprised just now!

It seems that every time she sees Junior Sister Liu, she can't control her emotions.

It's really strange?

"What happened?"

"Of course the master gave it to me. I was rude."

Ah Xue rolled her eyes secretly. Are you rude to me when you see me?

This has happened two or three times, right?

"It's okay."

While the two were talking, Bai Mufei, Qin Aotian and others came over.

"Li Junior Sister"

"Senior Sister Li."

Li Qian looked at them with a faint smile,"Have you received your tokens?"

Several people nodded,"We have received them."

"Then let's go in too."

Li Qian said and looked at Axue again,"Junior Sister Liu, please come with us. There will be more people to take care of you."

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