The other people turned their eyes to Ah Xue.

Some were indifferent, some were dissatisfied, and some condemned her.………

Ah Xue suddenly felt as if her whole body was pierced

"My cultivation level cannot keep up with you guys, so I won't bother you anymore."

After saying that, without giving Li Qian a chance to speak, he quickly walked into the secret realm and disappeared.

What a joke, if he doesn't leave now, he will probably be stabbed into a sieve by the eyes.

The supporting characters around this heroine are all psychopaths, especially Luo Qing.

Li Qian was about to keep the person when she saw Axue had already walked into the secret realm.

Her eyes flashed, with an expression of wanting to say something but stopping on her face, and she said softly,"Maybe Junior Sister Liu doesn't like to be with us"

"Well, forget about her, let's go in quickly."

The other people had their own thoughts when they heard Li Qian's words. Most of them were dissatisfied with Ah Xue, thinking that this Junior Sister Liu was too ungrateful.

Ah Xue didn't know that Li Qian had set a trick for her.

At this moment, she was fighting in the snake group. She sighed in frustration, what kind of luck was this?

As soon as she came out of the teleportation array,���Landed directly in the snake's nest.

It turns out that this teleportation array is still random.

Looking around, there are snakes everywhere on the trees, plants, and the ground. They are densely packed and entangled. It makes people's scalps numb and their stomachs churn.

Ah Xue endured the nausea and looked at the entangled snakes. Fortunately, they were all first-level red snakes and vipers. There were not many second-level ones.

Although goose bumps all over the body, it was easy to deal with.

With one move of Qinglian Sword Technique, a large area can be harvested.

Because the snakes are dense, every move will not fail.

Ah Xue looked at the snakes in front of her and thought to herself, there must be a large number of araneas here with so many snakes.

The bigger the aranea, the bigger the snake.

Seeing that the highest snake here is only the second-level snake, there must be a second-level aranea.

Although aranea is not very useful, it can be used to refine detoxification pills and insect repellent pills for snake and insect bites. It is the natural enemy of snakes and insects.

It can also be said to be a companion of snakes.

As the Qinglian Sword Technique progressed, a field of second-level and first-level araneas was soon seen.

After seeing the Arisaema, Axue didn't dare to swing her sword wildly anymore. She threw a defensive array at the Arisaema, and then killed the surrounding snakes.

She walked into the defensive array and looked at the intact Arisaema.

There were fifty second-level Arisaema.

Full of joy, Axue carefully transplanted all fifty Arisaema into the space.

The remaining first-level Arisaema was left for the remaining snakes.

After collecting the Arisaema, Axue stood up happily, took out the flying magic weapon, put away the defensive array disk, and drove the flying magic weapon away.

As for the first and second-level snakes killed here, she thought about it and let it go.

Axue still had some resistance to animals like snakes.

She could kill them with a sword, but she really couldn't do it to collect the bodies.

After leaving the snakes for a distance, she fell to the ground, put away the magic weapon, and walked slowly.

Holding the Wood Spirit Sword tightly in her hand, she walked forward carefully.

Although I was left alone in the Monster Mountain by my senior brother to train, I still have to be vigilant when I come to an unfamiliar environment.

Just as Ah Xue was muttering to herself, she suddenly felt a strong breath of monsters in front of her.

Ah Xue couldn't help but feel cold on her back, and her hair stood on end. She quickly stopped and used the wood-based technique of"Every Tree and Grass is an Army" to hide carefully."

Every Tree and Grass is an Army" is a hidden technique that allows practitioners to assimilate with the surrounding trees, flowers and plants, hiding their own body and breath.

Especially in this mountain forest, where the grass and trees are lush.

It can be said that it is like a fish swimming in water, unimpeded.

The monster in front is too powerful, Ah Xue is worried, and she puts two invisibility talismans on her body.

Then she slowly moved forward.

After walking for about ten minutes, she suddenly found a spiritual plant with full spiritual energy on the small hill in front.

Tianling fruit!

Ah Xue took a light breath and suppressed her excitement.

It turned out to be Tianling fruit!

A faint medicinal fragrance came from the air. This is a Tianling fruit that is about to mature.

The Tianling Fruit, just like its name, is bred by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. It takes

500 years to bloom and 500 years to bear fruit. Although it is only a second-level spiritual plant, its practical value is equivalent to that of a fourth-level spiritual plant.

Cultivators use it to refine foundation-building pills.

Monsters use it to advance.

It is unknown what level the monster guarding here is.

Axue slowly approached the Tianling Fruit, silently waiting for the Tianling Fruit to mature.

After two hours, the breath of the powerful monster suddenly rioted.

Axue was frightened and almost leaked her breath. She quickly restrained her breath and changed places to continue guarding. Just after Axue changed places, a fourth-level early saber-toothed tiger came in front.

And behind where Axue had just stayed, a twenty-to-thirty-meter-long, thirty-to-forty-centimeter-thick, and fourth-level middle-stage Xuanming You Snake crawled out. The

Xuanming You Snake spits out a snake tongue, with cold eyes, staring at the saber-toothed tiger fiercely.

"Hiss...hiss………" so close…………

Ah Xue was so scared that she broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, she had just moved to another place, otherwise she would definitely be discovered by the big snake.

Thinking of this, Ah Xue sneaked closer to the Tianling Fruit.

This is a fourth-level monster, equivalent to the cultivation level of a cultivator in the Jindan period.

Their fight is not a joke, and you will be cannon fodder if you are not careful.

At this time, the area around the Tianling Fruit is the safest, because they are reluctant to destroy the Tianling Fruit.

The saber-toothed tiger looked at the Tianling Fruit greedily, and was reluctant to retreat.


The two monsters were hostile to each other, but neither wanted to start a fight. They were all waiting for the Tianling Fruit to mature.

After waiting for two hours, the Tianling Fruit suddenly flashed a green light and shot straight into the sky.

A strong medicinal fragrance spread over dozens of miles.

Is it about to mature?

Who knows how many monsters and Xuantian Sect disciples will be attracted by this situation.

Ah Xue stayed where she was obediently, not moving.

Waiting for the duel between the two monsters.



The saber-toothed tiger and the Mysterious Nether Snake simultaneously made a shocking sound of fighting.

Both monsters wanted to be the first to swallow the Heavenly Spirit Fruit to advance, but neither of them gave in.

Finally, the two monsters pounced on each other and fought with each other. For a while, the trees flew and the grass was flattened. The saber-toothed tiger was whipped away by the tail of the Mysterious Nether Snake and crashed into a large tree in the distance, breaking more than a dozen large trees several meters thick. When the Mysterious Nether Snake chased out,

Ah Xue here took action.

Only a round deep pit was left where the Heavenly Spirit Fruit was.

The Heavenly Spirit Fruit disappeared.



The Xuanming Phantom Snake and the Saber-toothed Tiger were both furious, with fierce light flashing in their eyes.



The two fourth-level monsters were anxiously searching nearby.

What kind of thief was so bold that he stole the Heavenly Spirit Fruit in front of the two monsters?

Could it be the outsiders who came in this time, the disciples of Xuantian Sect?

At this time, Axue had already planted the roots of the Heavenly Spirit Fruit in the space.

The Heavenly Spirit Fruit was also stored in the jade box.

Just now, Axue saw that one of the two monsters was beaten away and the other chased after it. After it was a little farther away from the Heavenly Spirit Fruit, she quickly got up and walked over to pull out the Heavenly Spirit Fruit by the roots, and then dodged directly into the space.

She didn't dare to wait until the two monsters were both injured and took advantage of it. She was not afraid of other disciples coming, but afraid of another high-level monster.

That would be troublesome, and she would be affected and exposed.

Fortunately, Axue ran fast, and as she expected, a fourth-level peak red gold bear really came. The red gold bear's cave was not originally in this mountain forest. It was the overlord on another mountain.

Unexpectedly, a thief stole the star gold that it had worked so hard to find and was preparing to advance to the fifth level.

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