
There was a dead silence all around, all the trees were broken, the plants were shattered, and there was a large area of soil soaked in blood, with a black and red stench.

Especially the two halves of the saber-toothed tiger's body.

It was too tragic.………

Seeing this, Ah Xue secretly praised herself in her heart. Fortunately, she acted quickly and ran away quickly. Otherwise, she would definitely be affected by such a large-scale destructive force.

Once she was exposed, she would face the wrath of three high-level monsters, and her survival rate would be almost zero.

Looking at the two halves of the saber-toothed tiger's horrible body, judging by the strength, it should be done by a fifth-level monster, right? It was directly torn apart by bare hands.…………

Then he turned his eyes to the deep footprints on the ground.

These were bear footprints.

No wonder they were torn in half.

In case there were still hidden monsters around, Ah Xue didn't dare to stay any longer. She quickly collected the two halves of the saber-toothed tiger's body and left along the footprints.

Although it was torn in half, the good stuff was still there, even the inner elixir was intact.

Following the footprints, he came to the place where the red gold bear and the black dark ghost snake had fought.


Ah Xue looked at the scene in front of her in shock. She saw that the Xuanming Phantom Snake was covered with scars and was thrown away limply.

The surrounding rocks and trees looked like they had been whipped.…………

Ah Xue covered her mouth with one hand, her eyes wide open.

Could it be what she thought?

This destructive power is too strong!

Looking at the corpse of the Xuanming Nether Snake, Ah Xue's eyes narrowed into a slit with a smile.

This corpse, this fourth-level inner elixir, and these palm-sized scales...………

But they are all spirit stones and points!

No matter what, this must be put away, and I will go back and let my senior brother deal with it, or I can just sell it directly. Anyway, the space is big enough to put it in.

This is a fourth-level monster. Unlike those first- and second-level loaches, its whole body is full of treasures, and it must not be wasted.

Ah Xue suppressed her instinctive fear of soft-bodied monsters such as snakes and walked to the body of the Xuanming You Snake.

After closing her eyes and putting the body of the Xuanming You Snake into the space, Ah Xue let out a long breath.


If I put it into the space, I won't be able to see it, and if I can't see it, I won't be afraid, right?

Thinking of this, Axue also showed a happy smile on her face.

She picked up the corpses of two fourth-level monsters at once, and suddenly felt like she was hit by a pie.

She looked up at the dark sky, thinking that she still had dozens of invisibility talismans, plus the skill of seeing enemies in every tree and grass, so she was not very worried even at night.

And night is the time when monsters are out.

Thinking of this, Axue enthusiastically put on the invisibility talisman, and continued to set off after using the skill of seeing enemies in every tree and grass.

Along the way, she searched for various spiritual plants and the Fire Cloud Fox that she had always been thinking about.

The Fire Cloud Fox seemed to be found in a mountain forest, and now she didn't know where it was. She would make plans after she walked out of the forest.

Sometimes you have to try your luck.

While searching for spiritual plants, she harvested the first and second-level monsters she encountered.

Because Axue was always invisible, many monsters were dizzy and lost their lives inexplicably.

After a night, it was a lot of harvest. After a rough calculation, the sect mission had been completed.

Unfortunately, more than a dozen invisibility talismans were wasted, and the spiritual energy in the dantian was also running out because of the constant use of the grass and trees.

Ah Xue was very upset when she found out. The senior brother had told her before that she should not use up all the spiritual energy in the dantian when she was outside, but she forgot it all in the blink of an eye.


I quickly found a cave. This cave was not too deep and was very dry. It seemed that there were no monsters living there. After placing a defensive array disk at the entrance of the cave, Ah Xue was still a little worried, so she found a hidden array disk in the storage ring.

Only then did she start to meditate and practice with peace of mind.

It was not until the next morning that the spiritual energy in the dantian was filled.

Ah Xue opened her eyes and shook her head helplessly. She had gotten used to the advanced spirit gathering array and the spirit gathering grass cushion. Now she had to rely on her own speed to absorb spiritual energy, which was really slow and uncomfortable. It is indeed easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality!

Ah Xue shook her head and took out a plate of braised spareribs of spirit beasts. It seemed to be made in the outer sect canteen.

After taking a bite, it tasted really good. Senior Sister was really good to her. Every time she gave her something, she could give it to her heart.

Spirit beast meat tastes much better than monster meat, and the spiritual power content in the meat is also high.

Spirit beasts are monsters with spiritual intelligence. They practice faster, fight stronger, and are more cunning.

After finishing a whole plate of spareribs with satisfaction, Ah Xue used the Dust Removal Technique to wash off the oil stains on her hands and mouth.

She stood up, collected the two array plates at the entrance of the cave, and walked out of the cave.

From today on, she must practice well, and she cannot be invisible casually, nor can she hide in the space casually.

Otherwise, it will become a habit and expose the space in the future, which will be bad.

At that time, she will die miserably.

She walked and stopped in the forest, but she picked several kinds of spiritual plants and threw them all into the space.

After walking for a day, she finally walked out of the forest, and what came into view was an endless green grassland.

Not far away on the grassland, there were five unknown disciples who were besieged by wolves, and there was a third-level wolf king, Howling Moon Wolf, sitting in the back.

Good guy!

Ah Xue looked at the Howling Moon Wolf with interest, and she should be able to deal with it.

The Howling Moon Wolf stood majestically behind the wolf pack, and it noticed Ah Xue the first time she appeared.

The cold and cruel eyes glanced at Axue with contempt, thinking that a human cub who had just reached the sixth level of Qi Refining was not worthy of his attention.

He turned his noble wolf head with disdain and continued to look at the wolf pack.

Axue was irritated by his eyes.………

Although this wolf king has a higher cultivation level than himself, he is not the same as he was in his previous life, so he is not afraid of it.

He clenched the Wood Spirit Sword in his hand and rushed towards the wolf pack. As soon as the Green Lotus Sword Technique was used, the Green Lotus Sword Intent slid along with the moves, and one move killed a second-level wolf.

The lotus-shaped sword intent spun at a high speed, piercing the bodies of one wolf after another, bringing out pieces of bright red blood and scattering them on the green grass. The green lotus was still spotless and pure white.

As the Green Lotus Sword Intent was used, wolves fell to the ground wherever Axue went.

The besieged disciples finally had a chance to breathe.

Ye Qiuqian then looked at the person who came.


"Junior Sister Liu!"

"I, Ye Qiuqian, would like to thank Junior Sister Liu for saving my life."

Ah Xue swung his wooden spirit sword forward, repelling the wolves in front of him, and turned to look at Ye Qiuqian.

This man turned out to be the dark horse Ye Qiuqian from the outer sect. What a fate.

Ah Xue nodded to him,"Senior Brother Ye."

Seeing that they were all covered in wounds and their spiritual energy seemed to be a little exhausted, he quickly took out two bottles of pills from the storage ring and threw them to Ye Qiuqian.

"Here are some Huiyuan Pills and Huichun Pills, take one each."

After saying that, he turned around and rushed into the wolf pack to fight.

Ye Qiuqian looked at the little girl in the wolf pack with complicated eyes.

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