This is a second-grade high-quality elixir.…………

The second-level Huiyuan Pill can quickly replenish the spiritual energy in the body.

Similarly, the second-level Huichun Pill can also quickly heal the wounds on the body.

And this Junior Sister Liu gave me a whole bottle. It is also a top-grade one.……………

Even though Ye Qiuqian knew how precious the pills in his hand were, he could not care less at this moment and hurriedly distributed the pills to the people around him.

"Take the pills and continue fighting."

The few of them were fighting desperately just now, but someone came to save them and gave them such a good pill.

They all looked at the little sister in the wolf pack with gratitude.

She is worthy of being Jianfeng's little sister. She looks like a small and soft child, but her courage and fighting ability are not small at all.

The most important thing is that she is kind-hearted and saved her fellow disciples from danger.

The four of them quickly swallowed the pills and continued to rush into the wolf pack with their own magic weapons.

With the addition of Axue, the battle situation quickly reversed, and the wolf pack was defeated.


The Howling Moon Wolf at the back couldn't help but raise its head and howl.

The wolves quickly stopped fighting and retreated to the sides.

The Howling Moon Wolf held its head high and walked slowly from the middle of the wolf pack with its noble steps.

Ye Qiuqian and the others surrounded Axue, watching the Howling Moon Wolf approaching with caution.

Only Axue had a look of fighting spirit in her eyes.


Howling Moon Wolf roared at Axue, and with one order, he led the wolf pack to attack again.

""Protect you, I will take care of this wolf king."

Axue shouted to Ye Qiuqian and the others, and rushed towards Howling Moon Wolf with fighting spirit.

The Wood Spirit Sword was slightly swayed by Axue's fighting spirit, and made a pleasant sound.

Howling Moon Wolf stared at Axue with cold eyes, and swung his left claw at Axue, and a murderous wind blade rushed towards Axue.

Axue's eyes flashed slightly, and he swung his sword to chop at the wind blade, and his figure had slid under Howling Moon Wolf.

He raised the Wood Spirit Sword with both hands and lay back, sliding under the belly of Howling Moon Wolf, leaving a long blood mark on the belly of Howling Moon Wolf.


Howling Moon Wolf screamed, turned back angrily and pounced on Axue, waving its two front paws non-stop, and swung out wind blades one after another to hit Axue. Its two blood-red eyes were filled with furious flames, and it bared its teeth and pounced on Axue, with its teeth flashing a cold and piercing light.

Axue's face was cold. If she was hit by such dense wind blades, she would definitely be cut into several pieces.

Although she was in danger at this time, Axue was not timid or retreated at all. While dodging those wind blades, she waved the Qinglian sword technique.

For a moment, the power generated by the collision between the Qingjian sword and the wind blades involved the surrounding wolves, and several innocent wolves died tragically.

Ye Qiuqian and his men were also forced to quickly withdraw from the battle range. Looking at the wounds on their bodies, their faces were full of horror.

So strong!

Such a strong destructive power!

Axue's body was also cut by the wind blades, leaving several bloody marks. With anger flashing in her eyes, she stopped dodging and wielded the Wood Spirit Sword to face the wind blades.

Although the wind blades were sharp, Axue's Qinglian swordsmanship was not much inferior.

As the saying goes, one sword can break all methods.

Axue wielded the Qinglian swordsmanship freely, and the powerful Qinglian sword intent caused the surrounding space to be slightly distorted.

Before those wind blades touched Axue, they were crushed and shattered by the terrifying force.

Soon, the distance between Axue and Xiaoyue Tianlang was shortened.

They were within the close range of attack.

"Take my sword!"

Axue raised the Wood Spirit Sword and stabbed it fiercely into the mouth of Howling Moon Wolf.

The space was instantly distorted, as if a long crack was torn apart.

The Wood Spirit Sword, carrying the Green Lotus Sword Intent, turned into a white green lotus and quickly crushed towards Howling Moon Wolf.

Howling Moon Wolf looked at the sword intent that carried the breath of death and strong destructive power in horror.

When it wanted to close its mouth and dodge, it was too late.………

The speed of this sword was so fast that Howling Moon Wolf could not defend.

And Ah Xue seized the moment when it opened its mouth.


The Green Lotus Sword Intent went straight through the Howling Moon Wolf's neck from its mouth, and the Wood Spirit Sword followed suit and pierced into its mouth.

Blood spurted out, and Howling Moon Wolf's eyes showed an unbelievable sadness. A whimpering sound came out of its throat, and it fell to the ground with a thud, and died. The remaining wolves saw that the Wolf King was dead, and they immediately scattered and fled in fear.

""Junior Sister Liu, take a rejuvenation pill quickly."

Seeing that the wolf king was dead, Ye Qiuqian hurriedly approached Axue and handed her a rejuvenation pill.

Axue took the rejuvenation pill and swallowed it in one gulp.

"Clean up the battlefield immediately and leave here."

Ye Qiuqian and the others also understood why Axue was so anxious. So many corpses and the smell of blood would attract more monsters, so they had to leave immediately.

Ye Qiuqian looked at Axue,"Junior Sister Liu, most of these wolves were killed by you, so they should belong to you."

The others also nodded quickly. They were all saved by Junior Sister Liu, and these wolves belonged to you, and they had no objection.

Axue looked at the five people without a trace of greed in her eyes, and a smile appeared on her face

"Okay, I'll take this Howling Moon Wolf, and you can divide the others equally."

Then he put the Howling Moon Wolf into the space.

"Hurry up, we have to leave immediately."

After hearing what Axue said, they all showed gratitude on their faces,"Thank you, Junior Sister Liu."

Axue nodded slightly to them.

Ye Qiuqian led a few people to quickly collect the useful materials from the wolf's body and turned back to Axue.

"Where are we going now?"

Axue looked at the other side of the plain,"I just came out of the forest and planned to cross the plain, what about you?"

Ye Qiuqian looked at Axue with an embarrassed face,"We crawled out of the swamp on the left, and then were chased by the wolves all the way here."

"Sister Liu, are you willing to take us with you?………"

Ye Qiuqian felt bitter. He and his group of grown men were asking a little girl for help. They were so embarrassed.

But what could they do? Although there were only Qi Refining disciples in this secret realm, there were many third and fourth level monsters in it. They could lose their lives if they were not careful.

If they could team up with Junior Sister Liu, they would be much more relaxed. This was already a great advantage.

Axue looked at them dimly,"I have no problem, but if you want to join me, we both must swear a Heart Demon Oath."

"In the secret realm, you must not kill each other or stab each other in the back."

After saying that, he looked at the reactions of the few people and waited for their decision.

After hearing what Axue said, the few people looked at each other, without a trace of impatience or reluctance in their eyes, but all agreed.

Ye Qiuqian also had no objection. It's right to be careful when going out.

"I agree, do you?"

"We also agree"

"I, Ye Qiuqian, hereby swear that I will voluntarily team up with you in the secret realm and will never kill each other or stab you in the back. If you break this oath, your cultivation will regress and you will be haunted by demons."

A muffled thunder sounded from above the secret realm, and a law of heaven entered Ye Qiuqian's body.

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