A small wound was immediately pierced on the tail of the ancient rock dragon lizard. Ah Xue held the wooden spirit sword with both hands, and circulated her spiritual power. The wooden spirit sword cut a deep and long wound on the tail of the ancient rock dragon lizard.

A hoarse roar came.

The ancient rock dragon lizard turned around in anger, and used its two claws to support the ground and continued to move forward and swung out two fireballs.

Then it smashed Ah Xue with two claws with hot flames.

The people in the distance were terrified and quickly used all their strength to attack the ancient rock dragon lizard. Ah Xue kicked back with both feet and quickly moved away from the ancient rock dragon lizard.

The ancient rock dragon lizard noticed the enemy behind it that kept disturbing it, and turned back suddenly.

The big tail behind it swung, and it swung half a circle violently, throwing out a half-circle of fire and rushing towards Liu Yuanliang and others.

Ye Qiuqian was shocked,"Get out of the way!"

Wei Yingzhe and others were unable to dodge and were directly blown away by the fire circle.

After the Ancient Rock Dragon Lizard hit the target with one strike, it immediately dived into the ground, using the ground to block it and continued to attack Axue and kept closing the distance with her.

Axue retreated while waving the Wood Spirit Sword to block the fireball.

Ye Qiuqian was very annoyed and followed the dragon lizard looking for an opportunity. When it jumped out of the ground, he quickly flew onto its back, gathered spiritual energy on the sword in his hand, and stabbed it into its body with force. The

Ancient Rock Dragon Lizard shook its head and screamed in pain, and at the same time, Ye Qiuqian on its back was thrown away.

The continuous injuries made the Ancient Rock Dragon Lizard very angry. It mobilized all the spiritual power in its body, opened its mouth, and spit out a large amount of flames from its mouth, which continued to spray at Ye Qiuqian.

"Night Swing!!"


"Get out of the way!!!"

"Qiuqian, get out of the way!"

Ye Qiuqian listened to his companions' shouts and looked helplessly at the oncoming flames.

"That's too late………"

Suddenly, a frail and short figure appeared in front of him!

Ah Xue quickly took out two defensive arrays and pasted several defensive talismans on the two people.

As soon as they were pasted, the flames rushed over.………… bump…………

Puff puff…………

The sound of the defense array being scrapped and the sound of the defense talisman burning came one after another.

Just as the flames hit the two of them, the bracelet on Axue's wrist emitted a gentle white light, forming a protective shield to protect the two of them.

Axue then remembered the defense bracelet on her wrist,"Third Brother, thank you.………"

Ah Xue gathered most of the spiritual energy in her dantian into the wooden sword, and when the flames in the mouth of the ancient rock dragon lizard were exhausted, she shouted

"Qing Lian is the only one who shines!"

He swung the Wood Spirit Sword and chopped it at the Ancient Rock Dragon Lizard. As the Wood Spirit Sword was swung, a huge lotus with a raging momentum flew into the mouth of the Ancient Rock Dragon Lizard.


Following Ah Xue's voice, a huge roar was heard, blood and flesh splattered, brains flew everywhere.

With a bang, the body of the Ancient Rock Dragon Lizard fell to the ground, smashing the dust on the grass and flying wantonly.

"Sister Liu"


"Are you okay?"

Liu Yuanliang and the other three stumbled to the two of them.

Ah Xue smiled and shook her head,"I'm fine."

Turning to look at Ye Qiuqian,"Is Senior Brother Ye okay?"

Ye Qiuqian shook his head,"I'm fine, thank you Junior Sister Liu for saving my life again."

She was saved by Junior Sister Liu again.

Ah Xue shook her head,"I'm glad you're okay"

"Let's quickly decompose the body, divide it up and leave here."

Although this battle was dangerous, it also brought the people closer together.

The teamwork also became more tacit.

This time, the inner elixir was given to Ye Qiuqian, and the other parts were divided equally among Axue and the others.

After the division, they continued to set off, and finally walked out of the grassland and came to the foot of a mountain. Ye Qiuqian looked at the majestic peak in front of him,"Let's go, we're going into the mountain"



After the battle just now, Shi Tie and his men also found their fighting spirit and were no longer timid.

"Let's go, there should be a lot of spiritual plants here, let's pick some."

Axue didn't encounter any spiritual plants along the way, feeling a little helpless, maybe it was bad luck, walking through such a large grassland, but didn't encounter any spiritual plants

"Let's go."

Upon hearing that there were spiritual plants, they all rushed into the mountain excitedly.

After Ah Xue walked into the mountain, she felt something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

Ye Qiuqian stopped with a frown,"Do you think it's too quiet here?"

"Yes," Ah Xue realized what was wrong.

"It's just too quiet. How could there be no sound in such a big mountain?"



Liang Yuanji was horrified and chased after him.


"Everyone be careful!"

Axue jumped a few times and chased in front, and soon saw Wei Yingzhe's figure.

He was entangled by a vine and dragged on the ground moving quickly.

"Demon vine?"

Axue complained in her heart. What she wanted was a spiritual plant, but a demon plant appeared directly.

Her eyes were shining with gold. Demon vines were definitely good things for wood spiritual roots, especially demon vines with strong combat power.

Axue quickly concentrated her spiritual power on her legs, put all her strength under her feet, and quickly chased after it.

Soon, four or five vines flew in the air.

Axue quickly dodged sideways and swung her sword to cut off one.

"Blood-sucking vine!" Ye Qiuqian recognized this evil vine.

"This kind of demon plant is very rare. I didn't expect that there is one in the secret realm of the sect."

"It looks like it's almost level seven."

Axue frowned,"Level seven…………"

"Wei Yingzhe is in danger. You guys deal with these vines. Be careful not to get entangled."

"I'll go save him."

Ye Qiuqian wanted to go by himself, but he also knew that his fighting ability was not as good as that of Junior Sister Liu. He could only say weakly,"Be careful."

At this time, he hated his own incompetence very much, and had to rely on an eight-year-old child for everything.

Ye Qiuqian turned his grief and anger into strength,"Attack the vines with all my strength to buy time for Junior Sister Liu and Junior Brother Wei."


"rest assured"


The four of them had no other intentions, defended each other, and attacked the vines with murderous intent.

Ah Xue dodged left and right, and soon saw the main body of the blood-sucking vine. Fortunately, Wei Yingzhe was still alive.

But he was unconscious at this time, lying at the root of the blood-sucking vine.

At this time, the blood-sucking vine released all its vines to attack Ah Xue, and suddenly it was like a group of demons dancing wildly. Ah Xue was surrounded by dense red and green vines.

Just when all the vines attacked Ah Xue, Ah Xue used the water escape technique to escape underground.

When escaping to the ground , At this time, everything seemed like an enemy, so he turned invisible and fled towards the main body of the blood-sucking vine.

The blood-sucking vine on the ground couldn't find a target to attack for a while, so it had to retract its vines and continue to attack Ye Qiuqian and the others.

Axue quickly reached the root of the main body.

Because he was practicing two skills at the same time, the spiritual energy in his dantian was rapidly lost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Axue was very anxious. If he wanted to kill the seventh-level demon plant, he had to find its spiritual core.

But where was its spiritual core?

He only had one chance. If he missed, everyone would be in danger.

Spiritual core……………

Ah Xue searched around the root but couldn't find it.

How could it be gone?

Where exactly is it?

Not below, but above?

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