Axue followed the root and searched upwards. Just as Axue's head emerged from the ground,………

Found it! Ah

Xue was amazed. It was indeed a seventh-level demon plant. Its spirit core was hidden under the ground. It was really cunning.

If I hadn't learned to see enemies everywhere, it would have been difficult to get close to its roots and find its spirit core.

Ah Xue held the Wood Spirit Sword and practiced the technique.

While Ah Xue was practicing the technique, the blood-sucking vine felt the fluctuation of spirit power.

Whoosh... whoosh whoosh whoosh…………

The vampire vine quickly retracted its vines, and at the same time, it moved its roots to pierce Axue's body.

Axue ignored the roots piercing towards her, and after the spiritual power of the Wood Spirit Sword in her hand was gathered enough, she stabbed the spiritual core of the vampire vine with all her strength.

After the sword pierced the bark, she turned her wrist, dug out the spiritual core and flashed into space.

At the moment when Axue flashed into space, the roots of the vampire vine happened to pierce Axue's robes.

Axue looked at the pierced robes and broke out in a cold sweat on her back.

What a close call…………

Almost got stabbed like a sieve.

Looking down at the spirit core in her hand, she turned it over and looked at it carefully. With a slight smile on her lips, Ah Xue happily put the spirit core into the jade box.

This is a good thing. I can refine it directly after returning to the sect. After putting away the spirit core, Ah Xue flashed out of the space and jumped out of the ground.

A small vine attacked her.

Ah Xue looked at the vine in front of her with a serious face, kicked the ground with her legs, and quickly slid back. At the same time, she waved the wooden spirit sword in front of her chest.…………With a sound, a string of sparks flew from the Mu Ling Sword.

At the same time, the vine was also knocked back.

Ah Xue looked at the vine in front of her in surprise. This vine was different from the previous one?

The vine had sharp barbs and blood-red flowers. It was enchanting and weird.

There was also a big mouth on the blood-red flower!

The mouth showed teeth like barbs, opening and closing to protest to Ah Xue.


What the hell is this?

Ah Xue shuddered all over and shuddered violently.

A flower with a mouth?

Ah Xue took two steps forward carefully and looked at it carefully.

Could it be the son of the vampire vine?

It doesn't look like a vampire vine?

Suddenly Ah Xue's pupils shrank and her heart beat violently. She seemed to have thought of something.…………

Wait, this seems to be the bloodthirsty demon vine in the rare treasures!

And this should be the seedling of the bloodthirsty demon vine, so it is different from the adult bloodthirsty demon vine in the rare treasures, which is why I didn’t recognize it at the first time.

It is recorded in the rare treasures that the bloodthirsty demon vine is the number one ferocious creature in the vine category.

The bloodthirsty demon vine grows in places with abundant spiritual energy, and feeds on the flesh and blood of monks and monsters.

Thinking of this, Axue looked at the bloodthirsty demon vine with shining eyes. This thing is very ferocious, and its combat power is also very strong. Isn’t this tailor-made for me?


Ah Xue laughed excitedly in her heart.

The bloodthirsty demon vine trembled all over when she looked at it, and couldn't help but retract its small vines.

Ah Xue's eyes rolled around, she bit her finger, forced out a drop of blood, and stretched out two fingers to flick directly at the main small seedling of the bloodthirsty demon vine.

The blood was instantly absorbed, and the bloodthirsty demon vine suddenly trembled all over, trying to break free.

Ah Xue hurriedly pinched the formula to cast the demon beast contract formula that she saw on the last page of the"Xuan Tian Continent Spirit Beast Map","With my blood, I will contract your soul, and for eternity, you will serve me as your master."


A contract was struck on the body of the bloodthirsty demon vine, and the bloodthirsty demon vine slowly calmed down.

Axue felt that her consciousness was connected to the bloodthirsty demon vine, and the contract was made.

Fortunately, it succeeded, and a happy smile appeared on her face.

Suddenly, a soft childish voice came from Axue's consciousness, and he shouted aggrievedly,"Master."

Axue asked puzzledly,"Are you the bloodthirsty demon vine?"

"Yes, Master."

Axue looked at the bloodthirsty demon vine in surprise,"Can you speak?"

"Master, I can't speak, I communicate with you through my consciousness"


Ah Xue then remembered that the voice just now came from her own consciousness.

"So what's your name?"

"I don't have a name?"

Axue looked at the bloodthirsty demon vine and thought for a while,"You are a bloodthirsty demon vine, so I will call you Little Demon from now on."

"Little demon?"

"Good name, I like it."

"Thank you for the name given by the master"

"Okay, little demon, I'll take you to a place first. After you go in, find a place to settle down. I'll come find you after the secret realm ends."


Axue's face showed a fierce look, and she threatened it fiercely,"Don't eat the two monster corpses in there, or I will throw you into the volcano."

When the bloodthirsty demon vine heard that it was going to be thrown into the volcano, it quickly gathered its vines and formed a ball.

Axue looked at it with amusement, waved her hand and sent it into the space.

The bloodthirsty demon vine was a little confused when it suddenly changed its place, but when it looked around the space, it immediately liked this place.

"Master, this place is nice, I like it."

After saying that, he quickly moved its roots and ran to the spiritual spring to take root.

"Then you stay here."

After arranging the bloodthirsty demon vine, Axue walked to Wei Yingzhe.

Seeing that half of his blood had been lost, she quickly fed him two rejuvenation pills.

Axue looked up and frowned. Why haven't Ye Qiuqian and the others come yet?

Have they got into trouble?

Axue was worried about leaving Wei Yingzhe alone here, so she had to pull up one of Wei Yingzhe's legs and drag him to find someone.

When Axue dragged Wei Yingzhe out, she saw two groups of people confronting each other.

One group was Ye Qiuqian and his four companions. The other group was���Are they Li Qian and others?


Enemies often cross paths.

Ah Xue's face was cold and her tone was cold."What's going on?"

When Ah Xue appeared, Li Qian noticed her at first sight.

Seeing Ah Xue in such a mess and dragging a person upside down in her hands, she couldn't help but ask in confusion.

"Junior Sister Liu, what happened to you?"

"The brother in your hand…………?"

Ye Qiuqian and the others walked behind Axue without saying anything, and Liu Yuanliang helped Wei Yingzhe up. Although they didn't say a word, they made their position clear with their actions.

Axue asked again lightly,"What's the matter?"

Qin Aotian looked at the little girl in front of him. He didn't expect that in just three years, this little girl had improved so fast.

Seeing that Axue ignored him, Li Qian was very angry. She suppressed her anger and smiled and said,"We passed by here and happened to see the vines attacking several junior brothers.………"

After a pause, he said quietly,"I wanted to help, but the vines quickly withdrew."

"There were also some scary and strange noises coming from inside. I and a few of my senior brothers wanted to go in and take a look, but they wouldn't let us.………"

Axue frowned and was about to speak when Wei Yingzhe slowly opened his eyes.

Liu Yuanliang said excitedly,"Yingzhe, you're awake!"

"How do you feel?"

Wei Yingzhe said weakly,"It's okay, I won't die."

Ah Xue thought of Wei Yingzhe's body, standing in the need to rest and adjust her breath, turned her head and looked at the few people,"When I came here, I saw a cave over there, let's go and rest for a while."

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