Liu Yuanliang and others nodded

""Junior Sister Liu."

Li Qian thought of the flamingo that had been chasing her closely, and couldn't help but call out to Axue,"Can you take us with you?"

Axue felt a little uneasy, and said lightly,"Yes."

After that, she took the lead and walked towards the main body of the vampire vine.

Everyone soon arrived at the place where Axue had just fought with the vampire vine.

Li Qian looked at the debris left after the battle in front of her, and an incredible expression flashed in her eyes.

Looking at the dead body of the demon vine, it was clearly the vampire vine.

Could it be that…………

Could all of this be caused by Liu Axue?

No way!

Li Qian quickly denied her guess. Wasn't there a person who fainted just now?

It must be the vampire vine that the two of them worked together to defeat. Maybe it was because of protecting Liu Axue that the disciple was injured by the vampire vine.

Bai Mufei looked at the traces on the grass and the land, as well as the cut vines.

These were all caused by the sword, and there seemed to be faint traces of sword intent.

No way?

Could it be that Junior Sister Liu has already cultivated the sword intent?


As expected of a disciple of Jianfeng.

Qin Aotian and Mo Qianye were also shocked.

Jiang Feng's eyes flickered, and he was making a plan in his mind.

Axue pointed to the mountain behind the original vampire vine and said,"There is a cave there. I don't know what's inside."

After saying that, she took the lead and walked over.

Li Qian asked faintly,"Didn't Junior Sister Liu go in to take a look?"

"After all, you've been here once before."

Ye Qiuqian clenched his fists and held back his anger. Shi Tie grabbed his wrist and shook his head gently at him.

‘They are all his disciples, we can't afford to offend them. '

Axue turned around speechlessly and said with cold eyes,"You don't have to go."

Li Qian looked embarrassed and said aggrievedly,"I just asked casually."

Qin Aotian glanced at Axue in front of him with a gloomy look, turned around and comforted Li Qian softly

"Junior Sister Li, let's go in quickly, the flamingo will chase us soon"


Li Qian hurriedly raised her foot and walked towards Axue when she heard the flamingo.

Axue walked to the cave entrance, tore open the vines covering the outside of the cave entrance, and walked in carefully.

The cave was very large, and could accommodate 20 to 30 people. It was also very dry, with no traces of monsters.

Yes, there was such a powerful monster vine guarding outside, even an ant could be sucked dry by it, so how could there be other living things?

"It's safe here. You guys should meditate and regulate your breathing."

"There might be a big battle soon."

Ah Xue had already guessed why she felt uneasy. The Flamingo King's egg should be in Li Qian's hands.

And it was when she agreed to go with Li Qian and her group that she felt uneasy.

She is really brave and deserves to be the lucky child of this world. She gets the benefits and others bear the dangers. Humph!

Thinking of this, Ah Xue snorted coldly.

Ye Qiuqian looked up in surprise,"You mean…………"

Axue nodded to him and said,"Hurry up and regulate your breathing and heal your wounds."

Just after she finished speaking, she saw Li Qian and others walked in. Axue silently walked to the front of Ye Qiuqian and others to meditate, unconsciously showing a protective attitude.

Li Qian walked into the cave and saw that the side with good light was occupied, so she had to go to the other side and sit down.

Bai Mufei walked to the entrance of the cave and placed an intermediate defense array before walking to Li Qian and sitting down to rest.

Two hours later, a burst of pressure came from the air, and a fiery red bird shadow hovered in the air and refused to leave.

Sure enough.………It's finally here.

Axue quietly took out the photo stone from the storage ring.

Li Qian saw the Flamingo King chasing after her, and a panic appeared on her face.

Bai Mufei and Mo Qianye had some unnatural looks on their faces, and they didn't dare to look at Axue.

Axue looked at Li Qian expressionlessly,"You took the Flamingo King's egg."

Li Qian's eyes flickered, and she was secretly annoyed.

She secretly hated that when she got the egg, even Qin Aotian and the others didn't notice it. How did Liu Axue know about it?

What's more hateful is that she just said it so carelessly.

Li Qian calmed down and looked directly at Axue,"What Flamingo King's egg?"

Then she turned around and asked Qin Aotian and the others,"Have you brothers seen it?"

Qin Aotian shook his head,"I don't know"

""What do you mean, Junior Sister Liu?"

Ah Xue didn't care whether Li Qiancheng admitted it or not, and said coldly,"The death of a normal flamingo would not cause such a big sensation."

"Flamingos form a group around the Flamingo King, which can cause the Flamingo King to hunt them down.…………"

At this point, Axue gave Bai Mufei and the others a contemptuous look, letting them experience it for themselves. When

Bai Mufei received Axue's look, he couldn't help but recall the time when they met the flamingo.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, but why didn't he notice anything unusual at the time?

Could someone really be so brave as to steal the eggs of the Flamingo King?

Who could it be?

Li Qian was so angry that she was about to explode when she saw that Axue had easily instigated discord with just a few words.

What made her even angrier was that even if she hatched the Flamingo King in the future, she couldn't take it out so blatantly.

At this moment, Li Qian really hated Axue's meddling in other people's business.

Soon the Flamingo King discovered the thief hiding in the cave.


The Flamingo King gave an order.

All the second-level flamingos stopped above the cave, spitting flames from their mouths to attack the formation.

The intermediate defense formation was shaken by the attack, and ripples appeared on the transparent protective shield.

Ah Xue was in no mood to care about what they thought, and said to Ye Qiuqian and the others,"Prepare for battle. A mere intermediate formation can't stop the attack of the fourth-level Flamingo King at all.""

"We have to get out."

Ah Xue has seen that the Flamingo King's strength is the middle stage of the fourth level, and there are so many second-level flamingos, and several third-level ones. This time we are in big trouble.

Turning back and looking seriously at Ye Qiuqian and the others,"If you really can't resist, crush the token immediately."

"We all understand, and so do you"

"Be careful."

Ye Qiuqian stared into Axue's eyes, 'Be careful of these disciples.'

Axue understood what he meant and nodded to him.

"Are you crazy?"

At this time, an inner disciple behind Li Qian cursed fiercely.

"Don’t you see there are so many flamingos outside? If you want to die, don’t drag us down with you."

Another outer disciple followed suit and said,"That’s right."

"Please don't let us down."

"Although you are a direct disciple, don't forget that we have several direct disciples here."

""Shut up!"

Bai Mufei shouted angrily,"If you don't get out now, are you waiting to be killed?"

"It's really meaningless, you are still thinking of quarreling at this time."

Axue's eyes were cold and her face was full of frost,"Didn't you attract this flamingo?"

"If you are afraid of death, just hide yourself."

Bai Mufei said apologetically,"Junior Sister Liu, I'm sorry."

Axue nodded to him.

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