After saying this, Ah Xue left a trace of her spiritual consciousness on a few blank sound transmission stones, and then carefully stored the sound transmission stones of her senior brothers, sisters and master in her storage ring.

"Senior brother, thank you!"

‘Thank you for protecting me, thank you for supporting me’

"You are Jianfeng’s closed disciple, the youngest disciple, so you don’t have to say thank you in the future."

Ah Xue was deeply moved. Although she didn’t know people well in her previous life, in this life, her master, brothers and sisters were really good to her. She couldn’t help but be alert to everyone, but she was willing to trust Jianfeng.

Ye Chenxi took out two jade pendants,"This one was given to me by the master, and it contains three sword energies of the late Nascent Soul stage. The other one is kept by you, and it also contains three sword energies of the late Golden Core stage. You take it first, and I will keep it for you after the master comes out of retreat."

Ah Xue took the jade pendant and asked doubtfully,"But you gave me the jade pendant. What should I do when I’m in danger?"

Ye Chenxi felt a little warm in his heart,"You don’t need the sword energy of the Nascent Soul stage, so you can keep it and release it when you’re in danger."

Axue was relieved then. That's right. Senior brother is already in the late Jindan stage. Ordinary Yuanying Zhenzun are no match for him.

Ye Chenxi really found his junior sister's outfit a bit annoying."Go back and have a rest. You will enter the foundation-building sword formation tomorrow. You don't need to rush to practice since you have just built your foundation. Practice sword skills first and then learn to make pills and draw talismans. If you don't understand, come and ask senior brother. I happen to know the two things you have learned."

Axue's eyes widened in surprise. The eldest senior brother actually knew how to make pills!

Seeing Axue's big round eyes widened in surprise because of what he said, which was so cute, Ye Chenxi coughed lightly.

"In order to save my uncle, my master went around looking for an alchemist, but he failed in the end. Since then, my master has ordered that all disciples of Jianfeng must learn one of the four arts. It is better to rely on oneself than to rely on others. We at Jianfeng will never be poor sword cultivators again."Only then did

Ah Xue understand why the people of Jianfeng were so generous, not at all like the sword cultivators she had seen in her previous life. It turned out that there was such a reason.

From the saying"It is better to rely on oneself than to rely on others", it can be guessed that my master must have run into obstacles and been bullied everywhere.

After hearing this, Ah Xue became more motivated to make pills and draw talismans. She thought that she had not started making pills yet, and now she had offended Yaofeng, and she probably couldn't rent the earth fire. Fortunately, she had Huoxuan. Since she made a contract with Huoxuan, she could mobilize a trace of Huoxuan's flame, which was enough for making pills.

"Brother, I haven't handed in the task yet, and I got a lot of monsters this time. It's not convenient to deal with them. Can you help me?"

Ye Chenxi nodded.

Axue quickly transferred all the corpses of the monsters into the storage ring, cancelled the contract between herself and the storage ring, and then handed the storage ring to Ye Chenxi. Ye Chenxi looked at the storage ring in front of him with a dazed look on his face. He had a headache, and thought of her age. He told himself again and again in his heart that she was still young and needed to be taught well.

After a while, he looked up at the little girl in front of him, and said in a deep tone,"Junior sister, the storage magic weapons of the cultivators are their own private property. They cannot be shown to other people at will. Do you understand?"

Axue nodded quickly,"Don't worry, senior brother, I won't show it to anyone else except you."

All the things that cannot be seen by others have been transferred to the space, and it seems that I don’t have anything that Senior Brother and the others don’t know. Oh, there is also a bloodthirsty demon vine. Should I tell Senior Brother?

Will it scare him?

Thinking of scaring Senior Brother, Ah Xue thought of Senior Brother’s cold, calm, and composed temperament. It should be impossible. So should I tell Senior Brother? The bloodthirsty demon vine will definitely come out to fight in the future, and it will not fight often. Otherwise, wait for a while? Talk about it later?

Ye Chenxi wanted to tell her that even we can’t do it, but looking at the little girl’s bright eyes and not knowing what she was thinking, Ye Chenxi didn’t know what to say. This is the most troublesome one he has ever led. The others can be beaten up if they don’t listen, but this one...…………

After teaching this, I will not accept any apprentices like my uncle in the future. Having junior brothers and sisters is enough.

Ye Chenxi opened Ah Xue's space ring helplessly. When he saw the monster in the storage ring, a crack appeared on Ye Chenxi's cold face.

Although when the junior sister said it was inconvenient to deal with it, he thought that the monster might be a bit high.

But I didn't expect it to be so high! So many!

Two fourth-level! Twelve third-level!

Ye Chenxi looked at the fourth-level saber-toothed tiger and the mysterious ghost snake. Fortunately, they were not killed by the junior sister, otherwise she would not be able to come back.

And it seems that the third-level one was not killed by the junior sister?

"Did you pick up these third-level monsters?"


Axue was stunned for a moment, then smiled cunningly,"Senior Brother, I have another partner. It killed those third-level ones, and picked up the two fourth-level ones. It was a piece of cake."

After that, Axue released the bloodthirsty demon vine and the flamingo king egg from the space, and then thought of the difference between the flamingo king egg,"Senior Brother, these are my two partners. I met them in the secret realm. They are called Huoxuan and Xiaoyao." The bloodthirsty demon vine looked at Ye Chenxi vigilantly,"Master, this person is so dangerous. I can actually feel a sense of pressure."

Axue looked down at it,"Little demon, don't worry, this is my senior brother, he is very good to me."

The bloodthirsty demon vine was relieved,"That's good."

Ye Chenxi looked at the bloodthirsty demon vine coldly. It turned out to be an ancient demon vine, and it was still in the seedling stage. Although it was dangerous, it was another way of saying that it had been cultivated since childhood. In the future, the safety of the little junior sister would be more guaranteed

"Protect your master in the future."

The bloodthirsty demon vine quickly waved its vines to show that it understood.

Seeing that the eldest brother agreed with the little demon, Axue finally put her mind at ease,"Elder brother, the little demon said that Huo Xuan's identity is not simple, and he might be the child of the Flamingo King and the Fire Phoenix."

Ye Chenxi nodded,"It's right. The Flamingo King used to be a demon king in the depths of the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain. He entered the secret realm on his own to avoid his enemies. All the high-ranking officials in the sect know about this, and the master has mentioned it before."

At this point, Ye Chenxi became worried again,"Don't let it come out casually in the future. I don't know who the Flamingo King's enemies are."

"But if a demon king's cultivation level can be regressed, then the enemy's cultivation level should also be top-notch in Xuantian Continent. However, it has been almost a thousand years since this happened, and perhaps the enemy has already ascended."

Axue nodded,"Big Brother, I will."

Ye Chenxi nodded,"Go and have a rest, I'll help you deal with these, do you want points or spiritual stones and magic weapons."

Axue quickly took out her disciple token,"Points."

Axue thought of her bankrupt points and the library that she had been thinking about in her previous life. After she had the points, she must go to the library and read all the books in it. In her previous life, the points she had worked hard to get were exchanged for skills and magic weapons, and she had never touched any of those books.

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