Ye Chenxi understood that his junior sister really needed points, so he took her token and said,"I will help you with these and the sect missions."

"Thank you, Senior Brother. I will go back to the cave."


Ah Xue said goodbye to Ye Chenxi, came to the front of her cave, turned her head to look at Bai Su's cave and whispered,"Junior Sister, I'm back."

Then she turned her head to look in the direction of the other people's caves,"Master, Third Brother, Second Brother, I'm back."

After that, she smiled and walked into her own cave, changed into the robes given by the junior sister, cleaned herself up from head to toe, from inside to outside, and then quickly climbed onto the bed and lay down. After working hard for many days, there is nothing more comfortable than a good sleep. Ah Xue turned her head to look outside the window, and felt very relieved in her heart. It's great!

It's great to have someone to support you when you are wronged, and to have someone to care about you when you come back!

Ah Xue couldn't help but think of her previous life. In her previous life, she was always lonely in Xuantian Sect. The friends she knew regarded her as a burden, and she didn't feel sad when she returned to the sect.���People care whether you are hurt.

Every time I go out to train, I get very little when I come back. Even if I get some treasures, they will eventually fall into Li Qian's hands in various ways and for various reasons.

Why is that? Axue asked herself silently in her heart.

Is it because she doesn't have a strong heart, because she only has Luo Qing in her eyes and heart, and because of her weakness.

Now I think it's really hopeless. The more I encounter and see in this life, the more stupid I am in the previous life.

Axue secretly swore that she must live a colorful and unrestrained life in this life.

Thinking of the future, Axue slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised. She could smile in her sleep. She slept until she woke up naturally, and it was the next day.

Axue walked out of the room and looked at the spiritual plants in the yard. With the blessing of the formation, in addition to looking good, there are actually insects?

Axue squatted in front of a purple monkey flower, looking at a few green little meat worms crawling on the leaves. This is a small demon beast that specializes in eating spiritual plants. I didn't expect it to appear here?

Axue took out the Wood Spirit Sword and turned it into a small sword the size of chopsticks. She used the Wood Spirit Power to slowly scrape off a few green insects from the spiritual plants. They looked lively and energetic. Axue used the Wood Spirit Power to cover the small green insects and prepared to collect them.

After turning around and walking into the house, she flashed into the space. Axue was surprised to see a small hill appearing in the space. After she built her foundation, the space expanded a lot. In the future, when she goes out to train, she should catch more monsters in the space.

"Master, this is a good idea, but don't get the ugly ones, just catch some pretty ones."

The bloodthirsty demon vine's voice suddenly appeared in Axue's mind, and Axue thought so too.

"Okay, I'll catch some beautiful ones next time, they'll be pleasing to the eye, right?"

Ah Xue walked to the spiritual plant?


Could the spiritual plants that I casually threw in be so neatly organized?

"I planted this, how is it? Is it okay?"

The bloodthirsty demon vine asked in a weak tone.

Ah Xue slowly turned her head and looked at the bloodthirsty demon vine,"You planted this?"


"Can you grow spiritual plants?"

"Is there any problem?"

Axue shook her head and nodded.

The bloodthirsty demon vine was confused. What on earth did this mean? How could humans be so complicated even with children.

Axue was originally too busy practicing to take care of the spiritual plants in the space. She didn't expect that the bloodthirsty demon vine would give her such a big surprise.

Axue looked at the bloodthirsty demon vine excitedly and praised happily,"Little demon, you are simply the most powerful demon vine, so great!" The bloodthirsty demon vine was relieved to hear Axue praising itself, and said proudly,"I am the most powerful demon vine, of course I am the best."

Axue nodded quickly,"Yes, you are the best"

"From now on, the spiritual plants here will be left to you to take care of. When they are ripe, just collect them and put them in the jade box."

"That's no problem, Master, don't worry."

Okay, Ah Xue took out the monster bugs she had just obtained and put them in the jade box.

"Master, why do you catch this kind of thing?"

Axue chuckled and said,"Of course it's for bad things. I'll need it in the future."


"Okay, Xiaoyao, I'm going to go find my senior brother. I'll leave the space to you."

"Good master, your senior brother is very powerful"

"Well, the senior brother is very powerful."

Ah Xue knew what the bloodthirsty demon vine meant, but what did it matter?

As long as he was her senior brother and as long as he treated her well, what else mattered?

Ah Xue came out of the space and came to the Jianfeng Hall.

Seeing her coming, Ye Chenxi handed her a disciple uniform and her token,"Here is your token and disciple uniform.

The points are all on it, a total of 621 points.

" After Ah Xue put them away, he picked her up and flashed directly to the bottom of the waterfall last time, and threw Ah Xue under the waterfall,"There is a reinforced formation in this waterfall.

You didn't open it the first time you tried it last time.

This time, the senior brother will open the formation, and you can't come out until the junior sister breaks the formation.


Axue nodded. She was used to the training method of her senior brother. No, it should be the training method of the entire Jianfeng.

Ye Chenxi stretched out his right hand and pointed his finger. A spell shot to a formation plate next to the waterfall, and the formation plate was activated.

Ye Chenxi threw out a defense formation and a hidden formation. Axue and the waterfall in front of him disappeared instantly.

After doing all this, Ye Chenxi looked up at the sky,"I don't know which ancestor is this?""

"Come to Jianfeng Hall quickly."

A voice came, Ye Chenxi had already heard it was Elder Xuanzhen, and flashed to the hall. There was a middle-aged man sitting in the hall.

"Disciple has met Grandmaster Xuan Zhen"

"Hahaha………I haven't seen Jianfeng for a long time. His cultivation has improved. Not bad."

"Why did the ancestor come?"

"I heard that there is a little girl in your Jianfeng who has contracted with the Son of Fire Phoenix and needs protection. I happened to be free, so I came to take a look."

Ye Chenxi's mind moved. It would be good to have an old ancestor to protect her secretly. The master and the grandmaster are in seclusion, and the uncle has gone somewhere. Now Jianfeng is alone, and it is really difficult to take care of her.

"Thank you, Master Xuanzhen. I hope you will take care of me in the future."

"Well, you can tell me so much, it seems that this little girl is not bad."

""Junior sister is very good," but a little silly, which is quite a headache.

Ancestor Xuanzhen looked at Ye Chenxi meaningfully and said,"Whether the son of the Fire Phoenix is a blessing or a curse depends entirely on personal fate."

"It not only has the opportunity to evolve into a divine beast, but it is also related to the relationship between Xuantian Sect and Wan Yao Mountain, and it is also likely to involve the spiritual world.…………"

"So don't complain that the sect has specially sent people to protect her. We will not monitor her. As long as she is not on the verge of life and death, I will not intervene, nor will I inquire into or disclose her personal privacy."

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