Xuan Zhen's words were a show of loyalty to Jian Feng. Although Jian Feng didn't have many people, their fighting power was top notch in Xuan Tian Zong. The previous masters of Jian Feng had made great contributions to Xuan Tian Zong during the battles with the demons. Even now, every time they went to the secret realm, Jian Feng had also seized a large amount of resources for Xuan Tian Zong.

Putting these aside, Jian Feng's protective nature, if he didn't explain it clearly, this kid in front of him would fight to the death with him.

Ye Chenxi nodded and saluted solemnly to Xuan Ling,"I'll have to trouble old Grandmaster Xuan Zhen to take care of me in the future."

"Junior sister's retreat will last for about two to three years. After she comes out, she should go down the mountain to practice on her own."

"Yes, I will accompany you secretly when the time comes, you can rest assured"

"Then I'll come back after she comes out of retreat."

Xuan Zhen disappeared after he finished speaking.

Ah Xue in the sword formation was under the strong impact of the waterfall, trying hard to dodge the water arrows flying from all directions. The first level of Qinglian Sword Technique was obviously no match for her.

Ah Xue thought of the second level of sword technique that she had learned here last time, using softness to overcome hardness, combining hardness and softness.

Slowly changing her moves, immersed in the mystery of swordsmanship, she didn't even notice the many scratches on her body. It was getting easier and easier to move under the waterfall. She flew up into the air and moved her wrist. The Wood Spirit Sword gently lifted the flying water sword. Luo Di waved his hand, and the Wood Spirit Sword drew a circle with the water arrows flying from all directions with Ah Xue as the origin, and then swung it to a place at random.


There was a loud noise, water splashed everywhere, and a short-term fault formed under the waterfall.

Ah Xue's mouth curled up slightly,"So this is using the opponent's force to counter the opponent's force."

Then he continued to swing the Wood Spirit Sword in his hand, and the speed was so fast that it seemed like the wind was blowing and the sword was invisible. In the ever-changing, the figure flashed, and only the sword light was seen, but not the person.

The figure flashed, and the sword light followed, Ah Xue kept thinking in her heart…………Use softness to overcome hardness, use stillness to overcome movement, strike first after being struck, and use a little force to move a thousand pounds.

As time passed quickly, Axue became more and more mentally strong, holding her chest and pulling her back, sinking her shoulders and dropping her elbows, and stretching her movements.

The Qinglian sword technique also contains its internal energy and external form, combining movement and stillness, and containing spirit and energy.

A wooden spirit sword was wielded like flowing water, continuously.

With a sound of waves in the dantian, it broke through the middle stage of foundation building.

Axue was delighted. She broke through so quickly. It was less than a year since she had built her foundation, and she had broken through to the middle stage of foundation building. She had practiced swordsmanship almost enough, and now she had to find a way to break the formation.

Jianfeng sword formation, you have to break it yourself before you can get out, because in the world of cultivation, you can not set up the formation, but you must not be unable to break the formation. For more than half a year, Axue has been staying in Jianfeng for retreat, and Ye Qiuqian and others in the outer gate have also been training and practicing outside without stopping for a moment, but among the few people, Liu Axue is missing and Liu Ada is added.

In a forest in the back mountain, several people were besieged by a group of fire rats because they stole the colorful grass guarded by the fire rat king. Colorful grass, also known as the demon-luring grass, has thirteen round cylindrical curled leaves, and only one leaf can bloom every hundred years. This grass can emit a strange smell, which can attract demon beasts below level eight.

Its biggest function is to promote the reproduction of demon beasts, and it can also be used to lure and kill demon beasts.

At this time, several people were surrounded by fire rats. Each fire rat had black fur with red, soft and shiny, and a mouthful of sharp teeth could be seen in its open mouth.

Each fire rat was grinning at the humans who stole the treasure. If they were bitten by them accidentally, they would definitely be torn off a large piece of flesh and blood.

The fat fire rats, which were about thirty centimeters long, could not only attack from the ground, but they could also jump up and attack from the front or even from above their heads.

Wei Yingzhe looked at the flying fire rats and quickly cast several entanglement spells in the air to prevent them from approaching.

"Everyone, be careful, don't let the fire rats fall on you."

Ye Qiuqian clenched the sword in his hand and stood in the front to resist the crazy attack of the fire rats.

Ye Qiuqian waved the sword in his hand one after another. Each sword was faintly wrapped with a powerful sword light, which had great destructive power. Wherever the sword light went, the fire rats were split in half.

Wei Yingzhe said in surprise,"Senior Brother Ye's swordsmanship is getting stronger and stronger, and he is almost catching up with Junior Sister Liu."

A smile flashed in Ye Qiuqian's eyes,"It's far from Junior Sister Liu. Junior Sister Liu directly realized the sword meaning, and I only have a little shadow of the sword light."

"Stop talking nonsense and be serious."

Yuan Liangji was shocked and sincerely admired Ye Qiuqian. Sister Liu was a direct disciple and had the personal guidance of the master and senior brothers, while Senior Brother Ye was an ordinary outer disciple, but he could practice sword skills with his own efforts and understanding. He was a genius.

Sword intent is divided into six realms: sword whistle, sword energy, sword light, sword aura, sword power, and sword intent.

The speed of swinging a sword is extremely fast, and the whistle caused by the vibration of the sword itself is called sword whistle; the airflow formed by the speed being accelerated again can hurt the enemy and increase the range of attack, which is called sword energy; the sword energy is attached to the sword at will by the sword cultivator, which is called sword light; the sword energy is condensed into a solid entity again, which is called sword aura; the mental willpower is attached to the sword aura to form sword power; the sword power is condensed to the extreme, which is called sword intent.

"Liangji, be careful!"

Ye Qiuqian, who was on the right side of Yuan Liangji, suddenly swung a sword to the left quickly. The sword passed by Yuan Liangji's right arm, and a fat fire rat's body fell to the ground at Yuan Liangji's feet.

"What are you daydreaming about?"

Yuan Liangji's heart skipped a beat, and cold sweat broke out on his back. Before he could say thank you, he looked up and saw a fire rat with its mouth wide open, jumping down from the tree and biting Ye Qiuqian's neck.

""Brother Ye, be careful!"

Ye Qiuqian also heard the noise and hurriedly ducked to avoid it. Seeing that he could not avoid it, Yuan Liangji's heart was about to rise to his throat.

At this critical moment, with a puff, a green wooden arrow pierced through the belly of the flame rat from the side and knocked it to the ground.

"Senior Brother Ye, Senior Brother Yuan, are you okay?"


"Thank you, Brother Liu"

"Don't be distracted, there are too many rats, it's hard to guard against them"



Ye Qiuqian said calmly,"Let's adjust the team. Three people stand in the middle to attack from above, and three people stand outside to attack from the ground."

"Okay, Yingzhe and I both know how to stab, we'll go outside," Liu Yuanliang and Wei Yingzhe stood outside, while Yuan Liangji, Shi Tie and Liu Ada stood inside.



The morale of several people was shaken. Ye Qiuqian no longer cared about the fire rats falling from above, and left the rear to his companions. He swung his sword, and wherever the powerful sword light went, a large number of fire rats fell to the ground. He was definitely the main fighting force of this team.

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